Chapter Fourteen

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"Melody? Why are out here all by yourself?" Dad came out onto the roof and sat beside me.

"Hey, why are you crying?" He asked becoming concerned and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I folded myself up and leaded into him. Happy to have him with me.

"I've just been thinking about...everything."

"Overthinking again?"

"My head is so full. I just keep thinking about how everything has happened so...poorly." I sighed.

"Everything will be okay in the end Melody." He sighed squeezing me a little tighter.

"I want to kill Aro."

"I know you me I know exactly how you feel. But we-"

"No, I'm serious." I pushed away from him and looked up at his shocked expression. "I want to dethrone Aro Volturi."

"Melody, that's too dangerous. You know that." He sighed and looked out towards the dark forest.

"No, it's not. Not if I have the right allies. And it's certainly capable with my gift." I pondered the possibility.

"Your gift is really that powerful?"

"I can make people burst into flame just by using sound waves." I smirked to myself.

"True." He laughed a little trying to keep his 'stern father' facade.

"I can't allow the Volturi to keep hurting people! All they do is take and take and never give back. They completely disregard human life and hold themselves higher than any other vampire clan in the world! Someone needs to take them down before they keep giving more and more punishments to innocent people! We need someone governing that is fair and just. Someone kind but still strict enough to give just punishments." I finished my rant and met my fathers solemn expression.

"Who were you thinking of?" He asked smiling slightly.

"Well...I was thinking that, if I can get her mental state cleaned up, my grandmother would be perfect." I answered quickly becoming occupied with a roof tile.

"Mother?" He sounded a little skeptical.

"She just doesn't trust herself! That's her problem, if she opened up and if we got the monster trained, there's a big chance that she would be able to reform the Voluri. Just get the Masters out of the way, maybe the top guard too, and everyone else will conform to the new leader. The first ever Volturi Queen." I smiled to myself.

"What do you need?" Dad asked looking at me with a newfound purpose and a big deal of pride in his eyes.

"Powerful vampires with stealth abilities, preferably. Maybe an elemental vampire, someone else capable of creating fire would be nice just in case, someone who's very...convincing." I paused" Do you know anyone capable of telling what gift someone possesses?" I asked thinking that that would be very helpful for those elite Volturi members I've never studied.

"Oh, I have just the man in mind." He smiled.

"Dad, I'm serious. I'm going to do this wether you help me or not. It would be wonderful for my family to support me but if I have to go it alone, I will." I stood.

"Melody, I know you're serious. I am too. I'm here to help you until the very end, if this is what you feel is right...I'm all for it. Let's do this." He stood and hugged me tightly.

"Great, let's get to work." I smirked triumphantly.


"Again!" I ordered.

"How did you learn to become such a tough little trainer?" The monster grumbled as she picked herself up off the ground.

"I learned from the best." I smirked, getting back into my first position. "My grandmother is a very sweet woman...until you experience her as a trainer."

The monster rushed at me suddenly, I countered, flipped over her, and pinned her down.

"Stay focused. Don't doubt your instincts, but don't let rage overwhelm you either." I instructed moving back away from her as she swung an arm out at me.

For the past week I've been training her like this. Dad finally convinced the whole family to see my side. They all want to dethrone Aro as much as I do now.

When I first brought up training to Dad and Nonna however...


"You want to do what?!" Nonna cried, standing suddenly.

"I want to train the monster. You can't be queen in your current mental state. Once the monster is under control, then your mind will be much calmer."

"It's so dangerous though! Won't you let one of your uncles do it?" She pleaded while dad sat there shocked.

"No. No one knows the monster better than me. If she went haywire and attacked one of them, they wouldn't know what to do, they might even kill you." I sighed.

"I...I guess you're right." She sank down in her chair.

"I wish you weren't so determined." Dad sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Sorry, Aro has gone too far."

"I understand." He stood and crossed over to me. "Be careful in training. One of us will be with you at all times though, no buts." He kissed my forehead.


"No buts!" He laughed, cutting me off.


"You are a very silly child Melody." The monster sneered.

The sight was almost comical. The monster, one of the most feared legends in vampire culture, was looking like she just lost a fight with a bear. Her long bronze hair that was up in my grandmothers signature twist this morning, now lose in a high ponytail and caked with dirt and filth. Her black, tight fitted track suit is now torn and muddy.

Frankly, I was kicking her ass in sparing.

"You know what, I'm done seeing your face for today." She huffed and headed off towards the house.

"She's a feisty thing isn't she?" Dad laughed coming out from his position in the woods were he was watching just in case she tried to kill me.

"You can say that again." I laughed darkly, following her quickly.

"Honestly will you just leave me alone?! I'm tired of you!" She screamed in my face as we entered the kitchen where the rest of the family was.

"Nonna!" I screamed.

The monster shut her bright green eyes tightly, drew a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes they were back to my grandmothers usual black eyes.

"Elizabeth!" She cried and latched onto me.

"It's fine, I'm fine, the monster did well I training today she was just getting on my nerves." I laughed hugging her back gently.

"Eww, I'm covered in filth." She sneered her nose and the whole family laughed.

"Why don't we get you showered before therapy, hmm?" Grandma Esme smiled and led her upstairs.

"Why don't you go get cleaned up too Melody? The Denalies are coming soon and I know you want to make a good first impression." Dad smiled and I headed upstairs.

I smiled all throughout my shower because of one sickly sweet thought...

Aro Volturi doesn't stand a chance.

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