Chapter 41

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Morgan's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock.
We are leaving today around noon and we should start packing up from the headquarters.
I walked across the hall wearing my black basketball shorts.
I knocked on JJ and Emily's door.
Emily opened immediately and looked at me.
"Well someone's behind schedule." She said already prepared for the day.
"Morgan put a shirt on." JJ said approaching from behind her.
"We are supposed to be there at 8:00 if you weren't aware." She added.
"Why leaving so early?" I asked.
"We actually have time to get breakfast." Emily said walking towards the elevator.
The girls left and saw Penelope speed walking towards the elevator.
"Wait!" She said.
She was ready as well.
I must have not noticed her in the bathroom.
I don't want to be the late one so I decided to go get appropriately dressed.
After I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed I decided to be bothersome and see if pretty boy and pretty girl are awake or still asleep cuddling.
I smirked at my thoughts and walked down the hall.
As I approached their door I looked through the little peek hole but it was blocked.
I tried the handle carefully and it was unlocked.
Spencer's POV
I woke up and Kelly was still on top of me sleeping.
I looked at the clock and it was 6:30.
I won't be late and if I was I would disappoint Hotch.
If I was early I could possibly get him to let me take Kelly on more far trips with us.
I carefully placed her next to me and gently covered her unclothed body with the blanket.
I kissed her on the forehead and then headed to the bathroom.
I took a steamy shower and then got ready.
In all took 15.7 minutes and I have time to be early.
I wrote a note for her and kissed her on the forehead one last time.
Then I headed towards the station.
Kelly's POV
I woke up and it was 7.
I saw Spencer wasn't next to me and saw the note taped to the door.
I got up and read it.
Went to work a little early today. Call or text if you need anything. We are leaving today at noon so make sure you pack everything. Love you. -Spencer
I took it off the door and folded it.
I don't know why but I want to keep it.
I grabbed my phone from the table and texted him.
Hey baby do you want me to pack your stuff too? I happily will.
I sent the message and walked over to my dresser and set my phone down.
Before I opened the drawer I heard walking.
Then I saw two shoe shaped figures under the door.
I quickly covered the peek hole with my hand.
What am I going to do?
They aren't knocking.
They are still there.
My phones across the room.
I grabbed an umbrella that was leaning against the wall and walked into the jacket closet.
It's cold in here.
Probably because I have like no clothes on still.
Then I heard someone opening the door.
Is it Spencer?
Or did he forget to lock the door?
I saw the shoes from under the door stop in front of the closet door.
I held my breath and held the umbrella ready to swing.
The door handle slowly turned and then was jerked open.
I screamed and swung the umbrella only for it to be stopped by a dark hand.
"Woah calm down." I heard a familiar voice.
"Derek you scared the hell out of me!" I said letting out a breath of relief.
He tried to focus on just my face due to the fact that I am half naked.
"I was just uh making sure Reid wasn't uh going to be late today. You know looking out for him." He said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
I folded my arms over my chest and still stood in the doorway of the closet.
"Well I better get to work before I am late." He said.
I nodded and bit my lip nervously.
I don't know why I'm nervous but I think I am more weirded out than worried.
He left and I quickly locked the door so no one could barge in again.
I walked into the bathroom and decided to take a shower.
I took a quick 5 minute shower and then walked over to my dresser and picked out one of my favorite shirts.
It was white with grey sleeves going down to my elbow.
On the front was a grey 14.
I threw on some grey yoga pants and brushed my hair and teeth.
I decided just to throw my hair in a bun.
Instead of putting eyeliner on the top and bottom lids I only put it on the top.
I figured since we are flying back I would want to be comfy.
I looked at my phone and saw Spencer replied.
That would be great! I didn't know if I would have had enough time to. Thank you sweet <3
I smiled at his nickname he called me and opened my luggage bag.
I threw all my clothes into it and everything else I brought.
This time I decided to put my toiletry bad into my bag so I don't forget it anywhere like last time.
Once I was done packing my bag I walked over to Spencer's dresser.
