Chapter 40

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Spencer's POV
I walked out of the bathroom and saw that guy holding Kelly close and dancing with her.
Then she pulled him down and kissed him.
"Bullshit." I said running over to her.
"What the hell do you think your doing?!" I yell and turn her around.
That was when I noticed that that wasn't Kelly and that's a different guy.
I am so frustrated that I didn't even apologize.
I ran all around the dance floor looking for her.
I saw JJ and Emily talking to this guy.
"Have you seen Kelly?" I asked worried.
"Spence your sweating." JJ said.
"Weren't you seriously just with her?" Emily said.
"Someone spilt water on me and I went to go clean up when I realized I made a mistake and left her with him. Have you seen her?" I asked again.
"Wait is that her?" JJ pointed.
I looked and it was her.
Positively that was her.
The guy had her pulled close and was dancing.
She turned around and shoved him off.
He tried to grab her again but I got there just in time.
"Get your hands off my girl friend." I said squaring up to him after a pushed Kelly behind me.
"Spencer it ok don't do this." She said with worry in her voice.
"This guy needs to have respect for you and for..."
All of a sudden I felt a hard blast hit the side of my face.
The damn guy hit me with his glass.
"Spencer!" I heard Kelly yell but my ear was ringing and I could barely hear her.
Kelly's POV
"Spencer!" I yelled kneeling by him.
I saw Morgan running over to us.
The guy wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Dance with me." He said. "You deserve way better."
I turned around and socked him in the nose.
"You son of a bitch!" I yelled at him and then I kicked him in the gut.
"Damn Kelly you got moves." Morgan said.
I ignored his comment and helped him pick Spencer up.
"Spencer are you ok?" I ask him.
"Yeah." He swallowed. "Didn't even feel it."
Then he smiled at me.
"You scared me." I said hugging him.
"He kept trying to dance with me. I swear I didn't want his nasty hands on me and I'm sorry if..."
"Kelly I know. I forgive you." He said kissing my for head.
"Well if your ok..." she slide her hands under my suspenders. "...then come dance with me." I said taking his fedora and putting it on my head.
He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him.
The song that was playing I didn't know but it was intended to be a 'sexy' song I could just tell.
I ran my fingers through his hair now that I could.
He kissed my neck.
I saw that waiter watching us.
He really creeps me out.
I just ignored him and I pulled Spencer's head out of the crook of my neck and kissed him.
Then the song was over and I was thirsty.
I grabbed his hand and he followed me over to our table so I could order another drink.
Our table was empty.
Garcia and Morgan must have gone to dance.
Spencer picked up his drink and I quickly took it away from him.
"Spencer no no no." I said dumping it into a plant.
"You never leave your drink unattended anywhere. Someone could slip drugs or something into it." I said.
"Your right. I didn't think of that." He said.
We ordered the same drinks and I drank mine fast.
Spencer actually took his time.
He wasn't even half done so I got another one. 
I slammed this one too.
Now I feel tingly and a little tipsy.
I look at Spencer and I want to just kiss him.
I want to make out with him.
Then he looked at me.
"Kelly can I have a sip of your drink?" He asked.
"How come?" I asked smiling.
"Just let me..." I stopped his hand from grabbing it by pushing his hand against the table.
I kissed him hard but he pulled back.
He looked into my eyes.
Asking for more.
So I kissed him again.
Spencer's POV
Ok Kelly's drink is not alcohol free.
I can just tell.
She keeps spacing off and she won't stop kissing me.
I need to taste her drink and see how much alcohol is actually in that thing because she drank a lot of them.
I pulled back from her kiss and lifted my arm up.
"Kelly you need to stop." I said.
She laughed.
"Why?" She said whining.
I'm pretty sure my buzz wares off because I can think straight.
"Because I think your drunk." I said.
"Whaaaaat?" She said.
"Put your arm out." I said.
She did.
"Close your eyes and touch your nose." I said.
She closed her eyes and almost poked herself in the eye.
"Did I do it?" She asked.
"Try again." I said.
She kept her eyes closed and I took a sip of her drink.
"Ok Kelly we are going home." I said.
"Whyyyyyy?" She asked.
"Because your drunk! Your only 17." I told her.
I took my phone out and texted Morgan to tell everyone that we are going home.
I picked Kelly up and walked out to the car.
I set her in the front seat and buckled her in.
