Chapter 11

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Kelly's POV
I heard Garcia talking.
"... yes there is 16 in the area... I'll narrow it down stay in touch." Then she stopped.
I sat up and saw that my blouse was unbuttoned and my bra was exposed a little bit.
I quickly buttoned it up and sat up.
Then Spencer walked in.
He turned and sat next to me.
"Hey how are you feeling?" He asked rubbing my shoulder.
"Better thanks." I said.
"That's good. Do you know what caused you to pass out? Was it your shirt? Was it constricting?" He asked.
"No. It was just the memory. I think it just made me pass out I guess."
I saw him get a little red in the face.
"Have you found the guy yet?" I asked.
"We have a clue. We will interrogate him in about 5 minutes actually." Garcia said butting into the conversation.
"What's the name?" Spencer asks.
"William Adern. 38. Lives in this area and has a past record of attempting to kidnap a blonde." She said.
Just then the rest of the team came in and there was a man with them.
"Reid follow me." Rossi said.
"I'll... I'll be back." He said looking back at me.
Just then Garcia sat next to me.
"Hey sugar how are you?" She asked.
"Good how about you?" I asked.
"Great thanks for asking. Um I have a question for you."
I wasn't in the mood for more questions about the case.
"Ok go ahead."
"Do you like Spencer?"
"Yes of course he is a great guy."
"No like, like like."
I looked down.
"Yeah..." I said shyly.
"Yay. Ok listen there have been girls that have been obsessed with him and it's weird but he also had a girlfriend that was killed in front of him. He was devastated. And I know he really likes you." She said.
I started to tear up.
"Oh no what's wrong?" She said.
"I can't believe what he has gone through..."
"Oh I know. I wonder too but he is ok as long as he has good friends by his side. And I also think your a good thing for him." She said side hugging me.
I nodded and smiled.
"Thank you." I said hugging her.
"Oh. No problem." She said.
"Should I throw a party?" She said out of no where.
"A party? For what?" I said.
"I don't know your survival. Your safety." She said smiling.
"Oh you don't have to do that." I said.
"No I want to so you and Reid can have some fun together. Bring out your wild side." She said.
"Ooo that does sound fun! But you should do it when you guys arrest the guy." I said.
"Ooo good idea." She said standing up. "Well I better get on that case." She said.
"Alright good luck." I said.
Then I heard yelling. It was coming from down the hallway.
I walked down there and saw Hotch and JJ outside of the room.
"What's going on in there?" I asked.
"Oh the guy is freakin out." JJ said.
"Oh that's not good." I said.
"Do you remember anything weird about the guy?" Hotch asked me.
"Like what?"
"Anger issues?"
"Well he did get mad when I screamed a lot. There was a guy at my dads work that always gave him glares too. I kinda thought he was suspicious." I said.
"Thank you. Garcia did you get that?" Hotch said into his walkie talkie.
"Yup that narrows the list down." She said.
"Do you remember his name?" He asked.
"I think it was Steve or Steven or something." I said.
"Steve Daniel?" Garcia asked.
"Yes! That's him."
"Ok sending the address to your phones. I tracked his."
"Not so smart is he." Hotch said.
"Morgan, Reid I think we found our unsub." Hotch said into the microphone.
"Rossi and Emily take William back and Morgan, Reid, JJ and I will go to the unsub." Hotch said.
"Kelly you better stay with Garcia." Spencer said.
"Ok stay safe." I said.
Spencer's POV
I got in the car with them and we drove the the unsubs house.
We got there shortly and we all filed to the door.
Morgan kicked it down and we went in.
"Clear." I said clearing the living room.
"Clear." JJ said clearing the kitchen.
Moments later Hotch said 'clear' clearing the bedrooms.
Soon the rest of the police came.
"Hey I need backup down here." Morgan said on the stairway.
JJ and Hotch followed him while I stayed upstairs.
I walked into the bedroom and examined the curtains.
There was blood on them.
I turned around and I was struck in the side of the head.
