Chapter 5

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A/N: So sorry for the wait! Time is really crunching as school comes to a start. Updates will be slower and chapters may get shorter, but I will still try to update once a week. I might not be able to keep it consistent anymore, though. I didn't get to finish this chapter properly, but I didn't want to keep all of you sweet people waiting any longer. Anyways, the views have practically doubled, so thank you guys so, so much! I never dreamed of getting this many views! ^u^

     Mikaela flopped down onto his springy twin bed with a bounce, today's clothes still clinging uncomfortably to his body. He sighs inwardly, not putting forth the energy to wear an expression. He just stares at the bland popcorn ceiling with those electric blue eyes that are now too clouded with sleep and the need to preserve energy to show any emotion. He thinks back to Yuu, his soft raven hair dancing with every movement and his sharp green eyes that gleam with everything he feels. What a rewarding study session. Mikaela would never be able to bring himself to be the first to talk to his Yuu. He already seems to have all of the greatest friends he could possibly ask for. Maybe he might know the people who are already friends with him, but even then, they seem so distant, like Mikaela just wouldn't fit into their little group. Another sigh.

     Mikaela sluggishly lifts up his head from the comfortless mattress of his dorm bunk upon hearing the clicking sound of the door knob that signals his roommate's entrance. Mikaela props himself up on a single elbow. "Welcome."

     "Yo, Mikaela. What have you been doing that you're too tired to even change out of your clothes?" The man runs his hand through his black bangs with a small laugh. "You look hungover!"

     Mikaela allows himself to fall back on the bed once more, his pale golden locks pooling around him on the sheets. He lays an arm over his face lazily. "Shut up, Rene."

     Rene sits down on the bed parallel to Mikaela's, his legs swinging back and forth in their long, black boots. "But c'mon, where were you? The library isn't even open this late, and knowin' you, you had to have only just gotten back with your shoes still on." Rene swirls his finger in the general direction of Mikaela's brown clogs as if the other was even looking.

     "Mm, just taking my time walking back."

     "Then who was that boy you were with?"

     Mikaela shoots up. "Eh?" Surprise surfaces within his gentle orbs while the rest of his face stays in its straight state.

     Rene smirks. "Bingo." Just then, the door bursts open, letting extra light into the small room. Both boys turn towards the door immediately.

     "Yo! Rene!" A man with purple hair tied back into a ponytail takes a long sip from a bright orange Fanta. His other arm rests against the door frame with an unopened can of the same soda dangling from his pale hand lazily. He smirks childishly. "I found a good door." He lifts his weight from the doorframe and tosses the can of Fanta to Rene, who catches it perfectly. Mikaela rolls his eyes at the whole exchange. Their guest said that is if it were some sort of code phrase for something that no one could understand.

     After waiting a second for the soda to calm down, Rene cracks it open, releasing a sizzling sound. He takes a quick gulp of the orange colored sugar. "Oh, oh! Good find, Lacus!" Rene jumps off the bed to leave with Lacus and disappear from the room once more.

     Mikaela sighs. "Stay out of trouble."

     The two boys at the door barely pay any attention to the blonde. They turn and close the door. Just as the door slides shut, Rene shouts out from down the hall, "Yes, mom." Mikaela sighs. Rene sure is different at night. If only he would put some of that energy into something more important, like school or his job.

     Kimizuki and Yuichiro head to back to their room in a way that makes them appear to be sleep walking. Not a word escapes from the restless heads of either boy. Yuichiro may have had the night of his life, a way of spending the weekend with friends that differs from loud partying and incognizant words, but he is feeling the lows more than the highs. His new friends are great, but Mikaela seems better. Yuichiro can't have him, though. Why would he even think he could? He blinks twice as he's snapped out of his thoughts. They're at their dorm.

     "I got it," Kimizuki mutters, his hands searching around in his pocket. He pulls out his key, near identical to Yuichiro's (excuse the fact that each have their wear marks in different spots), and slides it into the key slot. It doesn't turn any more clockwise than when they got to it. "Eh?" Kimizuki pulls the door open roughly, not believing that it had already been unlocked. It opens as easily as usual.

     Two other college students have themselves spread out across Kimizuki's – and just Kimizuki's – bed. A boy with purple hair sips gluttonously on a can of bright soda. Another boy with black hair is laying just a little too close, but it isn't as if there is much of an option on a tight twin bed. I mean, there's always Yuichiro's bed a whole five feet away, but it's not like he minds the fact that nobody had been borrowing it. "Oh, looks like we have visitors!" says the one with the black hair.

     "Sorry, I think you two may have been too drunk on liquid sugar to notice, but this is our room. You're the visitors here." Yuichiro in his normal state plus the effects of being in an extremely tired one leaves him with very little patience.

     "Oh, you think so? We just wanted to pay our neighbors a friendly visit." This time, it's Purple Hair that speaks. "But just for your information, unlike you fellas, we know how to drink appropriately."

     "By the sound of your comeback, it doesn't exactly seem like it," Kimizuki growls. He, too, wants nothing more than to just get into bed, and without those two in it.

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