Chapter Fifteen

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Melody POV

"Leave me alone!" I screamed as I continued to run as fast as I possibly could through the dark and dense forest.

Blurred figures raced to the sides of me as I tried to out run them.

I couldn't tell what exactly they were, but that didn't matter, I knew they were dangerous and I knew they wanted to kill me.

Suddenly one of them cut me off and I saw exactly what had been chasing me.

A pack of werewolves.

I stopped dead in my tracks, the wolves big brown eyes pierced me like a knife, and I went to flee when it pounced on me and locked on to my neck.

I screamed as I practically threw myself out of bed, effectively tangling myself up in all sorts of wires.

I was in such a state of panic that I couldn't think, I just kept screaming and clutching my throat.

"I've got you, I've got you." Carlisle hushed my screams, trying to untangle me from the many wires connecting me to medical machinery.

"It was just a nightmare Melody." He cooed, laying me back down on the hospital style bed in his study.

"It felt so real." I was trying to bring air back into my lungs as he took a seat next to me and held my hand.

I got sick again...I guess earlier this morning, and he decided now would be a perfect time to run some test he's been dying to do. So he hooked me up and I passed out cold, needing to rest undisturbed for awhile.

"What were your dreams off?" He asked.

"Wolves." I practically choked the word out of my mouth.

"Oh my...that must have been terrifying." He sighed, rubbing small soothing circles on the back of my hand.

"It, it lunged for my throat."

He was silent for a minuet and I could practically feel the shock and worry pouring from him.

"I'm so sorry you experienced that. Maybe it had something to do with the stress the machines put you under. Let's not do anymore test for awhile." He got up and studied the monitors behind me.

"No, no, everything will end up inconclusive. Don't ruin your work just become I had some silly nightmare." I reached out and grabbed his hand again.

"If you're sure." He sighed.

"Positive, now sit down and keep me company until everything's done." I laughed.

It wasn't until almost noon that his test were finished, he seemed pleased with the amount of information they told him, and he quickly excused himself to review the results.

"Hello Melody, how did everything turn out?" Dad caught my arm in the hall and hugged me carefully.

"Nonno seems happy, I don't feel so well on the other hand. If you don't mind I'm just going to go take a shower and maybe lie down for a minute." I smiled, weakly.

"No! Of course, feel better soon sweetheart." He kissed my forehead quickly and I made my way to my room.

I felt better after my shower...but I also felt more tired. I decided to lie down for a bit and before I knew it there was a knock on my door and my room was dark.

"Melody, would you like to come down and eat something with your sister?" Granda Esme chirped.

I realized it was six o'clock. My 'laying down for  a minuet' turned into a five hour nap.

"I'm coming." I responded, trying to will myself to get up.

I (finally) made it downstairs, my family was all seated in the dinning room and they all smiled warmly when I walked in.

"I'm so sorry those test drained your energy like that. I shouldn't have done them until you recovered more from your episode." Nonno sighed deeply.

"No blood, no foul." I smiled, taking my seat next to Renesmee and started picking at my dinner.

Dad and Mom both started laughing hysterically to everyone else's surprise.

"She is so your daughter." Mom laughed.

"We're missing something." Renesmee smiled.

"You're father said the same thing once, a long time ago." She laughed.

After dinner Renesmee pulled me into her room so I could help her get dressed for a party at the reservation, someone's surprise wedding shower. I pulled out a very lovely dark blue dress, white flats, and a white cover up. I curled her hair while she talked to me about Jacob, one of my least favorite topics, and gave her the advice she was looking for. All in all it was a very sweet sister moment.

"Are you sure you want to do this Mel?" Renesmee asked.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." I answered immediately, somewhat surprised by the sudden question.

We were sitting in her room, just enjoying one another's company while she was waiting for Jacob to come get her for the party. I was surrounded by a pile of books Mom had brought for me earlier while she sketched absentmindedly on her easel. We hadn't said anything in a while, just enjoying the natural sisterly silence, so something so dire as her question shocked me.

"What brought that on?" I asked cautiously. She seemed saddened by my answer, something was troubling her deeply.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. I don't want our family to get hurt. I never want the Volturi to hurt us ever again!" She screamed.

"That's exactly why I'm doing this!" I crossed over to her quickly and hugged her, trying to shush her.

"I swear if you get yourself killed..." She trailed off, sudden tears brimming her eyes.

At that moment Jacob decided to burst into the room.

"Hey Ness! ...why are you crying?" He rushed to sit in front her and then all at once he looked up at me with a hard glare in his eyes. "What did you do to her!" He yelled, standing and hovering over me menacingly.

"I didn't do anything." I spoke calmly, I didn't really feel like fighting with him today.

He shoved me back and I flew through her closet doors, the wood splintering and stabbing into my hard skin. I cried out in pain but he cut me off, pulling me to my feet. I thought it may have just been an accident but then he threw me against the other wall.

That just happened to be made of glass.

The glass shattered and I fell from the second story to the cold, hard ground.

I felt something snap but as I struggled to get up something sharp pierced my skin and I realized Jacob had my leg gripped tight in his werewolf jaw.

"Let go of me!" I cried and he threw me several feet back.

I hit the ground hard again, and my head took all the impact. I felt dizzy as I watched Jacob stalk toward me.

I couldn't hear anything, not even my family's cries as they tried to help me, all I could see were Jacobs big brown eyes as he leaped toward my throat

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