Chapter 12

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A/N: Ugh, I honestly have no clue where I was trying to go with this.  Whether I'll leave this little Halloween skit here or add to it in the future, I don't know.  Either way, happy Halloween!  Seeing as tomorrow is the start of November and therefore NaNoWriMo, I won't be updating as often, so I hope you'll like this.

     "Here you go!"  Yuichiro holds out a cup with a cheeky grin, Kimizuki standing beside him with a nearly identical expression.  Yoichi smiles nervously, sticking close to Kimizuki's side.  Guren and Shinya stand a short distance behind them, a very content look adorning their faces.  Mikaela watches closely from off to the side.

     The cup rests in Yuichiro's outstretched hand, the yellowish light of Shinoa's kitchen shining down on it like a spotlight.  Its contents are hidden under a black lid atop the dark, ceramic mug.  Shinoa takes it reluctantly.

     "Enjoy."  Yuichiro smirks.  Shinya snickers.

     Shinoa and Mitsuba give each other looks.  Neither of the two know what they're about to drink.  Shinoa shrugs, cracking the lid open just enough to take a sip.  She gulps.  "Thanks for the meal."  Her voice is hoarse from the tensity.  Taking a small sip of the low viscosity mixture, Shinoa's hand nearly immediately retreats from her mouth, snatching the mug away from her lips.  It takes a second before she can convince herself to swallow, breaking into a fit of coughing only a moment later.  The boys laugh the whole time.  Shinoa doesn't say anything as she hands the cup off to Mitsuba.

     Mitsuba receives the horrid creation with shaky hands.  Shinoa's reaction was enough to make her want to not have anything to do with this.  At least Shinoa hadn't said anything about what it tastes like.  Mitsuba takes a deep, shaky breath before finding the strength to take a swig.  Some of the others are clutching their stomachs in a fight to control their laughter.  Shinoa snatches the mug from her just in time as Mitsuba falls to the floor, gagging insanely.

     "What the heck went into that thing?"  Shinoa tries to keep calm and composed, but it just doesn't happen.

     With a smirk, Yuichiro begins to list the ingredients off on his fingers.  "Let's see...There was a large quantity of soy sauce, a little barbeque sauce, ketchup, chocolate syrup..."

     "There was some mayonnaise, too," Mikaela pipes up.

     Yuichiro smiles.  "Yeah, mayonnaise.  We also added some salt and sugar."  Shinoa fake gags.  Yuichiro puts his hands on his hips in a triumphant stance.  "I'll take that as we did good."

     It's Halloween night.  Yuichiro is leaning back on the high stack of pillows on his bed, watching stupid horror movies on his computer and inhaling bags of candies from the dollar store.  He would've loved to do something with his friends, but his guess is that they're not close enough for that kind of stuff yet or something.  

     Shinoa and Mitsuba had been invited to an exclusive party.  Yuichiro clicks his tongue when another notification lights up his phone screen, illuminating the dark walls surrounding him.  It's yet another picture of those two girls, blowing up their social media pages with horribly taken photos.  Mitsuba looks embarrassed with a pout on her face, and with that overused cat costume, why shouldn't she be?  The two don't match at all, what with Shinoa's firefighter themed costume.  There's no common idea.  Mitsu is in a short black dress with a tail and a pair of cat ears.  Shinoa is wearing short shorts and a small top under a long jacket, a small red helmet casting a shadow over her typical evil smirk.  Yuichiro rolls his eyes, going back to his movie.

     The bed across from him is currently out of use because Kimizuki left to spend the night with Yoichi.  Yuichiro wouldn't be surprised if the two went out to Trick or Treat or something.  He snickers.  They're so childish.

     As for Guren and Shinya...Well, nobody ever knows what either of those two are up to.

     Just then, Yuichiro hears a knock at his door.  He groans inwardly.  "It's unlocked, so just come in."  Light leaks into the room the hallway as the door creaks open.  Yuichiro jumps up when he sees who it is, his computer sliding off his lap and onto the other side of the bed.  "Mikaela?"

     "Hello."  He waves shyly.  "I was afraid you might be gone because I saw that the lights were out.  I needed someone to show this costume to."  Mikaela is dressed up in black suit pants and white polo with a ruby studded brooch pinned under the collar and a black cape on top.  When Mikaela smiles, Yuichiro notices fake fangs attached to his real teeth.

     "You look..."  Yuichiro pauses for a moment, trying to find an appropriate word.  "You look good."

     Mikaela laughs softly.  "'Good?'"  He walks his way into the room, leaving the door open for light.  Yuichiro sits in his own silence, unsure of how to respond.  "Hey, since it doesn't seem like you're already hanging out with somebody, do you want to go Trick or Treating with me?"

     Yuichiro swallows thickly, cursing his luck.  Hadn't he just been thinking how childish something like that would be?  "Um..."

     Mikaela frowns.  "Oh, you don't have a costume, huh?  I guess that's the issue.  Surely, no one will give you candy if you're not dressed up."

     "Uh...Ah, yeah, right," he stutters.  Yuichiro looks down, noticing the empty bags of candy that he must've knocked off onto the floor.  Yuichiro perks up.  "Hey, how about we raid the Dollar Party House for some candy?  It'll be nearly free with the kind of deals they have this late."

     Mikaela smiles.  "That's an idea."

     Yuichiro shrugs shyly.  "I just feel bad that you got dressed up for nothing."

     Mikaela shakes his head.  "Nah.  It'll totally be worth it."

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