Chapter 2

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A/N: Firstly, I'm going back to calling Shiho "Kimizuki."  That's what I originally used, but then I switched it to his first name like everyone else, but it felt kind of weird, so Kimizuki it is.  Secondly, thank you very much to all of you taking your time to read this, and special thanks to KGamer226 for being the first to star this story!  I hope you all enjoy this chapter just as much!

     Dittleling. A small bell sings a song of joy as someone enters its door. Yuichiro's head whips back and forth, standing in the doorway as he takes in his surroundings. He looks over a certain blond, who had been hiding behind his computer screen at the sight of the raven haired boy. He hated seeing people he knows in public. God, could that other boy just leave already?

     He watches as the raven-haired boy walks up to the cashier and orders something quickly, swipes his card, and walks to the side, tapping his foot impatiently as he waits for his drink. Drinks? Food? The blond doesn't know. All he knows is that he is definitely the one he saw earlier this morning. He didn't get a good chance to look at him then as to not get caught staring, but now is the perfect chance and god do his bright green eyes just glow under his mop of beautiful, inky hair. Agh, why can't he just enjoy his break before his next class like a normal student?!

     The blonde watches carefully as the raven boy walks to the opposite corner of the coffee shop. "Mikaela!" Said blonde turns his head sharply upon hearing his name. A brewer, one with black hair and bags under his eyes, is holding up a coffee mug. Mikaela is starting to regret not ordering his to go. He looks at the black-haired student across the room, who had turned his head when a name was shouted. Fortunately for Mikaela, he quickly turns back around.

     The blonde gets up from his seat cautiously, fetching the coffee from who he recognizes as a classmate. "Thanks, Rene." Rene sighs exaggeratedly, mumbling something angrily under his breath. The student never gets any sleep. Mikaela would know; he is his roommate. He's always hanging out with friends in the afternoon and works on all of his neglected assignments at night, a bad habit for a student with classes every week day and work on the weekend.

     Quickly sitting back down, Mikaela sips at his coffee slowly. He tries to take the time before his next class to go through his social media feed, but he can't help but to look back at the person with the emerald eyes, stealing glimpses every now and again. "Yuichiro!" The student Mikaela had been watching walks up to the cashier's counter, grabbing two paper bags of food and a paper cup and heading out the door just as quickly as he entered while Mikaela hides behind his laptop once more. Ah, so that's his name. Mikaela starts questioning why he cares so much. He looks at the corner of his computer screen for the time with a sigh. He packs up his computer, slings its bag around his shoulder, and takes one last gulp of the caffeinated beverage before leaving it behind on the wooden table stained with generations of rings of coffee.

     Mikaela sighs frustratedly as he exits his second class of the day. More projects to work on. Wonderful. Knowing his luck, Mikaela will only get more assignments in his next class. He'll finish his classes, eat dinner, and then stay up all night getting a start on his large collection of essay topics. Looks like there won't be any fun and games tonight. Mikaela works shifts at the local Waffle House every weekday, so he can't exactly save much of it for tomorrow.

     Meanwhile, Kimizuki seems to be getting less grumpy by the second, either because the caffeine is finally sinking in or because of the presence of a certain brunette in his dorm room. Yoichi had joined in as Yuichiro started unpacking his luggage, and they are now chatting noisily with both Yoichi and Kimizuki on his bed and Yuichiro finishing making his. "So, uh, what is this fabulous Sunday Game Night that Ms. Purple was talking about?"

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