The Day to Me, Or so I Thought

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"RAVEN!!! RAVEN ARE YOU OKAY?!!" Christian yelled once he entered my room. He sat down next to me. I took my face out of my pillow, wow I must look like a total wreck. Christian left the room, about a minute later he comes back with a bunch of movies, a box of tissues, and like 5 pints of ice cream. It's crazy how much he knows me.

"Now, What happened?" Christian said handing me a tissue.

"You were wrong" I simply said. He looked confused, so I explained what had happened between Chase and I.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!! THAT LITTLE SHIT!!!!" Christian yelled. This made me laugh.

"Why am I crying so hard for him? I never even loved him!!!"

"I don't know, girls are weird, especially you!! Who knows you probably did like that turd deep down inside. You just don't want to admit it" Christian said with a grin. I started tearing up.

"It's alright, don't cry... Wana know why you shouldn't cry?"


"'Cause it attracts the... TICKLE MONSTER!!!" Christian yelled. He tickled me for a few seconds then let go.

"See, I can always make you smile!!"

"Your so mean to me!!!" I said sarcastically. I couldn't stop the huge smile from dancing across my face!!!

"Don't worry, forget about that jerk!! Ima make sure he doesn't see the sun again!!!" Christian said. He looked REALLY serious and sounded REALLY pissed.

"Awwwe... Your so sweet!!!"

"C'mon!!! Let's build a fort!!!" Christian joyfully said.

"Kay..." this was our all time biggest fort we have ever made!!! Once we were done, Christian showed me the bunch of movies and let me pick which one we were going to watch. I chose 'Napoleon Dynamite' we both LOVE that movie!!! We watch the movie, while eating ice cream. I slowly drifted off to sleep...

When I woke up Christian was in his own section of the fort, or should I call it his room, it was so big. I crawled over to him and woke him up. We went to the kitchen and ate some captain crunch!!! My all time favorite cereal. Hmmmm, that's weird, its like one in the afternoon, my parents should have been back by now. I called my mom and apparently, there's a really bad storm coming and that the flight was delayed. She asked our neighbors to watch us till they get home. Which is most likely next week. I honestly don't know why my parents would leave our neighbors in charge of us. They just graduated from college and are just chilling around their house. But they're cool, so they won't mind if we threw another party if we wanted to, as long as they were invited. Shit,I think they were at the last one!!! Either way, more me time.

"Hey wana hang today?" I ask.

"Sure!!" Christian happily said. Christian stays over so much that he has his own closet!!! It's full of stuff he will need in case he just randomly decided to stay over!!! As Christian took a shower, I realized that Alexa wasn't home last night or now. She probably got knocked up and is naked in a bed with Marlon somewhere. As i went to call her, I saw that Chase had blown up my phone. 129 texts from him and 38 missed calls!! DAMN!!! I didn't reply though, just deleted all of it. As I was about to get ready, I heard the doorbell. Alexa probably forgot her keys again.

"Alexa!! Hey, hope you don't mind Chris-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, I realized that it wasn't Alexa standing at my door. It was Chase.

"Hey um, you left Boomie at my place yesterday" Chase said handing me his leash. Boomie ran inside.

"Don't worry my mom took very good care of him. She walked him, fed him, even played with him. I snuck him a few treats, hope you don't mind" Chase said with a fake smile on his face. It was obvious that he could tell that I was crying. He looked straight into my puffy eyes.

"Don't try to act like nothing happened yesterday!!! Don't talk to me no more!!" I slammed the door in his face before he had a chance to say anything. Damn, I wanted to say so much more to him.

"RAVEN PLEASE!!!" Chase said while banging on the door. "JUST GO HOME CHASE!!!!!" I yelled and ran upstairs to my room. I got dressed and fixed my hair. I put make up on to make it look like I haven't been crying. The moment I finished, Christian walked in. He was done getting ready. Everything accept his hair. Oh my god!!! Christian knows me soo well!!! He memorized what my make up looks like when I've been crying!!! And the fact I only did this like two or three times scares me. Once he saw my tear-make up, he tried to lighten the mood.

"Hey, do my hair will ya'?" Christian said with an evil grin on his face


"'Cause I can feed you and I'm driving"

"SOOO WHAT KIND OF DUE WOULD YOU LIKE TODAY?!!" I say while inviting him into a chair. He laughs then sits down

"Brush the back, spike the front!!"

"Kay!!!" I yelled. After 10 minutes of me trying to spike his hair, it came out like really bad. HOW DO GUYS DO THIS?!! Christian wound up doing his own hair, as I washed the gel out of my hands. I grabbed my bag and we were out. It was obvious that Christian was trying to give me the best day ever. And, I didn't stop him!!

First we went ice skating. Christian made fun of how much I fell. He's good at ice skating because he does ice hockey. That's why he's so strong. Then we went to an arcade. We went there so much that the owner gave us discounts for the whole year. I forced him to play some dancing game. We were tied. Then we played ski-ball, where I broke our tie. But when it came to guitar hero, he totally beat me. Then we drove to the mall, where we went shopping.

"C'mon!!! You need some new clothes!!! I'm tired of seeing those rags everyday!!!" I say to Christian

"Oh wow, thanks!!" Christian sarcastically said

"Your welcome!!!" Christian took me to the store that he usually shops at.

"OH MY GAWD!!! CHRIS!!!! This store has so many amazing clothes!!! Why don't you ever buy any?!!"

"I don't know, I just don't"

"Well that's all gona change!!" I grabbed a bunch of clothes and shoved him into the fitting room. We wound up buying ALL of them. We walked out of there with bags filled with leather jackets, hoodies, jeans, shirts, and some rocking Adidas shoes!!! I even bought him a new Yankee hat!!! It was like $150!!!! But I didn't care!! After all I have been through, Christian has been there with me. He deserves it.

"Ugh, I just remembered, I need some new gym clothes and some tennis balls" I say (I play tennis)

"Alright, follow me. There's a Models on the other side of mall" Christian said dragging me there, I guess he had some stuff he had to buy there to. And I was write, as I was looking for tennis balls, Christian was looking at basketballs. We both bought what we wanted then left. There's a gym right across from Models, and guess who walked right out of it. No not Chase. Worse. It was Ryan.

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