Chapter Eighteen

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Melody POV

I pushed myself to run faster.

"Left!" Auntie Alice called out and I immediately ducked down as Eleazar came flying overhead, reaching down for my neck.

He lost his footing and slid, straight into the nearest tree.

Aunty Alice popped out from the shrubbery and lunged towards me, I countered and flipped her over, holding her tightly by the neck.

"Okay, I'm caught!" She giggled, wiggling under my grasp.

"I'll see you at the house." She laughed, dancing away, when I let her go.

"Defeat." Eleazar mumbled, spread out on the ground in such a sad, awkward, position I felt bad for him.

"Melody 4, mock Volturi 1. I say we stop for the day." I smiled, helping him up off the ground even though he really didn't need it.

"You only lost that one round because of your neck. I still don't think you should be pushing yourself so hard young one." He smiled grimly at me.

"There's nothing wrong with my neck and I can't waste anytime. I only have one chance to do this." I spoke determinately, pulling the high neckline of my dress up even higher to hide my bandages.

"Melody! More recruits have come!" She giggled, enjoying her own joke "You have to meet my friends!" Renesmee cried in delight as she rushed from the house to meet me.

"So these are all people who stood against the Volturi to save your life when you were little?" I asked.

"Yes, although, now it seems strange for Aro to have wanted to kill me. Considering my twin is his adoptive daughter."

"Was." I corrected while rolling my shoulders, trying to stretch out the muscles in my tight neck.

We entered the kitchen where everyone was gathered, talking happily, and immediately someone pulled Renesmee away.

"Oh! You look just alike! I've never met a twin before! Well...technically I've met Renesmee, who is a twin, but we didn't know she was and now seeing you-"

"Benjamin! I'm Renesmee!" She laughed loudly.

"Oh!" Benjamin set her down on her feet and laughed. "Sorry!"

"No problem." Renesmee blushed. "Benjamin, this is Melody, my twin sister." She introduced us.

"Ah! Green eyes! Strange, you two look so much alike, aside from the eyes and skin tone." He laughed, shaking my hand.

"Skin tone?" Renesmee questioned.

"I look deathly pale compared to you." I laughed.

"Who looks deathly pale?" A mans voice asked, coming in to the kitchen still filled with my happy family.

"Nahuel!" Renesmee cheered.

I turned to better see this newcomer, and was instantly mesmerized.

His pretty copper skin and long shiny black hair were beautiful, but that wasn't what caught my attention about him.

Nahuel's eyes were a gorgeous, deep, teak black. I felt like I could read every single emotion he felt through them. And they were so vast, I got lost in them.

"You must be this elusive sister I've heard so much about." He smiled, his smooth voice and slight accent meanwhile captivated me.

"M-my name is Melody." I introduced myself, holding my hand out for him to shake.

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