The Prank

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IT'S FRIDAY!!! Yay!!

Well today at school, things went completely back to normal. Looks like little Chrisie was wrong about this so called 'Date'!!!

Oh my god!! Like all day people have been complimenting and hitting on me because of the party on Wednesday!!! I FEEL SO SPECIAL!!!! (lol) seriously like all day people have been like:

"Yo nice party", "HIT ME UP NEXT TIME U GONA PARTY!!", "Hey soo you doin anything tonight?", "HEY!!! CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT PARTY!!!"


Damn, I got sooo wasted!!!

"RAVEN!!! HEY RAVEN!!!" Sam and Angie called out. Today is my last day seeing them for a whole month!!!


"IKR!!! Sooo tell me... Where were you yesterday?!!"

"too wasted to come to school" not telling them about Chase...

"Wow, I never seen get so high at a party!!" Angie shouted

"Well you know what, I hope you went all out just like I did"

"Ya well... Raven after lunch Angie and I are leaving. We gota get home and pack then catch the plane"

"WHAT?!! Awwwwwe.... This is gona be our last lunch together for a while isn't it?"

"Ya..." Sam said


"sorry... LET'S GO TO LUNCH, THEIR SERVING ICE CREAM-" Before I could even finish my sentence, Angie grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hallway screaming "ICE CREAM!!!!"

She really likes ice cream.

The moment I walked into the cafeteria Chase picked me up and carried me to the table.... Of course....

"Good job my friend!! You are officially apart of the group!!" Will said as Chase sat me down at the table. I've noticed that Sam and Angie aren't that crazy for him anymore. (YAY!!!) but they still drool over his face (Awe...)

As Angie and I got up to get lunch, Chase's group of badboys pulled him out of the table. They looked like they were talking about something, something important. Because Chase's face was mad serious. The head of the group, Ryan, I think it was, whispered something in Chase's ear. His eyes widened. Then they all walked away leaving Chase there. With grins on their faces. Chase walked back to the table and acted like nothing happened. I guess it was nothing. I bought Angie some ice cream and we went back to the table. I wanted to ask Chase what they wanted but it was none of my business, I didn't want to seem nosy...

When I got home, I decided to take Boomie for a walk. Since I was going to pass Chase's house I decided to stop by. I rang the doorbell then Sandy answered.

"Well hello Raven!!! HI BOOMIE!!! What can I do ya' for?" Sandy asked.

"Nothing, I just came to hang with Chase"

"Oh well okay, he's up in his room, I'll watch Boomie for you!!"

"Okay, Thanks Sandy!!!" I said while running upstairs. As I walked towards the door, I heard people talking. It sounded like Chase and Ryan. Before I could even stop to listen to what they're saying, all I hear is, "Just get her to trust you!!" Ryan said. 'Oh they best not be talkin bout me!!' I thought. This was totally wrong, but I pressed my ear against the door and listened to what they were saying.

"Trust me!!! This will be the best prank ever!!!" Ryan said.

"Prank?" I whispered

"Okay man, by the way I think she already does trust me!!" Chase said.

"GOOD!!! So you got the plan?"

"Ya I got it" Chase said, sounding really happy!! I didn't even want to know what the plan was!!!

"Oh and one more thing, what's her name again?"

"Raven.... Something..." Chase said, sounding confused. After all I just heard, the fact he barely remembered my name officially broke me!!! I made a small wheeping noise, and apparently they heard. Because Chase swung open the door. "RAVEN?!!" I ran sobbing. I could barely see through my tears!!!

"RAVEN!!!! WAIT!!!!" Chase yelled as I ran out the house. I past Christian's house, he saw me running in Tears and immediately started chasing after me. Luckily Chase stopped running after me. I ran into my house and pounced right into my bed... This is the hardest I have ever cried.

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