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She walked briskly down the corridor. Her long bronze colored curls were pulled back into an elegant bun at the nape of her neck, flyaway strands added to her look of dishevelment, as her emerald green eyes swept the long hallways in search of something.

"Master!" Jane caught her arm, quickly turning her around.

"Jane, I've told you all a million times, my name is still Melody." She laughed.

"Sorry, Melody, but your guest are here." Jane smiled sweetly.

"They're here!" Melody cried in delight, running off quickly towards the way she just came from.

She ran full speed into the thrown rooms, pure exhilaration and happiness running through her veins, as she opened up the mahogany doors wide.

"My family!" Melody cheered in delight, quickly rushing to bring her sister and other family members into her arms.

"You're looking...well." Her father Edward complimented her.

In all honesty she looked like a mess. Her black dress hugged her body too tightly, exposing her loss in weight and bony figure. Her hair was even more of a mess after her sprint through the castle and her color looked sickly.

The only thing that looked normal about her were her emerald green eyes, happy and bright in her excitement over her family.

"Where's Nahuel Melody?" Renesmee chirped.

"Umm, actually I was trying to find him right before Jane told me of your arrival." Melody sighed. "Jane?!" She called.

"Yes Master?" Jane popped in quickly.

"Jane. It's Melody." She sighed. "I need you to find Nahuel for me please. Tell him to meet me in my family's chambers." Melody spoke sweetly and Jane hurried away.

"Master?" Dr. Cullen raised an eyebrow playfully in question at his granddaughter.

"I've been trying to break everyone around here of that nasty habit." Melody chuckled darkly. "Follow me to your rooms." She smiled, leading them to the elevators.

She got her grandparents, aunts and uncles, and finally her parents into their separate rooms, leaving Renesmee and Benjamin.

"So...you two huh?" Melody smirked, unlocking the door for them.

"Well, Mel, Ben and I are actually engaged!" Renesmee cheered.

"What?!" Melody cried in surprise. "I'm so happy for you!" She cheered, wrapping her arms around her sister and soon-to-be brother in law.

"So? What about you and Nahuel?" Renesmee poked at her sister.

"Oh, I'm afraid we're both far to busy to even think about something like that." Melody shook her head. "Speaking of Nahuel, I'd better go find him. Goodnight Sis, see you in the morning for breakfast?" Melody smiled, walking away quickly to catch the elevator.

"Sure thing!" Renesmee laughed.

Melody hit the button for the basement. The doors opened, and she walked quickly through the dark and musty hallways to a staircase at the back of the castle. She went down to the next floor and walked through the dank prison, all of the cells were empty now, except one, nestled in the very back of the prison and guarded by heavy iron doors clad in padlocks.

She approached it cautiously, weary of what she was going to have to face once she opened it. She methodically took out her key ring and went to work unlocking every lock separately, all the while taking deep breaths to calm her shaking hands.

The iron doors swung open, revealing the monster she kept tucked away, away from people he could hurt.

The figure, locked up tightly in a high tech aluminum alloy cell designed specifically to hold him, shifted as she entered the hall just outside the cage.

His figure was thin, boney in the extreme, his long black hair was greasy and caked to the back of his neck, and his papery skin looked thin enough to tear. He was starving and now that Melody had entered, he was blood crazed.

"Hello, papà." Melody sneered at the weakness of the former Volturi King, now caged like the vicious animal he was.

She laughed ominously with a dark evilness for such a sweet girl. "Miss me?"


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