Chapter 2

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Spencer's POV
"Can we track the phone call?" Morgan asked Garcia.
"Yes, it was on Broadway St a little west from the courthouse." She said.
"Thanks, baby girl." He said.
"Wait there was another 911 call from a house 3 blocks away 2 minutes ago." She said.
"Maybe the two calls have to do with each other," I said.
"Good thinking Reid. JJ, Emily, and I will go to the house with the second call. Rossi, Reid, and Morgan go to the location of the first call."
"We need the address of the second call Garcia." I heard Emily say while we ran to the SUV.
"We aren't in a familiar area. Morgan are you familiar with it?" Rossi asked.
"Well, we've got a human GPS behind us," Morgan said looking at me.
"Uh take one left on Cook Street then..."
"I sent the directions to the scene to your tablet so you don't have to be listening to Reid the whole time." Garcia joked.
Then we sped off.
About 10 minutes later we got there.
There was a crashed car that was smoking.
It was about to catch on fire. I could tell by the amount of smoke pouring out of the hood. The three of us walked out of the car with our guns pointed on the car.
"The county police should be here at any moment," Morgan said.
"The girl said she was in the trunk!" I said running to the trunk while Rossi and Morgan walked to the front looking for a body.
I tried to open the back of the car but it was jammed.
"Morgan! Morgan, I need your help," I yelled still struggling to open the trunk.
"I'm coming Reid." He yelled running over to me.
We worked together and right when the trunk opened the car had a small explosion. I saw the girl back there.
She had blonde hair and wearing nothing but a tank top and shorts. I picked her up out of the trunk when the fire and police department finally got there.
Some were contacting other authorities while others examined the car.
I was coughing from the smoke and I wouldn't keep my eyes off the girl.
While studying her I saw she was still breathing.
"Hey over here!" I yelled as the paramedics came with a stretcher.
I set her on the stretcher and followed them to the ambulance.
When we arrived at the ambulance I looked back at Rossi and Morgan.
"Go with her!" Morgan yelled. "We will meet you at the hospital!"
I waved and saw that they exchanged a funny glance. Then I sat in the ambulance and looked out the back window and saw that the killer was nowhere to be found.
"Give her oxygen." The paramedic said.
"She better live if that killer did," I said not knowing I said it out loud.
The paramedics looked at me funny but I just kept my eyes on her.

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