Chapter 11

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A/N: Man, extra long chapter for you guys! I've really enjoyed talking with all of you guys down in the comments. Thanks for all of the game ideas, especially to ScarletPetal for this one...I can't believe how much love this has been getting! I might have a little surprise for you guys later...We'll have to see. ^u^

     "Mikaela? I didn't know you were coming!" Yuichiro stutters out in disbelief.

     He smiles with rosy cheeks, a hand tucked behind his back as he waves the other one shyly.  "I'm here," he announces weakly.

     "Welcome to the party!" Shinoa sings excitedly, pumping a fist in the air. Kimizuki snickers. He's know Shinoa long enough to be able to sniff out her intentions. "Now that the gang is all here," she continues, "let's get this show on the road!" Without awaiting further instructions, everyone comes closer and forms a circle. Everyone except for Mikaela, standing awkwardly in front of a gap in the circle between Yuichiro and Guren. He hadn't realized that he was supposed to sit.

     "Sorry," he mutters as he takes a seat. "A-And thank you."

     "Feel free to take some food," Shinoa offers alongside a smile, gesturing towards the pile of Kids Cuisine boxes.  

     "Thank you," Mikaela mutters, silently refusing to take any.

     The whole team settles down in their spots as they prepare for their game. Uninterest seems to shine in all of their eyes, but if they really hadn't wanted to come, then they just wouldn't have. As always, Shinoa makes herself comfortable at the head of the circle.  Well, really, a circle doesn't have a lead, but Shinoa makes it possible. Beside her is Mitsuba, followed by Kimizuki, Yoichi, Yuichiro, Mikaela, Guren, Shinya, and back to Shinoa.  They all wait expectantly to hear what this week's game will be.  "This evening, it just so happens that we will be playing..." Shinoa pauses for the dramatic effect, gauging out everyone's impatient reactions with a small giggle before continuing, "'Never Have I Ever...'"

     "Yay!" Yoichi shouts overdramatically, trying to get everyone else somewhat excited for the night.

     "Cool," Kimizuki struggles to say, trying to be as enthusiastic as he can currently muster.

     "How do we play this one?" Yuichiro asks, smiling nervously. Crap, Mikaela is sitting right next to him. Is this kind of behavior okay? Does Mikaela think he's being a little too excited? Ugh, boys are so confusing.

     "Isn't this supposed to be a drinking game?" Kimizuki inquires, his chin rested on the palm of his hand. "If you haven't noticed, I don't think all of us here are of age."

     "Oh, so you have heard of this game?" Shinoa smiles, ignoring the question for now. "For the people who don't know, or just don't know of the version we're going to be playing, here's what's up. The basic idea is that we all take turns saying something that begins with 'never have I ever.' And please make sure that you're being completely truthful throughout the whole game, but I know that won't be an issue, right?" she says with a dangerous tone of voice before continuing cheerily. "Then, who ever has done that has to fess up. Tell us a story about it, too. For every time you say you have done something, put up one finger. The first one to put up all fingers is the loser."

     Shinya is smiling devilishly, looking like he's already concocting a plan. "And what happens if you lose?" Guren rolls his eyes, feigning disinterest. He knows, however, that losing this could be very deadly.

     Shinoa's smile widens. "Why, Shinya, I'm so glad you asked! The loser will have to consume a whole mug full of whatever all of the winners put together." Shinya chuckles in what seems like some sort of a cross between nervousness and absolute wickedness. Kimizuki slaps a hand over his mouth, acting like he could throw up, while Yoichi tries to comfort him awkwardly. 

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