Chapter Two

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"She's here." I smiled at Bella.

Our daughter, Renesmees twin that we didn't even know about until a week ago was due to arrive today and everyone was so excited. Especially Renesmee. I could hear everyone's thoughts as they cooed and marveled at her. I saw her through Rosalies thoughts as she accessed her clothing.

She was beautiful. She looked exactly like Renesmee, besides her emerald green eyes that pulled immediate attraction to her.

"She's gorgeous." I smiled down at Bella.

"Wait! Did you say she's here!" Renesmee suddenly appeared in the clearing, her hair wind blown and her cheeks flushed deeper than usual.

"Yes she is, but remember, you promised to wait outside until we could introduce you two. We don't know how she feels about us yet." I smiled at her enthusiasm and prayed that her new sister would share it.

"I understand Daddy, she's used to scary, evil Volturi members right?" She laughed and I smiled at her again.

"Right." I laughed.

"Let's go." Bella smiled and took my hand in hers.

We got to the house and I heard her say that blood makes her pass out.

"You get that from your mother." I laughed coming around the corner into the main entry way. I stopped dead in my tracks. She was so enchanting. She was lovely through everyone's thoughts but her charm was multiplied in person. Everything about her just gave an impression of class and etiquette.

"Edward!" Bella hit my arm playfully and smiled.

"It's true Bella and you know it!" I smiled back at her

I couldn't believe it. My daughter here. Right in front of me, close enough for me to run and hug her, to hold her close to me and never let her go, and I just stood here watching her.

"Hello." Bella smiled at her

"Ciao." She smiled back in a very familiar crooked little grin, everyone's thoughts were screaming how alike her and I were and they all started laughing.

"What? Italian is my first language." She smirked.

We just stared at each other. Both of us not really believing that the other was real yet. Her eyes sparkled and then I realized she was crying silent tears and I started to panic.

Why was such a lovely angelic thing like Melody crying?

I looked down at Bella with a confused expression.

She's overjoyed to meet us Edward and she's a little overwhelmed. Comfort her. Bella put her shield down and told me through her thoughts.
She sighed and pushed me towards a still crying Melody.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her, my long arms wound around her little frame, and it just made her cry harder. I looked to Esme with a panicked expression. They all looked very worried about her as well...until she latched onto my neck and hugged me even tighter.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to the whole hugging thing. I think these last two days events caught up with me." She giggled wiping her eyes with the back of her delicate hand.

"Don't apologize." I smiled at her and wiped away the last of the tears in a swift movement.

"You all are a little too wonderful. I don't really think I believe you're real yet." She giggled and everyone laughed along.

"We could say the same about you." Bella smiled and wrapped her arms around our new daughter.

Melody looked up at me and smiled fondly. What? I didn't say anything. I just thought about her and her mother.

"You called me your daughter. That's why I was smiling at you." She hugged Bella tightly and stepped away.

"Wait. You read minds?" I asked her in disbelief.

"Yes, it's a strange trait of mine. We never really have figured out how I got it."

"Dude! She's just like you!" Emmet clamped a hand down on my shoulder. "You get it from your pops!" Emmet smiled at her and she looked at me with curious eyes.

"I read minds too. It's my gift." I smiled at her.

"Oh, it's not my real gift, just another one I guess." She looked at the floor "My name is Melody for a reason." She grinned.

"Will you show us?" Carlisle asked curiously and I realized how alike he and Melody were too. Both very curious and seemingly quiet and composed.

"Later I will, I'm dying to meet this sister of mine." She smiled and my heart melted.

"She's dying to meet you too!" I smiled.

"Renesmee! You can come in now!" Alice cheered.

A figure blurred in and suddenly Melody was wound tightly in Renesmees arms. Renesmee looked like she was squeezing her with all of her might as she squealed and Melody giggled.

"It so incredibly wonderful to meet you!" Renesmee cheered while swinging her around and set her back onto her feet carefully.

"I really am not used to this whole hugging thing!" Melody laughed while she tried to gain her balance back.

"Get used to it sis!" Renesmee laughed and threw her arms around her again, this time softly, and Melody wrapped her arms around Ness in return.

Alice took a quick picture and every one of my family members looked so happy to see them together.

"Happy late birthday!" Renesmee giggled when they stepped apart and she pulled out a small wrapped present from her back pocket.

Melody looked surprised at first and then she turned to her bag laying on the ground besides her.

"Happy late birthday to you too." She smiled and held out a small box wrapped in silver wrapping paper.

"Melody! You didn't have too!" Renesmee exclaimed.

"Neither did you. I guess twins really do think alike." She smiled at her "Now open mine first." She pushed the box into Renesmees hand.

Renesmee opened it carefully, when she opened the lid to the box, inside was a silver charm bracelet like the ones on Melodys wrist.

"Oh! It's beautiful!" She cooed and hugged Melody. It had a handful of charms on it. The biggest one was a delicate looking silver wolf.

"You really like it? I'm so glad. I love supernatural things and I hoped you did too. My charm bracelets mean a lot to me so I thought it could be something I could share with you." Melody explained and Renesmee hugged her tightly again.

"I love supernatural things. We kinda are one." Renesmee laughed and Melody giggled in her musical tone in response.

"Now open yours." Renesmee pushed the box into into Melodys hands like she had done to her.

Melody carefully opened the lid.

It was a Cullen crest necklace and matching bracelet cuff like mine.

"Welcome to the family." Renesmee hugged her very sweetly and the small tear that slid down Melodys cheek did not go unnoticed.

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