Chapter 13

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A/N: AHHHH REALLY SHORT CHAPTER. I'm sorry to have kept you all waiting for something so short. But hey, I figured something is better than nothing.  I'm hoping to have a New Year's special up on January first, but we'll see.  Thanks so much for all of the attention this has gotten despite my long hiatus! I hope you enjoy!

     Yuichiro wakes up with the help of the sunlight peeking through the semi-sheilded dorm window, lying comfortably in a fluffy white bed.  He looks around, blinking the sleep out of his glossy emerald eyes, and wonders where Kimizuki is.  He usually delivers his wake up call.  Yuichiro nearly jumps out of his skin when that familiar pillow falls on his head.  He grabs a fist full of the pillow, yanking it agitatedly off of his head.  "Can't you see that I'm already-!"

     A cute, awkward little smile lights up the face of the one in front of him.  "Good morning, sunshine."

     Yuichiro jumps straight up in his bed, suddenly hyper awake.  "Mika?!  What are you doing here?"  Said person is dressed in a white tee shirt and gray sweats, his hear clumping together as if it had just been washed.

     Mikaela laughs awkwardly.  "You're in my dorm room, silly.  Are you actually still asleep, maybe?  Perhaps your mind is a bit fuzzy."

     Yuichiro stutters madly, jumbling his words together as he tries to spit out what he's wanting to say.  " I in here?"

     The blond scratches the back of his head.  "You really don't remember, do you?  You said you wanted to sleep here because you would be lonely otherwise.  Besides, it was no big deal because my roommate stayed out all night, so you got to sleep in his bed," Mika explains with a lopsided smile.

     Yuichiro blushes madly.  "I...I was lonely?"  He shakes his head.  "Ah, whatever!  I need to get out of here!"  He pushes the covers off of himself, revealing the same clothes he had been wearing yesterday evening.  How uncomfortable for sleeping in.  Yuichiro races for the door.

     Mikaela runs to block him off, his back against the door.  Realizing what he's doing, he slowly turns to open the door, holding it open for Yuichiro.  "Uh, well, I guess you're right."  Yuichiro turns to walk out the door.  Mikaela stops him just as he reaches the main hallway.  "Oh, but Yuu?  One more thing."  The raven haired boy turns around just in time for Mika to plant a small kiss on his lips.  And then the large, wooden door is slammed in his face, leaving Yuichiro staring at it with a dumbfounded look.  Woah.

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