Chapter 10

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A/N: Eating Kids Cuisine and trying to write with a half-asleep brain isn't the best idea, but I hope you enjoy this short installment nonetheless! I'm really loving all of the attention that this story is getting. Also, urgent news, I seriously need ideas for what game they're going to play!

Saturday is quickly slept away. Though it is an absolutely blissful thing, sleep does not fill a stomach, but rather makes the emptiness feel more noticeable after skipping two good meals. The school is well aware of this and prepares for it with later breakfast hours on Saturday. However, no one could be prepared for how late Yuichiro sleeps in on his Saturdays. Only four o'clock pm. Well, at least he'd be early for dinner.

Yuichiro dashes through the halls with his raven black hair in its usual mess and his black and white outfit in a similar fashion. Running to meals had become a norm for him. This would be, however, his first time actually going to eat early. Just as he reaches the cafeteria building just by all of the dorms, he sees the staff opening. He smiles widely, showing off his teeth in the excitement. He is the first one here. Even Kimizuki isn't there, but that's only because he enjoys eating his meals at regular hours.

Yuichiro quickly swallows his whole meal, still unused to having time to eat at a leisurely pace. He did enjoy not having to pick apart the leftovers, though. Getting first pick is new. Who knew that the cafeteria actually offers up delectable foods? They had desserts, too, but it's no wonder that those are all gone long before closing time. Especially when Yuichiro is actually there. Stuffed with all kinds of sweets, he is well prepared to sleep through Sunday without waking up from starvation. So he does.

It is now Sunday evening. Yuichiro is once again running late. Yesterday shouldn't even count as an exception, for he was really just running late for breakfast and lunch. Now, however, he is late for his friends' weekly Sunday Game Night. Squinting his eyes as if it will give him special night vision, Yuichiro locates his friends sitting in a circle on the ground, street lights shining weakly nearby. In the center as if it is an almighty god worthy of worshipping is a tall stack of small blue boxes. Yuichiro slows his pace in confusion. Those certainly don't look like pizza boxes. He had been promised pizza for dinner.

"Yuu-chan!" Shinoa calls out, waving her hand around in the air. Yuichiro is taken aback a bit. He thought only Mikaela called him that.

Mitsuba, sitting cross legged beside Shinoa, grabs her wrist, and forces is it back down. Shinoa whimpers teasingly. "Hurry up, baka-Yuu!" Now it seems like everyone is calling him by that name.

As Yuichiro gets closer, he hears Shinoa mutter rather loudly, "Relax. It's not like he's the last one to get here. We still have one last guest, remember?" She smirks, turning her gaze towards Yuichiro. He blinks in slight surprise. Guren sighs in annoyance, half lying on the ground next to Shinya. Shinya sighs in agreement, though his seems to be more out of pity. The pair seem to know exactly what's going on. They may be the only two immune to Shinoa's ploys, along with being the only ones to have the superhuman ability to see through them.

Yuichiro tries his best to ignore the comment and the way that his curiosity is eating him up for it. He attempts to change the subject, pointing to the hot boxes stacked on the ground. "That's not pizza," he states simply.

Kimizuki snickers. "Good observation, Sherlock," he mutters. Yoichi glares at him as much as Yoichi can know how to glare. Yuichiro tries to dismiss it as just his inner cynic speaking up again.

"Pizza is too expensive," Shinoa explains with a dramatic tilt of her head.

Yuichiro crouches down to study the boxes more closely. Kids Cuisine. "What the heck?"

"It's cheaper," Shinoa says, dumbing it down a bit more for the better of Yuichiro's understanding.

"Stop complaining, and just be grateful that we brought food!" Mitsuba lectures as soon as Shinoa finishes with her small speech.

Yuichiro shrugs, sifting through the preheated packages, questioning at the back of his head as to whether the whole box is really supposed to be microwaved. He goes with the chicken nuggets. At least the chocolate pudding looks appetizing. "Thanks for the meal," he groans unenthusiastically.

Just then, their last person walks up quietly, his nervousness shown in his wavering steps. Shinoa is the first to spot him, a friendly smile lighting up her face. She somehow manages to make it look somewhat devious at the same time. "Welcome! I'm so glad you could make it!"

A/N: Oh, also, Patreon has been on my mind lately...Would anybody be interested if I made one or did writing commissions?

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