Chapter 8

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A/N: 1K views! I can't believe it! Thank you guys so much, to the people who were here since 100 views seemed unbelievable to me, and to the people here just in time to celebrate my first 1,000! Thank you so much, and happy Friday! <3

Also, a quick announcement. To keep you all from waiting in suspense for the next chapter due to a lack of an update schedule, the day before I upload a chapter, I'll send out a message to my followers saying so.  If you haven't followed me already, please do! I'd definitely appreciate it! (I wish there was a better way to do it without having to make it seem like I'm bribing people to follow me...)

     It's Friday. The day to party all night and not worry about homework until Sunday evening. Oh, thank god, it's Friday. Even so, Yuichiro crawls out of bed at a sluggish pace like always. He goes to get water from the faucet in the bathroom. Mikaela is already in the shower. Yuichiro goes back to sleep. Kimizuki is forced to use drastic measures to get him up again, and they make a dash for the door. Lately, they've been early enough to the cafeteria to be able to snatch the last muffin and scurry out the door. This morning, however, ends up being no different from their first.

     "You're too late again," Guren states simply, a hand shoved deep in the pocket of his navy colored, form fitting sweatshirt. His other hand holds a pancake as if it were a simple slice of bread, taking slow, lazy bites. Shinya stands beside him, laughing sympathetically as he juggles an orange in one hand.

     Yuichiro collapses onto his bed with a long sigh, his backpack falling to the space beside it with a loud thud, computer and all. With a not-so-great way to start of their day, both Yuichiro and Kimizuki had a very long day. This didn't leave Kimizuki in the best of moods. "Quit your sighing. I'm trying to focus on homework."

     "It's not like I don't have any to work on!" Yuichiro snaps, jumping up. As if he actually planned on doing it tonight.

     "Then find somewhere else to do it!"

     "Fine!" Yuichiro stomps out the door with his bag without a second thought. Only when he slams the door shut behind him does he realize that he doesn't really have somewhere else to do it. He fishes his phone out of his pocket, wondering if he could maybe go to a friend's place. The last person he had texted was Shinoa. At the top of the messaging screen is half a picture. Yuichiro scrolls up, suddenly getting hit with an idea. The coffee shop!

     Yuichiro starts to wonder if this was really such a good idea. His eyebrow twitches in irritation as he stress at the surrounding people with his tired green eyes behind a Styrofoam coffee cup. Well, hot cocoa cup. He's still too young to be getting addicted to caffeine. He jumps with a start when a chair squeaks from across from him. Yuichiro had been too busy staring the customers in line down to notice anyone approaching him, sitting on the chair in a backwards fashion with his legs wrapped around the back. He turns his head sharply, releasing the cup from his lips. "Yuu-chan," a familiar voice calls out, accompanied by a friendly wave.

     Yuichiro jumps back, his chair skidding against the worn wood floors in the process. "Mika!" His cocoa sloshes, spilling over the sides and splattering onto Yuichiro's lap. "Ack!"

     "Ah!" Mikaela jumps up immediately, snatching a bunch of napkins from the little tray that are always placed at each table. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have startled you!"

     Yuichiro winces in pain from the small burn. "A-Ah, it's all right-!" Mikaela is at his side in an instant, rubbing his baggy jeans with the latte colored napkins. Yuichiro turns bright red.

     Mikaela looks up to see the change in color and immediately blushes brightly himself. He backs up instantaneously. "I'm so sorry!" Mikaela slowly offers one of the paper napkins to Yuichiro, who accepts it awkwardly. "I'm sorry for my horrible service," he says, bowing slightly. It's only then that Yuichiro notices that Mikaela is in that same work uniform that he had been wearing in Shinoa's picture. Some of the blonde's bleached hair pops up under the visor. "Perhaps I'd be of more help up front taking orders."

     "Stop apologizing," Yuichiro huffs in embarrassment. "And by the way, I'd much rather you here than way over there."

     Mikaela takes a nervous seat across from Yuichiro once again. "Thank you," he replies hesitantly.

     "What's there to thank me for?"

     Mikaela smiles sweetly. "For being so nice to me, Yuu-chan."

     "Why are you always calling me that?"

     Mikaela looks confused. "Eh? Does that make you uncomfortable? I thought you said I could."

     "Yeah, well, no one acts that friendly around me, usually," Yuichiro replies indignantly.

     "But aren't you making so many friends so quickly?" Mikaela questions, maybe letting a bit of his jealously become evident. "Like, uh, Shinoa. I'd guess she's friendlier with you than I. Wouldn't you guys be dating?"

     "No!" he yelps. "No, of course not. Me, dating her? We're good friends, yeah, but I don't even – ah, never mind."

     "You don't even what?" Mikaela presses curiously.

     "Nothing!" he says heatedly.

     Mikaela leans back in his chair, only then realizing that he had been leaning in. "Ah, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked," he says, able to read Yuichiro like a book. He is obviously uncomfortable.

     "Besides," Yuichiro mumbles irately, "I already have someone else in mind."

     "Do you?" Mikaela perks up curiously, but not too confident that this would be beneficial to him.

     "Well, yeah! Everyone does, don't they? Don't you?" Yuichiro questions pointedly.

     "Well..." Mikaela takes a long pause, staring at the ceiling fan above in deep thought. "Yes."

     Yuichiro opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted by a noisy worker. "Mika! Come over here and help me for once!" Yuichiro notes Mikaela's quiet snicker. He picks up on the fact that maybe the situation was usually the other way around.

     "Thanks for talking with me," Mikaela says quickly, dashing off before Yuichiro could reply. Mika really needs to stop with all the thank yous and sorrys. As if Yuichiro hadn't enjoyed their conversation just as much.

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