She stared at me seductively the whole time.
I drove back to the hotel and carried her inside.
She is going to think she got drunk on her own.
She's going to blame herself.
I set her on the bed and I can tell it's gone down.
"Spencer I'm so sorry." She said.
"Kelly it's not your fault." I said pouring her a glass of water and getting ibuprofen.
I sat next to her and gave them to her.
She took the ibuprofen and drank the water.
"I have to go to the bathroom." She said getting off the bed.
Kelly's POV
I have never been drunk before and now everyone saw me drunk.
But I remember.
Maybe I wasn't drunk maybe it was just a buzz.
I have no clue.
I went pee, washed my hands and then sat back on the bed next to Spencer.
"Your beautiful." He said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
I smiled and looked at the clock.
I heard a knock at the door.
Spencer got up to get it.
It was Derek.
"Hey pretty boy Kelly forgot her purse." I heard him say.
"Thanks." Spencer said.
"Don't forget we are leaving tomorrow." Morgan said.
Aww I don't want to leave.
"See you tomorrow." Spencer said after they had a small conversation that I didn't hear.
I walked up to Spencer after he closed the door.
He gave me my purse.
"No one knows why we went home early." He said quietly.
"Thanks." I said. "Did you have fun?"
He looked at me. "Of course I did." He said.
"My favorite part was dancing with you." I said.
"Mine too." He said. "I like when you kissed me."
I looked up at him and he kissed me.
He lost his hand in my hair.
I kissed him back and rubbed his neck.
Then he stopped when he noticed he was being rough.
"Don't be afraid to hurt me." I said.
He kissed me again and turned me around pushing me against the wall by the door.
Then there was a knock at the door.
Still kissing me he locked the door with one hand.
I smiled while he was still kissing me.
I took his hat off and threw it on the ground.
Then I ripped his shirt open land he took the rest of it off.
I snapped his suspenders on his bare skin.
"Ow." He said quietly in between a kiss.
He took my bracelets off and threw them.
They hit the floor with a jingle.
He spun me around until we landed on the bed.
He hovered above my body and I wrapped my legs around his body.
I still had my heels on.
He grabbed my legs and took them off.
"I'm short again." I said.
"I don't care." He said with a smile and then crashed down on top of me kissing me.
He rolled me over and started to unzip my dress.
I slipped out of it leaving me in only my new lingerie.
"Your so beautiful." He whispered.
I kissed his neck and face.
Leaving a trail of kisses all over his chest while he rubbed my neck.
He started to sit up and I followed with his movements.
I was now sitting on his lap and he played with my hair and kissing me.
He stood up and I wrapped my legs around him so I would stay close to him.
He held me up by my thighs and I held his head in my hands still kissing him.
He moved over to the small kitchen and set me on the counter still kissing me.
Then he trailed kisses down to my neck.
He softly bit my collarbone.
I let out a little laugh because is tickled.
While he kissed and bit my neck I fiddled with his suspenders that he still had on.
I snapped them and he reacted quickly.
He lifted me up again and tossed me onto the bed.
I laughed as he playfully threw me on the bed.
He towered over me and slowly let his body down on top of mine.
Thrusting and kissing me.
It was getting darker outside.
The clouds must me hiding the moon.
"Spencer." I whispered catching my breath.
"I can't see your beautiful face anymore." He said sounding sad.
"I can see yours." I said. "With my hands."
I touched the side of his face and stroked my thumb across his cheekbone.
He wrapped his arms around my back and slowly laid down on top of me.
I still was stroking the side of his face and I could tell he liked it.
He was starting to drift off to sleep.
I moved my hand up to his hair and massaged his scalp.
"No." He said.
"Does that hurt?" I whispered.
"No. Every night to sooth my to sleep by your touch. It's my turn now." He said rolling us over so I was on top of him.
He moved all my hair to one side and started to gently glide his fingers across my back.
It felt so good.
His cold hands on my spine.
Laying against his warm body.
Do I make him feel like this?
I hope I do.
Because there isn't another feeling I would rather feel than his touch.
His loving, caring touch.
There isn't anything else I want to fall asleep or wake to then the man I am laying with right now.
Spencer Reid.
A/N: Hey people. I am having fun updating more and I am getting feedback that I LOVE!! Thanks to those people who have sent feedback and thank you for reading to this point in my story. 😘

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