Chapter 15

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A/N: I felt like this story needed a better cover, so that's that...Also, there have been some changes to the story summary, whether you noticed or not.  If not, there is some sad news...This is the second to last chapter of this story, meaning the next update will be the last.  I really hate to end such a popular story so suddenly, but it has to happen because I've been lacking ideas and inspiration for this story.  That being said, I really hope you'll take the time to check some of my other works out.  Enjoy!

     Yuichiro arrived on the scene early.  Not because he really wants to help Shinoa set up for her stupid party like she had asked him to, but because he needs to scope out the place for good hiding spots and make sure that none of the decorations were too offensive.  Yuichiro huffs, looking past Shinoa as she opens the door for him and scanning the decorations.  Shimmering ribbons in all sorts of dark reds, blues, and greens line the ceiling and floor and everything in between.  It looked as if a tired rainbow had thrown up all over the tiny room.  "Not too horrible," Yuichiro mutters under his breath.

     Shinoa smiles with false innocence, playing with the hem of her skirt as she bows in gratitude.  "I'm glad you think so."  She holds the door open wider for him.

     Yuichiro snuffles as he scoots inside, kicking his shoes off somewhere by the door.  Mitsuba is still adding decorations, standing atop a chair as she tapes more ribbon streamers to the ceiling.  Shinoa's desk had been stacked recklessly on top of Mitsuba's to make more room, and its chair pushed to the side in the dark of the corner.  Yuichiro hesitates to sit in it, seeing as it was right in reach of any toppling desks, but decides to just take a seat.  "So," he starts, "who, exactly, is coming to this little party of yours?"

     Shinoa puts a finger to her lip in thought.  "Well, basically, just the whole gang.  Guren, Shinya, Yoichi, Kimizuki..."  Yuichiro barely pays attention to what she's really saying, just waiting to hear her say just one certain name.  "Oh, and our special guest, Mika!" she adds at last with a smirk in her voice.

     Yuichiro grumbles at the last part, the part he had been waiting to hear.  He almost has to ask Shinoa to repeat herself because he hadn't been paying too much attention to anything else she just said.  Wanting to save himself from that embarrassment, though, Yuichiro just safely assumes that it would be their usual group.  No more, no less.

     There's a knock on the door not a second later.  Shinoa leans off of the wall she had been using for support when talking to Yuichiro, sliding towards the door.  "I got it."

     "I guess I didn't come all that early after all," Yuichiro mumbles to himself.

     Shinoa swings the door open, revealing Yoichi, who had jumped slightly at Shinoa's slightly violent welcoming, and the hot headed Kimizuki.  He and Yuichiro may have been slight friends by now, but it was more of a love hate relationship, so Yuichiro still clicked his tongue when Kimizuki entered.  Shinoa dismisses Yuichiro's behaviors.  "Welcome to the party!  Did you bring any food?"  Shinoa studies their empty hands dramatically, as if searching for even the smallest morsel of food.

     Yoichi nearly starts panicking, frantically explaining that he hadn't known he was supposed to bring food.  "No, we didn't," Kimizuki snaps, shutting Yoichi up.  He's not in the mood for Shinoa's games.

     Shinoa sighs, her lilac hair swishing back and forth as she shakes her head in disappointment.  "What a shame.  Luckily for you, I have a lot of chips stocked up in the drawers of that desk stacked over there."

     With that, Kimizuki turns to look at the dangerous looking tower of desks in the corner by Yuichiro, who isn't nearly as important to ridicule as this monstrous skyscraper.  How is Kimizuki supposed to get up there and get anything out of those drawers without making the whole dresser come crashing to the ground?  That, and Kimizuki also had to wonder about one other thing.  "Where do you keep all of your clothes if all of your drawers are clogged up with junk food?"

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