Chapter 6

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! I really wanted to get this up tonight, but I'm so tired...There might be more than a few errors (including the time I nearly put "wate" instead of "wait"). But anyway, thanks to all of you have been patient with me and stuck to this story despite the recent lack of updates! The popularity of this, despite little, is still mind blowing to me.  Also, I've been curious, how did all of you guys find out about owaseri, and how did you make the final decision to read/watch it? If you wanted to know, for me, I was in the bookstore as usual, and I saw in the new section the second volume. I was like, "Crap! This dude is hot." So yeah, I desperately threw together some dollar bills and started the series. You're welcome.

     Mikaela finally brings himself to slip off the brown school shoes suffocating his tired feet. Still covering them are worn, ankle-high socks that are no longer as white as their store packaging had claimed. Just as his feet are about to be freed from their final prison, Mikaela lets out an instinctive sigh when he hears a heated argument taking place down the hall. He needs no extra evidence that it's Rene and Lacus causing trouble.

     Mikaela huffs as he pulls himself up off of his springy cot. The bottom of his socks rub against the same short, blue carpet that stretches across the entire dormitory as he shuffles out the door. He makes sure to lock it to save himself from trouble makers like his roommate. As Mikaela makes his exit, he spots an open door at the very end of the hall, spilling out its golden light and angry words for all to see and hear.

     Mikaela walks quickly down the otherwise dimly-lit corridor. He walks into the dorm room confidently, ready to drag Rene and Lacus out by the ear. In front of him, busied with the task of arguing against said pains in the butt, is a taller man with pink hair and...Yuichiro. Mikaela flinches at the sight, trying his best to keep up his calm and collected composure and training his crystal eyes on Rene. "Oi!" Mikaela's rough voice easily captures the attention of the group. Yuichiro jolts at the sudden appearance of his new friend, but Mikaela's beautiful eyes never land on him. Not once. All of his attention is wasted on the invaders. "I thought I told you guys to stay out of trouble!" he growls.

     "Mika, Mika..." Lacus begins leisurely. "We weren't causing any trouble!"

     He flinches when Mikaela scoffs, rolling his eyes dramatically. "I'm sure you weren't," he says, gentle at first. "Come with me now."

     Lacus tisks, his purple hair swishing. "Whatever." He pushes Rene off of the bed, earning himself a small yelp. He then follows shortly behind, bouncing off of the springy mattress. Both Lacus and Rene walk out of the room, acting as if nothing had happened.

     Mikaela turns to Yuichiro's roommate, his blond eyebrows scrunched together and blue eyes laced with concern. He says, "Sorry about that," and hurries away.

     Kimizuki sighs, shutting the door behind their savior. "Well." He locks the door and turns towards his all-too-familiar study corner. However, exactly where he had been standing only moments before was Yuichiro, his legs hugged close to his chest and his lower lip pinched under his other. A light pink dusts his cheeks. "What the...?" Yuichiro sniffles. He jumps out of his shoes and onto his bed. He crawls under his black comforter, his crossed legs barely having an outline in the sea of shadow. Yuichiro stares at his white fingers, entangled in each other on top of his lap in great contrast to the blanket in between. "What's all this about?" Kimizuki questions, pinching the bridge of his nose above his thickly rimmed glasses.

     "Nothing! Well...It's just – he – no, never mind." Yuichiro refused to look up as he responded.

     Kimizuki's lips tug up into a tight smile as he struggles to fight an outburst of laughter. "Are you talking about Mikaela?"

     "Forget you!" Yuichiro hisses, glaring at Kimizuki straight in the eyes. He tugs his cover high above his head and flops down onto the mattress completely. Kimizuki's strained chuckles are muffled by the heavy blanket. Yuichiro takes a deep breath of the confined air to calm down. Mika didn't even look at him. He looked at everyone but him! That, and his Mika doesn't even know Kimizuki! Yuu-chan. Crap. The way Mikaela said his name sent shivers down Yuichiro's spine. What if Mikaela found out how he feels about him? Maybe he's uncomfortable around Yuichiro now.

     Yuichiro lets out what seems to be a mix of a small whimper and a sigh. He shoves the blanket off of his face, tired of breathing in stale air. The fresh air feels welcoming on his face. Turning towards the wall, Yuichiro puts in his best efforts to fall asleep. He'd forget all about Mika in the morning, right?

     Yuichiro wakes up to the feeling of his phone's alarm shaking the bed with its vibrations. He sits up in bed, jabbing his smart phone until it stops. His eyes are still too tired to be able to properly locate the off button. Even so, Yuichiro feels so refreshed. He smiles, not knowing where the feeling was coming from, but not needing to. Then all of the memories flood in, the final ones leaving him with a heavy sense of dread. "Ffffffffu..." With that, Yuichiro flops dramatically back onto his bed.

A/N: Oh, before I forget, I'll be posting an update schedule tomorrow.

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