I fell to the ground.
I looked up and saw a blur of a man.
Then I heard Morgan yell my name.
The guy pulled out a knife and pushed me against the wall behind the door and held the knife to my neck.
"Be quiet." The guy said.
He was twice my size and twice my strength so I shouldn't even bother to try to get away.
I peeked over and saw my gun on the ground.
"Don't even think your going to get away." He said in a musky voice.
The guy then took the knife and slowly pressed and dragged it across my chest.
I let out a yell in pain.
Just then Hotch came in and pointed the gun to the guy.
"Drop the weapon now!" He said.
The guy looked at him and then Morgan and some policemen came in as well.
The guy looked at the knife and dropped it.
Morgan quickly grabbed the guy and Hotch came over to me.
"We need paramedics in here." He yelled.
Morgan's POV
After cuffing the guy the police took him away.
I looked at Reid and the kid had blood down the side of his face and all over his chest.
I kneeled by him.
"My new shirts ruined." He whispered.
"It's alright hang tight Reid." I said.
"Come on we need a doctor." I yelled.
"Morgan I'm fine it's not that deep just drew blood. I'm fine." He said standing up dizzily.
"Reid I'm taking you to the ambulance just in case." I said throwing an arm around him.
Kelly's POV
"And this is the computer I mostly use." Garcia said pointing out to the biggest computer.
Just then a message popped up on her screen.
From Baby Boy:
"Ignore the name." Garcia said smiling.
"We caught him. He even confessed."
The message read.
"Yay! The party is officially a go now." Garcia said.
"But pretty boy is hurt."
I know exactly who pretty boy is.
"Garcia take me there." I said.
"No Kelly I can't do that..."
"If that was your baby boy wouldn't you want to see him?" I asked.
She thought for a second.
"Sorry I can't..." She said.
"Fine I'll take a cab." I said walking out the doors.
Luckily there was a cab right outside when I opened the doors.
"Take me to 5298 East Wallflower Street please." I said tipping the driver ahead of time. "ASAP."
In no longer than 5 minutes we got to the scene.
"Are you allowed here?" I heard the driver say as I closed the door.
I saw Spencer sitting down by the ambulance holding an ice pack to his head.
I ran over to him and the ambulance was away from all of the police and caution tape so no one stopped me.
When I approached him I hugged him.
"Spencer are you ok?" I ask him.
"Yeah easy easy my chest hurts." He said.
"Sorry." I said.
I saw the dry blood that had dropped from his head.
"Oh Kelly your shirt..." He said.
I looked down and saw a line of blood across it from his shirt.
"What happened to your chest?" I said not giving a crap about my shirt.
"It's ok and bandaged." He said.
I then looked at his head again.
I slowly took his hand with the ice pack down from his head.
He was looking into my eyes the whole time.
I saw it was all swelled up and turning purple.
"Oh Spencer." I whispered.
"I'm ok really." He said.
I looked down at his chest again and saw that his dark shirt did have blood on it.
He used his other hand and raised my chin so I'd look at him.
"Kelly I'm ok." He said softly.
Then he started to lean towards me still looking into my eyes with his hand still caressing my chin.
"Hey Reid." Morgan yelled walking over toward us.
We were no further than one inch from each other's faces.
"You feeling better?" He asked. "Oh hey Kelly you really shouldn't be here." Morgan said.
"I heard that Spencer was hurt and I was concerned. I wanted to make sure he was ok." I said smiling back at Spencer.
"Garcia didn't bring you did she?" He asked.
"No she tried to stop me. I took a cab." I said.
"Alright you can ride with us then." He said.
Spencer's POV
I know Kelly shouldn't be here but I wanted her here.
And she is here now.
She is so beautiful with her makeup smudged and her hair was a mess.
So imperfect but perfect.
She then jumped up next to me on the ambulance tailgate.
"Your too tall with me down there." She said smiling.
I laughed a little bit.
"I think we can load up now." I said.
We got in the car and drove back to station.

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