Chapter Three

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"So Melody, tell us about yourself." Esme smiled sweetly as we all settled down in the living room. I sat on the couch and Renesmee sat on one side of me and my father sat on the other.

"Oh...well. There's not much to tell." I smiled sadly.

"What do you like to do in your free time?" Carlisle asked me trying to help me.

"Read mostly, study really. I don't have a lot of free time. I stay on a pretty tight schedule." I answered truthfully.

"Well then, what's your schedule like?" Alice asked.

"Busy." I laughed "I stay in training mostly, multiple hours at a time with hour intervals where I have either lunch, schooling, Volturi meetings, or visits with my fath-Aro." I caught myself and my words did not go unnoticed.

"You do sound busy." Alice laughed sadly.

"Don't you ever get time for yourself?" Renesmee asked.

"Sure, I mean, I have meals alone, an hour for bathing and vanity a day, and when I sleep..."

"No, Melody, I meant for shopping or reading or just taking time to be alone." Renesmee cut me off and I had no reply to that.

"Well, Melody, what's some basic information about you?" Jasper asked.

"My full name is Elizabeth Melody Masen. I have a gift that revolves around music so I've always sang. When I was a baby I used to coo and make pretty noises so that's where they got Melody and why I'm called that mostly. I still make noises in my sleep when I'm troubled. And my parents..." I paused realizing that the basic information I knew was false "You know what, I think that's everything that's not a lie about me." I spoke through my teeth.

"It's okay Melody." Edward rubbed my arm.

"It's not okay." I glared down at the floor realizing for the first time how truly terrible my life was "They never loved me, they never cared, they just kept me busy so I wouldn't realize I was kept prisoner!" Angry tears stated to form "Everything about my life has revolved around lies. He dared to call me his figlia piccola! I'm not his little daughter!" I was crying hot angry tears and Edward pulled me into his arms tightly.

"Shh, it's okay. Your safe from them now. Aro will never call you his daughter while I'm still here. You are mine. You have always been mine. You are a Cullen and a Cullen you will always stay." He hugged me tightly and I melted in his embrace.

"Grazie, you don't know how much that means to me." I smiled up at him.

"I think now might be a good time to display this gift you sound so proud of." Carlisle smiled at me and Emmet hooted in response to the challenge.

"If you think you all can handle it." I smirked and moved to the front of the room.

"My gift is very complicated and no one knows much about it. My voice compels people to do things but only with certain rhythms. Its difficult to explain fully so I'll just show you. I need a volunteer though, someone not afraid of a little pain." I smiled and Emmet jumped up from his seat across the room.

"Give me your best shot munchkin number two." He winked at me and I hummed to steady my voice.

I began singing Eyes On Fire by Blue Foundation for the dramatic effect.

One more word and you won't survive
And I'm not scared
Of your stolen power
I see right through you any hour

After making the connection with my sound waves to his mind, I began to start the show...

I won't soothe your pain

He fell to his knees with an expression of pain.

I won't ease your strain

His skin stretched tightly over his face.

You'll be waiting in vain

Every vein was showing through his skin.

I got nothing for you to gain

I dropped the tune and he straightened out quickly looking shaken up.

"Woo!" He cheered "That wasn't so bad." He tried to brush it off but I saw right through him.

"Should I continue the song? It gets pretty nasty. Eyes catch fire, spine, everything goes up in flame. Not pretty." I shook my head and he ran from the room quickly and we all laughed at him.

"That was amazing!" Bella cheered and I curtsied dramatically causing a round of applause and laughter.

"Does it only work in a pain aspect  or does it work with other situations?" Carlisle asked.

"I can do just about anything with it. As long as there's a song I can relate with what I'm trying to do." I told him and he smiled at me.

"I can show you more sometime if you'd like?" I offered and his excitement was endearing.

"That sounds wonderful!" He cheered.

Renesmee and I yawned at the exact same time and we both giggled.

"Let's show Melody to her room!" Rosalie exclaimed and shot out the back door.

"Mom, daddy, and I live in a little cottage not too far from here. Alice redecorated my room so we could share it!" Renesmee grabbed my arm and started pulling me along with the rest of the family.

"Renesmee, you don't have to share your room with me. I'd be fine on the couch or something." I told her truthfully and she smiled.

"I want too. I want to get all of the time I can with you Melody!" She smiled as we approached a quaint little cottage in the woods where everyone was gathered talking quietly and laughing.

Edward grabbed my shoulders as Alice tied a blindfold over my eyes. He led me through the house and stopped me in a doorway.

"Welcome home!" Everyone cheered as Renesmee slipped the blindfold off and gestured to our room grandly.

It was beautiful! Decorated in white for a base color with the right half of the room having pink accents and the other half having black accents.

There were two queen beds. One with pink pillows and a pastel pink comforter and the other with black pillows and a dark grey comforter. There where two separate closets that stood directly across the room from each other, one door was pink and the other was black. String lights hung from the ceiling casting a peaceful light over the room. The far facing wall had a beautiful bay window with window seats. Half pink pillows and half black.

"Oh my...Its beautiful!" Tears brimmed my eyes. I have never cried this much.

"Hope you like black, I thought you might being in the Volturi and...everything." Alice rubbed my shoulders.

"I love black. Thank you so much Aunty Alice." I hugged her tightly and she squeezed me so tight I thought I might pass out.

"Time for bed girls." Edward smiled and Renesmee jumped across the room and landed in the middle of her fluffy pink comforter causing everyone to laugh.

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