Chapter 14

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* three weeks later *


I groaned loudly as my alarm went off. I hate this. I can't wait for winter break. I'm tired of kids. I'm never having children. I'll adopt or something. Matter a fact. I always did wanted a cat.

As I sat up I groaned loudly as my body began to ache. Lately I've been working out more. And i forgotten how much it hurts after a while.

When I looked in the mirror, I didn't look the same. My eyes had dark circles around them from lack of sleep. My body was skinnier, yet curvy. My skin wasn't tan no more, now a paleish color. My chest looked a little bigger. Everything about me is different.

Every since Luke and Bree got back together, all they do is bully and torture me. I have more bruises from them than I have had ever gotten through out my life. And it was painful. My wrist ached from the scars I've left. My arms ached from all the punches. My stomach hurts. From not eating. My heart hurts because....

The boys are great, every night around five thirty we'd meet at the studio so they can practice for their concert in April to kick off their tour while making their new album.

My dad is M.I.A he hasn't called it texted me since the day with luke. I don't if I should be worried. But he's grown man. I'm sure he can handle himself.

I've also been learning  from a college student named Max, he's the most adorable guy ive met. Especially when he talks about his boyfriend. He's honestly like a brother to me.

"LARAAALINNEEE" micheal yelled as he slammed the door. This has become our tradition. He'd walk to my house since it wasn't really that far, sit on my couch eating whatever he could find and wait for me to be ready. Then we headed to McDonalds to eat. Well he eats mostly, I get a drink or a small fry.

"MIKEYYY" I talked running down stairs and hugging him

"Woah, you look horrible today." He said looking at me

"Thanks, you look great to" I said sarcastically

"No I mean it. Maybe you should stay home today, it's a Friday. You'll be fine. Call Carol and tell her" Michael said walking with me upstairs

"I mean if stay with me" I said rubbing my sore neck

"Why wouldn't I?" Micheal said rubbing my neck with his hands

"Your the best Best Friend a girl could ask for" I said as my neck began to feel better

"Ditto. Now call her while I get us food for a movie marathon." He said then left to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and called her. She said it was fine and she could tell I need a break, and that I've been stressing to hard. She also agreed the Micheal stay with me.

"I'm back!!" Michael announced busting into my room with Nachos, chips, sodas, cookies, and two beers.

"What do you wanna watch first my lady?" He asked taking off his shoes then laid next to me

"Sinister" I said getting on Netflix and clicking the movie. Michael groaned, he hates scary movies. I laughed at his reaction. And for the first time. I'm not thinking about Bree, Luke, even Noah.

Hey Babes ;-)

Sorry for short chapter but I felt that Lara needed a break. So she got one

Michael + Lara = Mira

Whatcha think?


Lol I'm done

I hoped y'all enjoyed this little filler chapter thingy. If you did please like and comment. I'd appreciate itttt bye losers

Thanks for reading

Y'all are amazing

Song I'm listening to " I walk alone" by Green Day

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