Chapter Sixteen

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Renesmee POV

Currently, my sister was in critical condition while Grampa Carlisle and Daddy worked on her injuries. Aunt Alice was with them, looking into the future for any problems they might find, while the rest of the family was in the dinning room trying to keep calm.

They were failing.

I could hear my mother crying hysterically into Uncle Jazz's arms. Her emotions were too much for him to handle so he was dry sobbing just as much as her. Grandma Esme was crying too, probably blaming herself for not warning Melody Jacob had arrived. Aunt Rose kept saying she just wanted to hold me, she said she thought I must be hurting, which I was, but Uncle Em just wanted to hold her in his sadness.

After the trauma I endured from ripping Jacob off of my twin sister, I hid out on the balcony leading off of the upstairs living room, crying and having a complete mental breakdown. At some point mom came and cleaned the dried blood off of me and hugged me tight for a while. She broke down and, well, I already spoke of her Hysteria.

"I swear to god if you killed my sister..." I growled as Jacob came stalking into the living room, where I was currently hiding from my family.

"Carlisle said she might be okay." He shrugged, headed to the door.

"Hey, stop, we need to talk about this!" I screamed and got up, blocking his path down the stairs.

"There's nothing to talk about. She attacked you, I attacked her. Plain and simple." He looked at me with dead eyes, like he couldn't care any less.

"She didn't attack me Jacob!" I cried, hurt that he would think that of my loving sister.

"Then why were you crying like that? Why did you both look so upset?" He spun on me, suddenly looking just as intense as I did.

"Because I'm worried about my family! I was crying because I was begging her to not get herself killed but it looks like you went ahead and did that for her!" I screamed, letting all of my pent up anger for him flow freely.

"I didn't kill her, get over her Nessie! She's no good and I'd rather go to hell than have her around you another minuet!" He screamed, right into my face.

His normally warm brown eyes looked crazed and wild. As he snarled at me I was able to see my sisters blood caked in his teeth. Seeing that made no difference to me as if it were my own blood, which technically it is, it was terrifying and sickening.

I will never let anyone hurt Melody again.

Including myself.

"Jacob, leave. We're done." I growled, stalking out of his way.

He just stood still and looked at me with wide, incredulous eyes.

"You heard me. We're over. Get out of my house and out of my life. Don't make me have to call my uncles." I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

He regarded me with a cold expression for just a short moment and left quickly.

I didn't want to be alone and as I headed upstairs a sharp pain shot through my heart. Jacobs hold on me is over, I'm free.

I smiled as I turned into Grampa Carlisle's study...

And then I threw up when I saw the scene that met me.

Melody was lain out on a hospital stretcher, the same one mom used during her pregnancy, and she was covered in blood. Grampa and daddy were frantically trying to get her wounds closed to stop blood loss. Her neck was still pouring blood and I could actually see the individual teeth marks Jacob left.

It looked like a horror movie.

Aunt Alice held a trash can out to me as soon as I entered the room and got sick.

"Thank you." I sighed, willing myself to steel my nerves so I could be there for my sister.

"Of course. Renesmee, you don't have to stay if you don't want too." She smiled sadly at me.

"No, I'm staying. This is all my fault, I'm not going to leave her." I stated firmly, my Cullen courage finally kicking in.

"Stand back." Grampa put his arms out and pulled daddy back so he could asses Melody.

Her heart monitor was beeping very slow, her heartbeat was almost non existent, and he sighed.

"That's all we can do right now. I'll continue blood transfusions, but they won't do much good until her heartbeat picks up." Grampa pulled off his bloody medical gloves and replaced them with fresh ones. He then started dressing Melody's wounds slowly, methodically as if he was trying to remember every single moment.

Daddy was incoherent as he pulled off his gloves and walked over to me. He started to give me a hug, but then realized he was drenched in my sisters blood.

"Where's your mother and the rest of the family?" He asked me, sounding dazed and depressed.

"In the dinning room. Moms hysterical, the others aren't in a much better state." I sighed.

"I love you." He kissed my forehead. "I'll be back soon." He sighed, glanced at Melody, and left the room.

Alice left to go console my mother and Jasper while I pulled a chair up to Melody's beside.

"It might do her some good for you to hold her hand and talk to her." Grampa smiled at me as he finished her bandages and excused himself to go downstairs.

I grabbed her hand, carefully, and she unconsciously grasped it. It was a faint and weak gesture, just a small tightening of her fingers, but it was enough to calm me down.

"I'm right here Mel. I'm not leaving you. I'm so sorry." I whispered to her, not trusting my voice to stay even if I spoke out loud.

The most wonderful experience of my life so far happened then.

Her heartbeat picked up.

"There we go! Come on Cullen!" I cheered her on.

I had fallen asleep at some point, still holding Melody's hand, with my head propped on her good arm. I smiled when I woke and heard how much her heartbeat had improved.

"She's doing much better, thanks to you." Daddy smoothed my hair down and kissed the top of my head.

"I feel so guilty. This is all my fault."

"No. It's not your fault Renesmee. It's Jacobs. You better make sure you tell him not to come anywhere near this house if he wants to keep his life." He growled as he picked me up, sat in my chair, and pulled me on to his lap.

"You don't have to worry about Jacob. I ended things with him. We're over and I never want to see him again." My anger flared.

"Really? That must have been hard." I could tell he was pleased, I was happy about it myself.

"Not as hard as seeing Melody like this." I sighed.

"She's a fighter. She's going to be okay...she has to be." He rubbed my arm comfortably.

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