Why Now?

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Okay, its been a week since the whole Chase drama and Ryan crashing at my place thing.

And Christian has been treating my like royalty. Its fabulous!!! all week we've been like those lovey dovey couples. I have to say, this is the best week of my entire life!!

Chase has been eye balling us all week to, its kinda creepy....

AND...Everybody seems to be totally shocked about us being a couple now.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH!!!!! WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Will shouted, when he saw Christian and I kissing infront of my locker.

I gota admit, it was kinda dumb for us to make out here, usually the guys come to my locker at the end of third period, right before lunch, so they can get first dibs on whoever gets to carry me.

I feel like a toy.

"Wow, you just noticed, you idiot?! Dude, we've been dating all week" Christian stated.

I giggled, seeing Will's surprised face. And you know what made it, like a kabillion times better? Diana punching Will in the back of the head!!

"Dahell is wrong with you?!" Diana yelled.

"Whats wrong with ME?! whats wrong with YOU?! what was that for dammit?!" Will said, rubbing the back of his head.

"I was hoping that if I could punch you hard enough, you would no longer be the worlds biggest dumbass!!! the hell is wrong with you?! how did you miss the most beautiful couple known to mankind?!"

"What am I suppose to read their minds?!"


Blah blah blah... I barely remember the rest of this retarded argument, to busy kissing a hot babe.


Yes!! its friday!!! finally!! Christian and I decided to walk home from school today.

Well... sorta, he walked. I sat on his shoulders.


"Yes?!" I said, barely paying attention, I was to busy trying to catch a butterfly.

"You know how you told Chase to come back when he's ready to tell you how he really feels?"

Well that brought me back to earth and out of butterfly land.

"Ya, what about it?" I said, concerned.

"What if he actually does? What are we gona do?"

I started to play with his soft, wavy hair.

"I don't know... what do you think I should do? I mean... I love you, I don't even know how I feel about Chase anymore"

"Well, I don't want to the one to hold you back... Tell you what, if Chase ever does come clean, we can take... a break from our relationship. Then you give him one last chance. If you realize you love him then you and I will officially break up,and be friends, if you still don't love him, then we can get back together and even bang if you want. Sound good?" Christian asked.

I laughed at the last part.

"Mmm-kay!!! I doubt that plan will ever spring into action though. Chase is to much of a pussie to tell me how he feels" I laughed, knowing its true.

"Good, that means your all mine!!" Christian said.

We decided to crash at Christians house this time. I love it because he has a huge heated pool!! And I was about to get in that.

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