Chapter 14

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A/N: OH MY GODS, EIGHT THOUSAND VIEWS?! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? You guys are so amazing!  Even when I was on my break from writing, the popularity of this story went up like crazy.  You all have been so patient with me.  As a bit of a present, I have a few surprises for you!  Firstly, here's an extra long chapter for the extra long wait.  Also, I just finished remodeling my Etsy (, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd check it out.  Lastly, just for you guys as thanks for your continued support, get THIRTY PERCENT OFF the whole store with coupon code WEEZYINK20. Coupon expires February first.  Thanks for tuning in!

     Mikaela slams his back against the door.  His face felt like it had been lit on fire.  It was this weird, itchy kind of warm sensation.  He rests his face in the palms of his cold, pale hands.  Why would he do something as rash that?  Mika shakes his head, his mess of still damp blond hair swishing around in his hands as he does so.  Maybe he should go after Yuu and apologize.  Or maybe he shouldn't.  The longer Mikaela thought about it, the more he argued to himself that it is too late to go after him.  No longer relevant.  But at the same time, it still happened, and he still needs to apologize.  Mikaela hits his head against the back of the door, staring up at the unpainted ceiling as he groans in frustration.  What is wrong with him?

     "Woohoo!"  Shinoa blows a popper right past Yuichiro's face, the warm, sparkly contents of the mini cannon whizzing past his pale skin.  The tiny streamers land unceremoniously on the ground behind him.

     Yuichiro looks at his lilac haired friend with a look of slight annoyance and dumbfoundedness, sitting backwards in a wooden chair placed in front of his friend's dorm room desk.  Behind him is Mitsuba's side of the room, her pink bed sheets spread messily as if she had only just been sitting there.  "Where'd you get that from?"

     Shinoa shrugs her shoulders, looking innocent enough.  She leans her back against the wall, her legs swinging back and forth from where she sits atop the worn desk.  "It's for my Christmas party."

     Yuichiro quirks an eyebrow.  "What Christmas party?  Since when were you hosting a party?"  He stares with a look of confusion and subtle curiosity at the used popper sitting in Shinoa's relaxed hand. 

     "Since I found out my two good friends could use a little romantic help," she says with a wink.

     Yuichiro glares at her with the fullest strength of his sleepy self.  He points at her agitatedly, poking her shoulder with his hard finger.  "But I only just told you about what happened.  When did you have time to go out and buy those stupid decorations?"

     Shinoa wiggles her finger right in front of Yuichiro's face, making him fall back in surprise.  "You ask too many questions.  However, if you really must know, I've been planning this out for quite a bit."  She clasps her hands together dreamily.  "It will be perfect!  There will be mistletoe in every room!  Everybody will be dancing!  It'll be like a dream come true as it all comes together in perfect slow motion!"

     Yuichiro rolls his eyes.  "I don't even understand what you're going on about anymore."

     Shinoa shrugs, jumping off of the desk with a huff, dusting off her skirt dramatically.  Landing right beside her bed, she shuffles through her plastic bag full of party decorations and pulls out an envelope.  Shinoa places it into Yuichiro's hesitantly extended hands.  "That's fine.  All you need to understand is that you are going to take this and invite Mikaela to our little party."

     Yuichiro gulps, his grip on the invitation tightening.  "A-And why would I willingly agree to that?"

     "Well, I would have just done it myself, but it seemed to have bothered you the last time I went and talked to him.  I wouldn't want to accidentally...reveal anything," Shinoa says with a finger to her lip and a cheeky grin that says it all.  

     Yuichiro wants to roll his eyes at her again, but he can't find the courage to do it.  "Fine, whatever," he harrumphs.

     Shinoa smirks.  She yanks Yuichiro out of the chair and shoves him in the direction of the door, making him yelp in surprise.  Like the lady Shinoa is, she holds the door wide open for her dear friend.  "Go at it, loverboy!"

     Yuichiro stumbles into the hallway, giving Shinoa the chance to shut her door loudly behind him.  Yuichiro thinks dreadfully of how an awfully similar event had happened just yesterday.  He hasn't talked to Mikaela since...that happened.  Why did he agree to this again?  Yuichiro's feet feel like bricks as he makes his way into the men's dorm building, his feet dragging across the heated cement of such a stupid Monday afternoon.  Having memorized his way there by now, Yuichiro finds himself back at Mikaela's door.  It looms over him eerily, as if it had towering height.  Yuichiro knocks on it nervously.  There is an almost immediate reply.

     A certain blond swings his door open, as if he had been pacing around his small dorm room with nothing better to do than to welcome visitors.  "Y-Yuu?"

     Yuichiro waves shyly, then awkwardly moving his hand to play with a piece of his own hair.  "Ah, um, hey."  He jumps with realization, awkwardly staring down at the envelope in his hands.  Mikaela looks at it questioningly.  "Oh, right, I was supposed to tell you to come to Christmas - I mean celebrate Christmas with me and Shinoa and the others."

     Mikaela shuffles awkwardly.  "Oh, um, I'm Jewish.  I don't celebrate Christmas."

     Yuichiro looks up at Mika out of surprise, his face quickly lighting on fire when he finally looks at him for the first time that day.  "Oh.  Right.  Got it.  Um, bye!"  Yuichiro runs off with a start.

     "Ah, wait!"  Mikaela extends a hand, but it's too late.  

     Yuichiro then proceeds to explain the mistake to Shinoa.  She paces from wall to wall of her room, a hand covering her mouth in deep thought.  "This is no good, no good at all."

     Yuichiro speaks up.  "I know, that's why I-"

     "Yuu, you're a total idiot!" Shinoa yells, making him jump.  "I should have never assigned you to the job."  Although Yuichiro couldn't agree more, his pride can't help but feel a little hurt.  "You should have just gone along with it!  Tell him you messed up.  That it's actually a, uh...a New Years party!  Even better!"  Shinoa's face lights up with excitement.  She snatches the card that had still been in Yuichiro's hand, pulling a pen out of her desk and scribbling something on the card.  "Here.  You can bring this to him now.  There's no reason Mikaela could refuse the opportunity to kiss the love of his life as the clock strikes midnight and the year starts anew!"

     Yuichiro's face flushes as he takes the card.  "Do I really have to go over there again?"

     "Get on with it," Shinoa scolds playfully.


     Yuichiro finds himself at Mikaela's door yet again, who answers just as quickly.  "Yuu?  Uh, hello again!"

     Yuu extends the invite in his hands, nearly shoving it into Mika's.  "H-Here.  Shinoa wanted me to invite you to our New Years party."  With that, he runs away.  God, I'm such an idiot, Yuichiro tells himself as he makes his escape.

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