Chapter 3

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A/N: Thanks for the views! I'm glad people are reading this. I got quite a few more stars, which really makes me happy, so thank you to Mikaela_H, kurodollx, and ScarletPetal for taking the time to read and vote for this. Thanks to those of you are who are even bothering to read this as well. Please enjoy this next section of our Truth or Dare scene!

     Kimizuki scoffs. "Wimp. Anyways...Well, since you're pretty new here, have you met anyone you've got feelings for yet?" Guren, Shinya, and Yoichi all turn to Yuu with perked interest, and Shinoa lets out a small "ooh."

     Yuichiro turns away in embarrassment. Why'd he have to be asked this question? Why did he have to pick truth? He immediately thinks back to the blonde from the wash room. The way his soaked hair curled from his shower, the way the pink tips of his ears poked out, the way he had cutely hung his towel around his neck.

     "Oh, someone's daydreaming." Shinoa leans forward, giggling, and rests a hand under her chin.

     Kimizuki laughs loudly. "Oh, man, looks like Yuichiro's got a crush!" Yoichi lets a small smile slip, but nothing more. Shinya stifles a giggle with the palm of his hand, and Guren chuckles quietly to himself.

     "Sh-Shut up!" Yuichiro is blushing furiously.

     "So, who's the lucky fella?" Shinoa smirks. She leans in closer with curiosity.

     Yuichiro looks off to the side. "I-I..." What could he even say? It's not like he even knows the boy's name. "I don't know..."

     Shinoa looks at him with disappointment. "C'mon, Yuu-chan, no lying."

     "I really don't!" Yuichiro quickly quiets his voice after raising it ever so slightly, turning away from any eye contact. "I don't even know their name..." Yuu was ever so close to revealing the person's gender but had caught himself before that could happen and end up receiving so much more teasing.

     Shinoa perks up, although barely noticeable just by looking. "Oh, oh, oh! It seems we've got some love at first sight on our case! So, what do they look like?"

     Yuu pulls his arms up over his chest in the form of an x. "That wasn't part of the question. The question was whether I have feelings for someone, and your answer is yes. So, Shinoa, truth or dare?"

     "Oh, my turn at last? Truth." She doesn't move an inch as she waits with a bored expression for her question.

     "Hm." Yuichiro taps his lips in thought. "Okay. Where were you last night?"

     Shinoa still looks bored. "In Mitsu's room."

     "Eff you. I want details."

     "That wasn't part of the question." Shinoa mocks Yuu's earlier stance by forming an x across her own chest. "Yoichi. Truth or dare?" She looks at the brunette sharply.

     He jumps ever so slightly. "Eh? Uh, I choose...truth!"

     Shinoa rolls her eyes. "Again? C'mon, choose dare! Make this interesting!"

     Yoichi laughs awkwardly. "Kimizuki is right. I chose truth because I'm too nervous to have to do something embarrassing!" Kimizuki looks a bit ashamed by his words for once, not really meaning for his comment to be directed at Yoichi.

     Shinoa harrumphs. "Whatever. What is your current relationship with Kimizuki?"

     Yoichi blushes in surprise, his dark eyebrows scrunching up. "J-Just friends! What do you mean?" Kimizuki nods furiously.

     Shinoa smiles, knowing that was going to be the answer. She makes a bzzt sound with her mouth. "Incorrect. Now you have to face your punishment. I dare you to-"

     "Eh? Punishment? And what do you mean, 'incorrect'?"

     "Psht. We all know it's a lie. You may as well have been a good boy and told the truth. Also, no interruptions! I dare you to give your dearest Kimizuki a small peck on the lips." Shinoa places a finger on her mouth, tilted in a tiny smirk, for exaggeration.

     Yoichi blushes brightly. "B-B-B-"

     Shinoa bursts into a wide grin. "Stop it right there, buddy. No buts allowed."

     Yoichi gulps. Kimizuki is stunned to the point of freezing up. "U-Um..." Yoichi shuffles awkwardly, looking up at Kimizuki with a blush slowly but steadily spreading across his face. A clever dare. Their relationship status is obvious, and it is pretty obvious that Kimizuki would be taking the first step in everything the couple will do. Now it's Yoichi's turn. He leans up, placing his rosy lips on Kimizuki's for as short of a time as possible. At this point, both boys had a blush up to the tips of their ears. Yoichi immediately got back down into his original position. "There." He huffs.

     Shinoa rolls her eyes, looking off to the side. "Not very impressive, Yoichi, but still worth it. Now ask someone else to pick truth or dare."

     "Uh..." Yoichi looks at Yuichiro, smiling nervously. "Yuichiro, truth or dare?"

     Yuichiro is sitting with his head resting on his hand, his cheeks lightly brushed with pink from having to watch Yoichi's shameful punishment. No way is Yuichiro choosing truth again. "Dare."

     Again with that nervous smile, as if Yoichi is silently apologizing for what he is about to do. "I dare you to take all of us to your...crush and...I don't know, hold a conversation?" Shinoa jabs him in the side, proud of what she got, but still thinking that he could have done better. "Well, I don't know! It just doesn't seem like they've really talked at all."

     Kimizuki shrugs, speaking up. "I can get a good laugh out of Yuichiro's social skills."

     "Oi!" Yuichiro has had a blush on his face since the dare was uttered, looking very indignant as he glares at Kimizuki.

     Guren and Shinya look at each other and shrug. "Yeah, I'd watch that." Guren looks nonchalant as always while Shinya just smiles at him in embarrassment.

     "It's not like I even know where he is right now." Yuichiro tries to wiggle his way out of the dare.

     Shinoa jumps up immediately, perking up with a huge smile plastered on her face. "He?" Not catching that at first, everyone else turns to look at Yuichiro in surprise. Well, not too much surprise. Yuichiro groans at his horrible mistake, trying to hide his bright red face in his hands. "Well, well, Yuichiro! Why not take us to visit this lovely man?"

     Yuichiro groans again. "I told you, I don't know where he is." Now that the secret of the gender of Yuichiro's current object of affection is out, there is no point in hiding it.

     "Then tell us what he looks like." Yoichi smiles excitedly.

     "That's not part of the dare."

     Shinoa doesn't want to give up this time, so she persists. "I'd say that anything that aids in the completion of a dare should have to be included in it."

     "" Yuichiro does not want to let this happen. Shinoa shakes her head "no," and Yuichiro just sighs knowingly. In the short time he's known her, Yuichiro has come to except the fact that Shinoa will not give up once she has her mind set on something. "He...He has blond hair..." A few people look back and forth at each other, wiggling their eyebrows to show that they are all imagining who could match that description. "And, uh, blue eyes, and he's really pale."

     Shinoa claps her hands together in realization and delight. "Mikaela!"

A/N: Sorry if it's a bit short.  Hopefully you still enjoyed!

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