Chapter Ten

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading and I so hope you're enjoying! Leave me a comment if you have any thought, idea, ect! I would love some feedback!

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Grazie! Thanks!


"She's still not answering. Carlisle it's been three months! What if something's happened to her!" Edward ranted in my study.

"Edward, I'm sure she's fine. Aro would be a fool to hurt her now."

"There's just a bad feeling settling over me." He grumbled and my office phone started ringing.

"Hello? Doctor Cullen speaking."

"Carlisle! Vecchio amico! Old friend! How are you doing?" Aros deliriously happy voice cheered.

"As to be expected. What do I owe the pleasure of a phone call?"

"Well, I've been thinking. My piccola figlia, my little daughter, has been very unhappy lately. I so wish to make her feel better and I've tried everything I can possibly think of. I regret to say I think she may be missing your clan."

"Herself and Renesmee did become very close." I agreed trying not to put tension of the subject.

"Yes...well. I was calling to inform you that she shall be arriving there in Chicago very shortly. Her plane is landing at terminal three in about four hours." He stated and I was shocked.

"I must warn you that I am sending her guardian with her as well. Do not underestimate her and reframe from making her mad at all cost. She can be quite"

"Yes, thank you Aro. I hope to hear from you soon." I thanked him as I tried to contain my excitement.

"Goodbye old friend." He hung up and I rushed downstairs to tell everyone.

"He's letting her come back!" Renesmee cheered. She's been putting on a brave face for everyone else but we all knew how unhappy she was with her sister gone.

"For now yes. He also said her guardian is escorting her and that we need to be mindful of her and refrain from upsetting her." I replied.

"Anger issues huh? Not really someone I would trust to look after my daughter..." Edward mused.

"I'm sure he has his reasons. Maybe she's his best fighter or possesses some special gift." Jasper chimed in.

"It will be so nice to have her home again."  Esme smiled brightly.

"We have to go get everything finished up in her room Rose!" Alice exclaimed and they both shot out of the room.

"Everyone meet out in the garage in three hours!" I called.


She came out from the terminal looking absolutely sickly. She was still beautiful no doubt, but her normal porcelain skin looked dull and her vibrant hair looked dehydrated and dull. I was able to see the hollow look in her normally brilliant green eyes.

She wasn't dressed like she was last time either. Last time she was wearing such an elegant white little outfit. Now she was wearing black stockings, a burgundy skirt, and a long sleeved tight sweater. She moved in a way that said she didn't want anyone to notice her. She wanted to blend in and keep low.

She caught my eyes and came running toward me.

"Mio nonno brillante!" She laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck and I swung her around in a circle.

"Melody!" I hugged her tightly and set her back down on the ground.

"Come here you!" Renesmee giggled and hugged her so tightly I was afraid she might break her sisters bones.

"I missed you sister!" Melody laughed and swung Nessie around like I had just swung her.

They stepped out of their embrace and Edward and Bella caught Melody's eyesight.

"Mom! Dad!" She cried in delight and literally jumped into their arms.

They were shocked at first and then melted in her embrace. They were both so overjoyed that they couldn't comprehend Melody's actions but took their opportunity to hold her tightly.

"You don't know how wonderful it is to see all of you." Melody sighed deeply.

"Oh we know exactly how you feel." Jasper laughed.

"Oh! I lost her!" Melody suddenly exclaimed looking around the airport for someone.

"Lost who?" Nessie asked.

"My grandmother, my bodyguard at the moment. I'm supposed to keep track of her though , I'm sure she's freaking out right now." Melody stressed.

"Oh, I'm sure she's just fine." A light, elegant, airy voice spoke from behind me.

She sounded a lot like Melody but I would know that voice from anywhere. I stood there shocked as my family members turned to address the woman standing behind me.

"Nonna! I'm so sorry grandmother! I didn't mean to run away I-"

"It's alright Elizabeth!" She laughed in a deliciously sweet voice "You got that spark in your eyes and I knew where you were headed so I saw no harm in it." She brushed it off.

I caught Edwards gaze.

"You know who she is?" I asked him mentally.

He gave a subtle nod.

"Now, where is this other granddaughter of mine?" She asked curiously, obviously seeing Renesmees arm wrapped around Melody.

"Let's just get to the house. We have some things to discuss. Nonna and I will meet you all there." Melody smiled and rushed past me and out of the airport, pulling her grandmother with her.

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