Chapter 7

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A/N: I'm so, so, so sorry for the wait! You don't know how much I love you guys for sticking around despite the lack of updates! I've been lacking ideas lately. I also have a pretty busy writing schedule coming up, including school projects, song writing, and NaNoWriMo. This might mean that I either have to wrap this up or go on a little hiatus (that won't happen until the end of October, though). So please, if there is something you need to see happen before then, let me know! 

     The world is spinning. The twinkles of white on spattered black and blue ink spin faster and faster to the point that they begin to look like desperate brush strokes on an out-of-control canvas. The beams of light are reflected on emeralds encrusted on a milky white plate. The jewels get larger, larger as the sky spins swifter, swifter. The white merges together as it twirls like a ribbon, turning to daylight.

     Mikaela blinks the sleep out of his shining cobalt eyes, taking in the morning light and the way it meets the dorm walls, like cream for a coffee. Waking up without one of those pesky alarms is always so much nicer. Bleating and squawking and led lights are not his cup of tea. Mikaela is so used to waking up to the soft sun and naturally chirping birds that come alive at this time that there is no need for one, anyway.

     Mikaela yanks the white comforter off of his body with unnecessary ferocity. If you love something, you have to let it go. Rene stirs at the sound of fabric against fabric, grumbling lowly. Mikaela near snickers. That one is not a morning person. He'd have to get up for class soon. Mikaela, however, sticks to weekend classes for the sake of a weekday job. His shifts at his favorite café are typically during brunch hours and the later afternoon, when business is much slower. It's a nice chance to just look out of the floor to ceiling window panes and watch the people go by as he prepares to close up.

     Mikaela sighs. Hopefully today won't be a boring one. He walks out into the near-empty dorm hall, greeted only by the unconditioned air. Looking both ways as if crossing a bustling street, but really far from it, Mikaela jolts at the sight of one person down the hall, tacky plaid pajama pants to his feet and baggy shirt to his knees. Mikaela sucks in a breath, stiffening up. Yuichiro? Not again. Not now. Pretending he never saw anything, Mikaela scurries away to the bathroom for a shower.

     Yuichiro catches movement out of the corner of his sleepy green eyes. Is that Mikaela? He beams. That was his plan all along, so why all of a sudden the feelings of nervousness? Ah, well. Yuichiro finds new energy somewhere in him and uses it to dash down the carpeted hallway and into the restroom. He is just really thirsty again, okay?

     By the time he makes the short dash, steam is already spilling out of a running shower. Yuichiro tries to make no sound, but he can't hide his disappointment. Though, if he's so nervous, then shouldn't he feel relieved? Darn these endlessly conflicting feelings. Yuichiro takes a quick sip from the sink tap, as is his new routine, before sluggishly making his way back out.

     Yuichiro needs Mikaela's phone number. He needs something to do when he isn't paying attention in class. He sighs, his face falling out of the palm of his hand and flat onto the desk in front of him. Still with his head supported only by the fake wood of the small table, Yuichiro looks at the classroom's wall clock. Only a minute different than the last time he checked. Sitting up only to rebelliously pull his phone out under the desk, Yuichiro pondered who he could text instead of paying attention to his teacher's lecture. This guy is wobbling around on two tired feet and droning on in a drowsy tone, which is doing no good for his students, but the brain of the teacher isn't awake enough to notice that none of his students are, either.

     Yuichiro texts Shinoa. hey

     I thought you had classes today.

     No, she knows that he has classes today, and Yuichiro knows that. i do

     Gasp! Yuichiro, are you texting in class?!

     yeah, this guys too boring

     I see. But maybe you will find this of interest...

     A picture sends. Yuichiro flips, shaking his desk around in the process. The teacher looks up for a moment, but nothing more. It is a "selfie" of Shinoa and Mikaela at a familiar café, Mika in an apron and visor with its logo on it (which he actually looks really kind of cute in). They are acting all friendly. ?!

     Wow, you actually used punctuation!

     shut up and tell me how you got that

     How do you expect me to do both at the same time?


     I asked permission.

     Yuichiro groans. He had gotten all of his new friends' numbers, but he had to choose Shinoa to text first. He'd just have to talk to her face-to-face after class. But how was it that she got closer to Mikaela before he could?

     Shinoa wanders down the crowded halls of busy students, making her way to her next class. And stopping by Yuichiro's in the process. She passes the door with an all-knowing sideways glance. Only a few steps further along, she hears a familiar growl, "You."

     Shinoa turns around, her lilac hair braided in her own special way swishing. "Yuu."

     "How-How did" – Groaning, Yuichiro pulls out his phone and points to the picture Shinoa had sent him – "this happen?"

     "All I did was ask to take a picture with him. He works at the coffee shop I go to for studying before class, you know," she replies innocently before leaning in to continue, taking note of the fact that Yuichiro isn't satisfied with that answer. "He didn't mind at all when I said that it was for my dear friend Yuichiro." Yuichiro blushes madly, but only out of frustration, he would argue. And that they did, with Shinoa's amusement frustrating Yuichiro even further as they walk together down the school hall.

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