Chapter Eleven

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"Okay...this house looks familiar." I told my little Elizabeth.

"I'm hoping everything will make sense when you meet everyone officially." She dragged me up the front steps and up to the door.

The house was lovely. Three stories, a beautiful brick, white trimming, and large windows. The large front porch with grand arched double doors looked very welcoming.

"Come in silly!" My other granddaughter, Renesmee, laughed opening the double doors wide open.

The grand entry way was beautiful, breathtaking really, with a low hanging chandelier and a beautiful staircase.

"Nonna? Are you alright?" Elizabeth asked taking my hand in hers lightly.

"Oh! Me? I'm fine darling." I smiled at her and the girls lead me into the living room where the rest of the Cullen clan was.

"Okay, let me get a good look of you two." I put a hand on each of their cheeks.

Renesmee was hotter to the touch than Elizabeth, slightly darker in skin tone, her hair was darker as well, and her eyes were very much a deep shade of brown.

"Well, there's no doubt you two came from the same place." I laughed and they mimicked me.

"Grandmother, these are the Cullens." Melody gestured to the other vampires in the room.

"My aunt Rosalie and uncle Emmet," she pointed at the lovely blonde and her brute of a mate "aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper," she gestured to the childlike woman and the war scarred vampire beside her "my mother Bella and my other grandmother Esme," the small long brown headed woman smiled and the caramel haired motherly woman beside her nodded. " grandfather Carlisle and my father Edward." She rushed and I looked at the pair of men fully for the first time.


My son Edward? He can't be my Edward! Aro killed him! Memories of Edward flashed through my head as I compared this man to my boy.

"Mom, it's me." He nodded.

I was shocked as I crossed the room quickly and took his face into my hands. I touched his Bronze hair, the exact same shade of mine, and studied his facial features carefully. His full lips, arched eyebrows, high cheekbones, everything about him was just like me.

"Edward? Edward Anthony?" I asked willing my voice not to break.

He nodded.

I hugged him so tightly I thought I might have hurt him.

"Oh! My Edward!" I cried in delight when he hugged me back just as tightly.

"For so many years I've thought you were dead! Trust me if I had known I wouldn't have stopped searching until I found you!" I cried and moved back so I could look up at him.

"Even if you had known Aro wouldn't have allowed you to leave grandmother." Elizabeth smiled sadly at me.

"Very true, but who's to say I wouldn't have found my own way around him?" I turned to her with a smirk plastered onto my face.

"Very true." She smirked back and I laughed at the delicious idea of me escaping the Volturi.

"Why wouldn't he let you leave?" Edward asked.

"Because I'm dangerous." My heart sank in my chest. I can't stay here. I can't risk hurting the Cullens. I can't risk hurting my son. "At least in the Volturi I'm kept on a tight leash. They don't really allow me to get into trouble unless they need me to be."

"For the last time you are not dangerous!" Elizabeth practically yelled at me.

"Elizabeth Melody, please, don't fight me." I shut my eyes tightly.

"But your not dangerous, they just make you think you are! They just don't want to lose their weapon!"

"Melody Masen. Stop." I hissed, eyes still shut tightly.

"No, I won't. He lied to you nonna. Aro did not kill your son. He's standing right there. He LIED to you, I know you hate that more than anything in the world."

I tried to hold it in. I tried to shut the monster inside back into its small cage but at the mentioning of me being lied to I just snapped and slid back into the darkness of my mind.

Carlisle POV

Elizabeth Masen, Edwards mother, my former...friend is standing in the livingroom, looking just as lovely as ever and I can't bring myself to talk to her.

Melody was making her upset, I could tell easily, and I was trying to find a way to step into the conversation and smooth things over but I couldn't.

She shuddered once, became completely still, and her eyes snapped open.

They were a piercing green. So green they seemed to glow like some toxic chemical.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" The voice that spoke was much higher and did not have the same elegant flow to her speech as Elizabeth.

"Monster." Melody held her breath and pushed Renesmee behind her.

"Monster? That's not a very nice thing to say to your grandmother." The faux Elizabeth pouted.

"Your not my nonna. Your just the weapon the Volturi has made out of her." Melody spoke in a monotone voice and made herself seem smaller, I could tell she had had training to deal with her grandmother when she got this way. Whatever this way was.

"Let her go." Melody spoke dully but with an underlying sense of authority.

"I just want to play a bit Melody dear!" She laughed and turned dramatically to face me.

Her eyes dug deep into my soul and her wide crazed smile made me want to smile back or run away one.

"Oh my, aren't you a cute thing?" She smirked and reached out to touch me. I stepped back just out of her reach and she frowned.

"I don't bite." Her frown then turned into a sly smile "Much." She laughed darkly.

"Nonna!" Melody screamed and faux Elizabeth shuddered like she was in pain and shut her eyes tightly. With a deep breath she opened her eyes, they were back to their black color.

"Elizabeth!" She cried and rushed over to hug Melody tightly "I'm so sorry!" She cooed.

"I'm the one who's sorry! I didn't mean to push you nonna, you just needed to know the truth." Melody looked ashamed of herself.

"It's okay darling. I love you." Elizabeth smiled sweetly and folded Melody into another hug.

As they pulled apart Elizabeth saw me for the first time and a look of recognition flashed in her eyes.

"Elizabeth, it's nice to see you again." I smiled nervously.

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