Chapter Thirteen

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Immediately after Grampa Carlisle asked Nonna what the monster is she shut down.
The monster took over her and it tried to attack Carlisle. I rushed forward and snapped her neck quickly earning shocked expressions from my family members.

"It's okay." I breathed heavily "I'm trained for this. She'll be okay." I tried to get air into my lungs. Snapping a vampires neck was a very hard thing to do, especially if you were only part vampire yourself.

"How exactly did you know to do that?" Grampa Carlisle asked.

"Well, you see, she kinda taught me."

"What?" Dad was shocked.

"She's terrified of herself. She trusts me to make the right call to do that to stop the monster. Other Volturi members don't really know her well enough to distinguish the differences. She scares them all the time." I explained.

"So what's the monster?" Renesmee asked.

"It's this strange personality she takes on. It's not really her and she doesn't know what it does, but she remembers the terrible things it's done after she gets back to her right mind. It's dangerous. I've never really seen it in battle but the way everyone talks it sounds terrifying. I have a special protocol to follow if she gets out of control."

"Is she going to be okay?" Grampa Carlisle was worried as he checked over her.

'Somethings going on here...' I thought as I got on my knees and took her head in my hands. It was specifically gruesome and scarring but it had to be done. I set her head back on her neck and everything snapped back into place.

I jumped back, pulling Grampa back with me, as she howled and stood up grasping her neck.
Her eyes where distant and clouded as she scanned the room. When her eyes landed on me they focused slightly.

"Elizabeth?" She questioned lightly, her voice more raw sounding then usual, as she clutched her neck tightly.

"Yes Nonna." I sighed and rushed to hug her.

"Thank you love. I fear this has all been a great shock to my system." She sighed as she ran a hand through my long bronze hair.

I shouldn't have done this. I shouldn't have told her. I shouldn't have brought her to this house.

But she deserved to know her son was alive.

A few days before Aro sent me home, one night we were sitting in the study and I caught him with his guard down. He thought about our family dynamic and I learned just how truly twisted he had made everything.

Growing up Aro always used the pretense that he and Sulpicia were my father and mother and Elizabeth, my nonna, was his mother. He always created these long detailed back story's just to ensure I believed his lies. He actually used to tell them to me as bedtime stories.

Turns out that Aro told my grandmother, after his guards kidnapped her and locked her up and upon entering her new life, that her beloved son Edward was dead. She lost all want for life and that drove her insane. That's when he broke her mind and created her double personality. She spent so long believing he was dead and suddenly Aros guards turn up with a hybrid newborn child who happens to look exactly like her and her son.

Aro then thought it was a good idea to tell her that yes, her son was alive when she thought him dead, but his guards just exterminated his entire clan for harboring me.

She hated him before, but after that she was out to kill him. He realized that he and Sulpicia wanted extra help so he offered a grandmother role to Nonna, after all she is my biological grandmother.

She took extraordinary care of me. She taught me manners and etiquette, answered any question I could ever have, spent time with me every chance Aro would let her, and most importantly loved me unconditionally. She still does all of these things for me and if I didn't have her I don't know what I would do with myself.

"I'm sorry." I spoke feeling guilty.

"For what dear?" She cocked her head to the side.

"For overloading you." I looked down at the ground.

"Hush, it's quite alright. I'm so very glad you did! I have my son and my...good friend Carlisle back now! I haven't been this happy since I found you Elizabeth!" She smiled and kissed my cheek.

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