The Speech That Left Me Speechless

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I drove up to the park, then parked my car.

I walked towards the duck pond, where the bench we sat at was.

Thats weird... Chase wasn't here. It was 8:05!!!

"Ugh!!! Did he seriously just play me like that?!" I yelled, turning around, about to walk back to my car.

"Hey!!! Where you goin?!" I heard a voice say. Then something lifted me into the air and into the willow tree. You know, the one Christian and I fool around in?

"EEEKKKK!!!!!!" I screamed. Not knowing what is happening.

"SSSHHHH!!!!! People are going to think I'm raping you or something" Chase laughed.

I looked up to see Chase with a huge smile plastered onto his face.

I was on his lap, in the tree. I started giggling, then laughing. I couldn't help it!!

"Oh... OOHH!!! Is that laughing I hear? Oh, are you laughing?! Hmm?!" Chase said, poking me.

"Sh-Shut up!!" I said, trying to calm down.

Chase started laughing at me. Then we were both laughing.

We stopped laughing after a minute or so.

"So!! A little birdy told me that you were finally ready to tell me whats on your mind!!" I said. Slidding off his lap. I threw one of my legs over the branch and leaned my back against the tree. Making myself nice and comfy. Who knows how long this is going to take.

"Ya, um, that little birdy was right..." Chase layed down on the branch, I think he was blushing. Awe.

"Well?" I asked.

"Ima just come right out and say it!!! I love you... words can't explain it. You have no idea how sorry I am!! I never thought that I would actually fall in love with you. Ryan never actually told me his whole plan until that day you heard us speaking!! I swear!! After you ran back to your house, I went back to Ryan and told him there was no way I was going through with his plan!!! I just wanted you to know that!! Look Raven, I love you more than life itself!!! I always want to be with you!! I love you, I love everything about you, your smile, your laugh, your personality, your style, your face!! Oh holy lord of jesus I love your face!!! The list is endless!! I think your beautiful inside and out. I love how you don't care what people think of you. And most of all, I love who I am when I'm with you!! You make me feel so happy!! When your around, I feel like I can freaking fly, I love you!!! I so very badly love you!! I adore you!!! I just can't get you out of my mind!! I'm a total asshole, I'm a walking bag of shit!! I'm any name you think I am or that you've called me!! I so agree!!! Trying to take an advantage of you was the biggest dick move I've ever made!! Raven, can you forgive me?" He looked up at me, with sympathetic eyes.

"Awe... baby... your blushing" Chase said, sitting up.

*Omg... I am?!* I thought. I mean seriously. His whole speech left me speechless.

"Your so cute" Chase said. Pushing my hair behind my ear. He leaned his forehead against mine and stared into my eyes.

Omg... I'm melting inside.

"I-I... I don't know what to say..." I said looking down.

He put his hand on my chin and guided my face back to his.

"Well you can take baby steps and say you'll give me another chance to redeem myself. Or, if you want, you can take a huge leap of faith and start dating me right now!!!" Chase said, smirking.

"How about baby steps?" I playfully pushed him away and climbed to the branch above us. Then I hung upside down. Chase just sat there staring at me.

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