Chapter 19

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At this point it was only Garcia, Morgan, Kelly and I.
"You had fun huh pretty boy?" He said. "I mean you had a few drinks, got elbowed in the face, smooched by lover girl and danced your heart out."
"Yeah it was really fun. I haven't had this much fun in a long time." I said.
"Well I'm staying the night here Reid how about you?"
"Yeah Kelly and I got the spare bedroom." I said.
"Alright only because I hit you in the face earlier." He said grabbing a blanket.
"Do you need me to carry her up for you?" He asked me.
"No I got her." I said.
I think I do.
I don't think she is that heavy compared to earlier.
I walked over to the couch and saw her curled up with her face buried in the throw pillow.
I carefully slid my arms underneath her and picked her up.
She isn't heavy.
"Goodnight Reid." Morgan said.
I turned around and accidentally hit her head on the side table.
Morgan started laughing his head off.
I mouthed the word oops then started walking up the stairs.
When I got to the top I hit her head again on the corner.
I heard Morgan laughing again.
I'm surprised she is still asleep.
I set her on the bed and covered her with a blanket.
I kissed her on the forehead and turned around to go downstairs for water when I saw Garcia standing in the doorway.
"Aww." She said gushing.
"You scared me Garcia." I said.
"Well I had to see what all the banging and laughing was about. Were you and Morgan wrestling again?" She asked.
"No I accidentally kept hitting her head on things." I said ashamed.
"Well are you taking her to bed or giving her a concussion?" She asked jokingly and then left the room.
I walked back down the stairs and poured myself a glass of water.
I chugged it and then walked back upstairs.
I took off my shoes and got in bed next to Kelly.
I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I couldn't.
Then she turned around and laid her head on my chest.
I set my arm on hers and laid my head on top of hers.
I could sleep now that she was next to me.
Kelly's POV
I woke up to the smell of pancakes.
I remembered that I fell asleep at Garcia's.
I thought Spencer would have taken us home.
I looked next to me and he was laying in a ball next to me.
I set my hand on his shoulder.
"Spencer..." I softly said.
He reached his hand back and I grabbed it.
His hand was freezing.
"Why are you so cold?" I whisper covering him with the blanket.
I let go of his hand and walked downstairs to see Morgan and Garcia sitting at the counter.
Morgan was eating a stack of pancakes while Garcia was making another.
"Hungry sunshine?" She asked me. 
"Oh yes. Thanks for letting us stay here. That was very kind of you." I said sitting next to Morgan.
I propped my head on my hand and when I touched the top of my head it hurt.
"Ow." I said sitting back up.
"Is something wrong?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah my head feels bruised or something." I said gently feeling it.
He let out a small laugh.
"What?" I said giggling with him.
"Oh let's just say your a very heavy sleeper and pretty boy isn't very cautious."
"What about me?" Spencer said walking down the stairs.
His shirt was about halfway unbuttoned and his hair was so messy. He looked adorable.
Spencer's POV
I didn't want Kelly to leave.
I reached my hand back and she grabbed it.
"Why are you so cold?" She whispered.
Then she covered me with the blanket and I felt the bed firm up after she left.
I sat there in bed and thought about last night.
I had so much fun.
Then I heard Morgan laughing.
I got up.
"...your a very heavy sleeper and pretty boy isn't very cautious." I heard Morgan say.
"What about me?" I said.
I saw Kelly sitting next to Morgan.
Her shirt was crooked and her makeup was half on and she had major bed head.
"You want pancakes?" Garcia asked.
I saw her and she was already fully awake and dressed with one of her crazy outfits.
"Um sure." I said sitting next to Kelly.
"Did you sleep good?" She asked me.
"Yeah how about you?" I asked back.
"Good but my head hurts." She said.
I looked at Morgan and he was silently cracking up.
I looked him in the eyes saying you better not tell her I smashed her head into the wall twice while taking her to bed.
"Oh... really... I wonder why?" I said inconspicuously.
It was silent.
"Morgan told me you hit my head on the wall twice." Kelly said fast but quiet.
That's when Morgan broke out into hysterical laughter.
I laughed a little too.
"I'm sorry Kelly." I said guiltily giving her a side hug.
"It's ok." She said laughing.
Then Garcia placed plates out in front of Kelly and I.
"Thank you." We both said.
"Jinx." Kelly said. "You owe me an ice pack for my head."
I laughed and got one out of the freezer for her.
Kelly's POV
"I wasn't being serious." I said matter of factly.
"Yeah but when you say you owe someone something and you don't give them the item it will add up and you will end up living with the weight of owes on your back." He said right before I took a bite of pancakes.
I froze there and stared at him.
"Or I'm just being loyal to the jinx rule?" He said.
I nodded my head and resumed eating pancakes.
About 10 minutes later Spencer and I were done eating.
I'm surprised he actually ate more than me.
"Thanks for everything Garcia!" Spencer said waving as we walked out the door.
"No problem doves!" She yelled back. I felt the warm sun beat down on my skin.
It felt good to soak up some vitamin D.
We both got in his car and drove to his place.
It was when we got to his house is when I noticed it was 9:30.
"Well wasn't that fun?" I told him walking in the apartment.
"I have to admit that was really fun." He said.
"Well we should get ready for the day." I said walking into my room.
He nodded and walked into his room.
I closed my door but not all the way. I think a shoe got caught in it.
I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked like crap.
I looked at my outfit and then saw my DIY picture holder.
Dang it I didn't take pictures.
I say on my bed in disappointment.
I picked up my phone.
30 new messages from Garcia.
I quickly unlocked my phone wondering about what 30 messages could be about.
Then I saw they were all pictures.
I scrolled through them and most of them were of Spencer and I.
I smiled at them and then replied with a thank you and a smiley emoji.
I picked out an outfit and walked to the bathroom.
I turned the shower on and felt my skin soak in the warm water.
My back got that feeling that stings but feels really good from the hot water.
Spencer's POV
I was seriously just about to take a shower.
I sat on my bed and looked at my phone.
I got a new messages from Morgan.
It was about 10 pictures.
Four of Kelly and I dancing.
Three of us in the pool.
Two of us sleeping.
Then there was a video.
I clicked play and it was when I was carrying her to bed.
I already knew what it was and I turned my phone off.
"What should we do today?" I asked myself.
Then I heard the shower turn off.
Only moment before Kelly got out of the bathroom.
I went in the bathroom and got in the shower.
Kelly's POV
I took the towel off my head.
"What should we do today?" I asked myself.
I feel like doing nothing.
I wonder if Spencer likes scary movies.
I brushed my hair and then looked at my Instagram.
I got some new followers.
Garcia and Morgan followed me.
I posted the picture of Spencer and I having our dance battle with the caption: Had the best time at Garcia's party last night.
I threw my phone on my bed and walked out to the living room. I saw Spencer there.
"Oh I didn't here you get out of the shower." I said.
Spencer's POV
Kelly came out wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.
She looked so comfortable.
"Oh I didn't here you get out of the shower." She said.
"I guess I was sneaky." I said.
She sat next to me.
"I don't feel like doing anything today." She said.
"I don't either. Do you like scary movies?" I ask her.
"Yes! I love them." She said.
I got up and pulled out a basket full of scary movies I have had.
She got up and kneeled down at then searching through them with excitement.
"Ooo Halloween is a good one." She said.
"I have the whole collection." I said.
She looked at me and I could tell we were thinking the same thing.
Movie day.

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