Chapter Seven

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"Introducing Elizabeth Melody Masen!" Alice singed pulling the poor girl outside.

"It's just jeans and a jacket." She laughed and I noticed she spoke with a strange accent.

"Have you ever worn jeans before?" Renesmee asked.

"No. I don't think I care for them either." She laughed and everyone else did too.

"Sis, there's someone you need to meet." Renesmee grabbed her arm and pushed her towards me. When Melody took in my appearance she instantly freaked out. Her breathing hitched, she started hyperventilating, and she visibly paled even though it seemed impossible.

"Lupo mannaro! Werewolf!" She cried and latched onto Edwards neck and his arms drew around her tightly.

"Shh, it's okay Melody. Jacob is a..."he paused and looked at me "family friend. He's going to take you and Renesmee to the reservation. Remember the party?" He spoke softly and she nodded.

"It's safe?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course Melody. Jacob would never hurt anyone." Renesmee smiled at her as she uncurled herself from Edward.

"But, you have to have a pack. There's more of you isn't there?" She asked and I nodded.

"A lot of us." I responded and she shut her eyes tightly.

"You'll still come with me right? It will be so much fun! Everyone will love you!" Renesmee cheered and Melody looked her deeply in the eyes.

"Yes. If that's what you want." She smiled slightly and Renesmee hugged her tightly.

"Let's get going then." I headed towards my rabbit and the girls followed.

"So, Jacob, how do you know the Cullens?" Melody asked.

"I was friends with your mom when she was human. Your dad and the other Cullens and I on the other hand did not like each other very much." I explained.

"Jacob is my boyfriend." Renesmee turned around in the front seat and smiled at Melody.

I couldn't really tell much of a difference between the two of them. Other than their eye colors and Melodys accent.

We got to the beach and Renesmee wrapped and arm around Melody as we walked down the decline towards the shore.

"Hey Ness!" Seth cheered running towards her and scooping her up in a big hug.

"Hey Seth!" She smiled "This is my twin Melody." Renesmee gestured.

Seths eyes grew wide and he looked back and forth between the girls.

"Why don't we get everyone to gather around the fire?" I asked and Seth nodded heading off towards the group.

By the time we approached the fire the whole group was crowded around and staring intensely at Melody.

"Everyone, this is my twin sister Melody!" Renesmee introduced everyone. Melody looked scared of the werewolves and they all looked suspicious of her.

"How do you have a sister and we never knew about her?" Seth asked cautiously.

"She was taken when we were born by the Volturi. We didn't even know about her until about ten days ago. She found out on our birthday." As soon as Renesmee mentioned the Volturi every wolf tensed and Sam even stood.

"She's not dangerous. She's never even drank blood, it disgusts her. She's very sweet and lovely. Give her a chance! Please?" Renesmee smiled at everyone. No one can ever say no to Ness.

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