Chapter 4

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A/N: THIS STORY HAS GOTTEN OVER ONE HUNDRED VIEWS. *confetti* *streamers* *if only there was cake* I cannot thank you guys enough! Along with that, I've gotten my first few comments! That was really nice.  Thanks again for your continued support, and I hope that you all will keep enjoying this story!

     Yoichi, Kimizuki, Shinya, and Guren exchange nods, murmuring excitedly about how that could make sense. Yoichi speaks up, ready to see his dare in action. "Oh! Mikaela typically goes to the library to study after his weekend classes' end!"

     Shinoa nods energetically in agreement. She stands up quickly, everyone but Yuichiro following in suit hurriedly. "Let's do it!" Shinoa stretches her arms above her head in anticipation. Yoichi walks over to where Yuichiro is stubbornly sitting. He offers him a hand in getting up, seeing as it is the least he could do. Yoichi is a rather apologetic person.

     The group chats gleefully on their way to the library, which is luckily only a couple of buildings down. The walk feels short as the young adults waste the time teasing Yuichiro about his choice in boys and how Mikaela is kind of obviously gay. However, even in the snooping Shinoa's eyes, Yuichiro could not have chosen anyone who talked about their love life less than Mikaela does. Nobody actually really even knows what's up with him in that area. When they reach the glass double doors, the library is nearly empty and getting ready to close up. Inside, Mikaela is putting his computer and folders back into his blue backpack. "Be a good boy and do as you're told! Go talk to him!" Shinoa shoves Yuichiro forward. He gulps, looking back and forth between the oblivious and beautiful blonde and Shinoa with red on his face. Yeah, that is definitely the one that Yuichiro ran into the other morning.

     "What am I supposed to say?"

     "Anything!" Yoichi's voice is urgent as he presses for Yuichiro to get to it already. "Now do it! O-Or I'll have to punish you like Shinoa did to me!"

     Yuichiro snickers, the thought of Yoichi coming up with a punishment not at all threatening. "Whatever." Yuichiro walks up to the doors and pushes them open hesitantly, grumbling along the way. He makes his way up to Mikaela, feeling his friends' stares prickling on his back. The group later relocates for better hearing, though. The blonde looks up as Yuichiro gets closer. When he reaches Mikaela, the man gives him the most adorable and awkward lopsided smile. Yuichiro places one hand on the table for support. "Um, come here often?"

     Mikaela laughs quietly and angelically, using a small fist to cover his mouth. "Only when it's not about to close up."

     Yuichiro looks away, scratching the back of his head. He wants to blurt out that this whole situation is just a dare, but Yuu can just imagine Shinoa standing over him in disapproval. He instead lifts up his hand politely. "A-Anyways, I'm Yuichiro, but feel free to just call me Yuu."

     Mikaela shakes Yuichiro's hand gladly. "I'm Mikaela, but Mika works just fine." Mika switches back to his calm and collected demeanor that Yuichiro had first seen on him. Somehow, that dorky smile seems to suit him better, though. Mikaela wants to ask why Yuu had decided to come here right at closing time, but he guesses that it would only make the conversation more awkward. Speaking of closing time... "Hey, uh, want to walk back to the dorms with me? I noticed that we are in the same area. We'll also be kicked out of the library soon if we don't leave now."

     Yuichiro is thrown off balance, his hand flying off of the wooden table. It has to be really late if the library is already closing. "Oh, um, yeah. Good idea!" The fact that this has got to be the worst dare ever screams loudly in Yuichiro's head as the two college students walk awkwardly side by side in an uncomfortable silence. Their short walk to their dorms consisted of a lot of swallowing thickly, clearing their throats, and staring at their feet.

This Isn't Love at First Sight! - MikaYuu College AUWhere stories live. Discover now