I Guess it's a Yes

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My eyes slowly fluttered open. I was in my bed. I rolled over to look at the time. It was 4 in the afternoon. I was still in my concert clothes. I looked around and realized Christian wasn't here. He must have left last night.

I stood up and slowly walked to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of Captain Crunch. I picked up my bowl of cereal and walked to the living room. Alexa was sitting on Marlon's lap. They were watching the movie 'Brave Heart'.

"Morning!" I said, ready for Alexa to go off on me.

"Sup! Did you have fun last night?" Alexa asked. Surprising the shit out of me.

"Um... Ya..."


"That's it? No yelling? No smacks? No crazy long and boring lectures?"

"Nope, Your a natural idiot, I should have seen this coming" Alexa sarcastically said. She winked at me.

Alexa stood up and walked over to me. She grabbed both my hands and said, "If you truly do love him, go after him!! I'm not gona stop you. But if he does anything funny, tell me, and I'll go kick his ass. Then your's, for taking him back in the first place"

I laughed, "Thank you" I said. I put my cereal down, grabbed Boomie and ran out the door. I ran all the way to Chase's house.

I excitedly knocked on Chase's door. Sandy answered.

"HEYYY!!!" I happily said, hugging Sandy. I don't know why, but I was suddenly so happy!! Talk about weird mood swings!!

"Oh, um... Hey honey!! How you been?" Sandy asked, sounding a little startled.


"Um... Ya, he's up in his room. He's still sleeping, he was really tired from the concert last night" Sandy asked, sounding a little confused.

"YES THANK YOU!!" I said.

"Are you sure you wana see him? Last time we had a conversation like this, you wound up running out of here crying. And you left your dog"

"Hopefully we don't see a re-run of that scene. And thanks for reminding me!! Can you watch Boomie for a bit? I knew how much you loved him and all, and he really likes Star so, I figured it would be nice to bring him" I said, stepping aside, revealing Boomie.

"OH YES!!! I would be more than happy to!!" Sandy said. And with that I ran upstairs to Chase's room.

Sandy was right, he was asleep. I ran up to his bed and did a huge belly flop on top of him.

"AAAHHHH!!!!!" Chase screamed.

"WAKEY WAKEY!!!!" I said. I was so acting 5 years old right now.

"Raven?" He said, looking at me with red tired eyes.

"YUP!!! It's me!! Who else could it be?! 'Cause there's one and only, Raven!! The one who is the most sexy!!" I said, trying to rhyme.

"Ya, I can see that. Besides it looks like your still tired to. Your still in your clothes from last night, your make up is jacked up and so is your hair. And your eyes are red"

"Okay, so maybe I should get back to bed!!" I said, still trying to rhyme. I didn't give Chase a chance to say anything before I crawled under the blankets and snuggled against his warm, shirtless body.

Oh wait a minute... HE'S NOT WEARING A SHIRT!! Or pants for that matter!! Yum....

I laid my head on his arm. Our legs were tangled together. He put one hand on my head and the other rubbed small circles on my back. Which slowly put me to sleep.

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