Chapter Six

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With Melody sleeping peacefully for the first time since she arrived two days ago I eased the top of my laptop up and turned back to my work. I actually have been looking over my evidence I've collected about hybrids.

Melody is very different from Renesmee. She seems lighter, more fragile. Her breathing was light and easy, different from Renesmees quick breaths. It was like she was barely breathing at all. She doesn't feel as warm as Renesmees body temperature either, although as soon as she walked in I could see she had a fever. Maybe Hybrids can have either mostly vampire or mostly human apparent genes...

"Ohh! How precious!" My darling Esme smiled brightly in a hushed whisper seeing Melody curled up asleep. She sat in one of the chairs directly across from my desk, tucking her legs underneath her, and pulled out an unfamiliar journal.

"What's that darling?" I smiled at her.

"I thought I would write about Melody and Renesmee, put in pictures, document their lives together. If fights come up they can come back and look at this and remember how much they care about each other. Plus, when she leaves..." I could tell the idea saddened her "We can make copies and send her with a physical memory of her sister." She smiled back at me and my heart swelled with pride and love for my little wife.

"Sounds wonderful." My smile grew.

Over the next few hours the rest of the family trickled in one by one.

"She's so precious." Alice cooed over her and everyone murmured their agreement.

"What can we do to show her we love her?" Rosalie asked.

"She needs the truth, I told her the truth last night and that's what opened her up to me. Maybe you should all just take time to talk to her separately and be mindful of her feelings and her situation." I told everyone.

"Carlisle is right." Esme smiled at everyone.

"Before we move to the new house...can we throw Melody a party? She didn't even get to celebrate her sweet sixteen and Renesmee had such an amazing party, I feel so bad for her." Alice frowned.

"We haven't told her that we don't normally stay here now that I think about it." Jasper muttered.

"We just need to explain that we only came back for Renesmees party so she could see everyone at the Reservation. We're heading to Chicago soon so we can start school over again." Emmet spoke soundly and we all agreed.

"Hello?" Renesmee peeked her head into the room and I realized it was nearing eight o'clock in the morning.

"Oh!" Renesmee whispered and giggled softly when she saw Melody sleeping soundly in my arms "I love her so much." She smiled and her eyes visibly melted as she looked at her sister.

"Renesmee, everyone, what's going..." Edward stopped in his train of thought seeing Melody tucked away carefully and peacefully sleeping.
"Aww." He smiled is crooked grin but a glint of sadness shown through his eyes.

"Don't worry son, she'll come around." I smiled at him.

Suddenly a strange noise came from Melody. It was high pitch and sounded like a little laugh. She made a string of delightful little noises that plastered big smiles on everyone's faces. They were little tinkling noises, some light and some deep, but they blended together to form perfect melodies.

"Melody, she did say she got her name from her cooing." Bella smiled and Melody stirred.

She nuzzled the crook of my neck and let out a long breath, probably from her shallow breathing.

"Oh!" She exclaimed shooting up from her position. I grabbed her waist and pulled her back down to sit on my knees so she didn't panic.

"I'm sorry." She blushed.

"What are you sorry for sweetheart?" Esme smiled at her.

"I fell asleep." She answered then laughed along with everyone else at how ridiculous she sounded.

"I'm glad you finally got some sleep sis. I was getting worried." Renesmee smiled coming around to my desk and pulled Melody into a tight hug.

"Don't worry about me Renesmee." Melody smiled.

"If you will all excuse me, I'm going to go get dressed." Melody went to leave.

"Hey sis, wear something warm and comfortable!" Renesmee called after her.

"Why?" Melody stopped short and smiled at her sister while raising her eyebrows in a very Edward like gesture.

"Because I'm taking you to a party and its outside and it can get cold." She smiled brightly.

"A party huh?" Melody rolled her eyes "Could be fun." She smiled at Renesmee and her sister looked so happy she might explode.

"I'll help you pick an outfit!" Alice cheered while whisking Melody away.

"Renesmee is taking Melody with her to the reservation tonight." Edward cringed.

"Do the wolves know about her?" I asked Renesmee.

"No, I haven't really been able to tell anyone about her yet. I didn't want to tell everyone and then she turn out to be some horrible person. But she's the kindest and sweetest thing ever so I'm sure everyone will love her!" Renesmee beamed.

"Just make sure Jacob will look out for her too please. I think we need to introduce them first." I told her and she left to go call Jacob.

"Carlisle, can we get started party planning while they're at the reservation tonight? Please?!" Rosalie squealed.

"Party?" Bella questioned.

"We're throwing Melody a surprise birthday party before we leave for Chicago!" Esme smiled.

"That's so sweet." Bella smiled.

"Thank you all for being so welcoming and open to her. I just feel so horrible about her life so far. It has to be worse than she lets on." Edward wrapped an arm around Bella and another around Esme.

"She's a Cullen. She may have had a terrible start but that all changes now. I'm going to get in touch with Aro to see if I can't arrange her staying with us permanently. I know I speak for everyone when I say she's to precious for us to let her go when we've only begun to know her." I stated firmly.

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