I put the already folded clothes from his dresser to his suitcase.
I saw the outfit he wore last night.
I smiled and remembered last night.
How much fun we both had.
He makes me feel happy.
He makes me feel wanted and loved.
I heard a knock on my door.
I thought it was Morgan going to apologize for breaking in 10 minutes ago.
But I opened the door and it was Michael, the guy from downstairs.
"Hello Kelly, um I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?" He asked.
"Oh um Michael I have a boyfriend. Spencer, remember?" I said awkwardly.
"But your way too beautiful to be with a guy like him." He said taking my hands into his.
Hold on.
The club.
The guy that tried to get me to dance with him.
It was this dumbass.
He said the same words to me at the club.
"Get your hands off me." I said jerking my hands away.
"But you deserve better." He said seductively.
"What the hell do you know? If anything I get more than what I deserve from Spencer. He loves me and I love him. I know it was you at the club. Just get over me. I'm never going to me yours." I yelled in his face.
He hit the door with his fist, inches away from my head.
"What do I know? I know that everyday when your little boyfriend goes to work he's actually sneaking off with blondey. He looks forward to going to work. Your not his only girl." He quietly yelled through gritted teeth.
I felt tears streaming down my face.
I know it's not true.
"That's not true." I said.
"Oh yeah? Come look at the surveillance footage." He said lifting his hand off the door.
He has proof.
Or so he says.
"Where is it?" I asked tears no longer in my eyes.
"In the surveillance room obviously." He said.
"I don't believe you." I said confidently.
"Then let me show you." He said all of a sudden not frustrated anymore.
I nodded and followed him.
We went downstairs and I looked at my phone and I didn't have any service.
I started to worry.
He opened a big metal door.
"After you." He said.
"No you go first." I said with a small disgusted smile.
He walked in first and I left the door open behind me.
I looked around and then I saw something that terrified me.
It was JJ on the ground.
"I guess I have a little thing for blondes." He said whispering in my ear behind me. 
I swung my arm as hard as I could behind me and I felt his nose crack on my fist.
He fell to the ground and tripped me.
I fell to the ground and he zip tied my hands together.
"You shouldn't have done that." He said in victory.
He was hovering over my body, about to kiss me.
When he was just centimeters away from my face I head butted him, making his nose bleed even more.
I managed to get up and I spit on my wrists where the zip ties were to get them slippery.
Luckily my tiny wrists managed to slid through.
I grabbed a bat he had laying around.
He was getting up and I looked at JJ who was waking up slowly.
Michael had his hands up in surrender.
"Zip tie your hands together." I said pointing to his hands with the bat.
He grabbed the box and threw it at me unexpectedly.
I blocked it with the bat and then hit him in the neck with it.
He fell to the ground gasping for air.
Oh no.
Did I kill him?
I started to panic.
Then I looked over at JJ and I got the zip ties off of her and helped her stand up.
I felt tears going down my face.
"It was self defense. You'll be ok." She said hugging me.
I kept crying.
Now I have to live with the fact that I practically killed someone.
But I felt good at the same time.
I saved JJ.
I could have saved her life.
She called the cops and they came to arrest him.
Luckily he didn't die but he is being sentenced to 20+ years in prison.
Everyone from the BAU came except Spencer.
I didn't see him walk through the door.
I hugged Garcia and Morgan but my eyes were glued to the door.
"Garcia, where's Spencer?" I asked nervously.
"Oh he's fine. He had to grab something." She said smiling.
I was relieved knowing he was ok.
But I also had something else on my mind.
"Garcia I have to tell you something." I said ready to spill my thoughts on an opportunity.
A/N: 🚨 PLEASE READ🚨 OMG guys I am so terribly sorry I have stopped writing. School has been so busy and I have another story and it's an imagine story for Criminal Minds and Teen Wolf I have been working on. So hello again! First I want to say thank you so much THIS STORY HAS 6k READS! Do you know how important that is to me? I want to thank every single one of you for voting and reading my story. I'm sad to say this story is close to an end but I sure had a blast writing it and getting to know some of you. I love you all!

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