Chapter 32

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I entered Garcia's room and saw Morgan sitting on a bed crisscross applesauce watching tv.
He gave me a warm smile and I did it back.
"So apparently there is this really cool club in town and I think we all need to hit it some time soon." Garcia said pulling it up on her laptop then facing it towards me.
I looked at the pictures of dancing people with drinks.
"The ratings look good." Morgan said peeking over.
"Yea and I hear they have great margaritas." Garcia added and then looked at me.
"Oh wait your only 17." She said making an 'oops I forgot' face.
I tapped on my chin.
"Virgin drinks?" I suggested.
"Ooo yes. I definitely think we should go there." She said lighting up again.
"So tell me Kelly." Morgan started to say. "How are things with you and pretty boy?"
Spencer's POV
I got in my car and drove to the nearest grocery store which was an Albertsons.
I quickly walked out and into the store.
I walked to the pop isle and grabbed a 12 pack of Mountain Dew and some tea because I know Kelly likes sweet tea.
Then I grabbed popcorn because I can almost guarantee we will want some.
Then I grabbed other necessities like milk, eggs, bread and all that other good stuff.
I checked out and drove back to the hotel.
Kelly's POV
"Well did you hear about the plane?" I thought to myself.
I don't know if I want to tell Garcia about that yet.
Just another person to worry.
"Things are great. I think we at the stage where I can kiss him goodbye without it being awkward and unexpected." I said instead.
"Thats a great part in a relationship. That mean you are taking things to the next level." Garcia said while Morgan snickered.
I laughed at both of them right before we heard a knock on the door.
I opened it and saw Spencer standing in the doorway.
"Wait you just open the door? I'm pretty sure you didn't even check the look hole. I could have had a gun and when you open up the door..."
"Spencer that is like a 1 in a million chance." I said interrupting his over protective remark.
"17 percent chance to be exact." He said smiling.
"What kind of food did you get?" I said looking at his empty hands.
"I already put it all away back at our room." He said.
"Your such an overachiever." I said bopping his nose.
"Well I better go. I'm getting tired and I want to sleep." I said walking out the door.
"Bye Kells see you later!" Garcia yelled.
I froze.
Kells is what my dad used to call me.
Before I noticed I was silent for like 30 seconds Spencer nudged my shoulder.
"Oh bye." I said with the feeling of agony.
Spencer closed their door and asked me a question.
"Are you ok?"
"What yeah I'm... I'm fine." I said fighting back tears.
We got to our room and I opened the door and ran straight to the bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
My eyes were red from almost crying.
It was hard to swallow with the lump of sadness in my throat.
"Pull your self together." I said to myself fanning my face and running my fingers through my hair.
I looked normal again and I opened the door and practically ran into Spencer.
"Your not ok." He said looking down at me.
"Spencer I'm fine." I said trying to get past him.
He set his arm across my waist.
I looked him in the eyes.
"I'm tired." I said.
"Tell me what's wrong."
I sighed. "Right now?"
He thought for a second. "Not if your not comfortable." He finally said.
"Ok I'm not comfortable talking about it right now." I said simply.
He moved his arm and I jumped onto the bed.
"You should eat something before you go to sleep." Spencer said from the kitchen.
"Ehhh." I moaned. "I'm not hungry."
I peeked up and saw Spencer standing in the entry way to the bathroom still.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
I nodded with my eyes closed.
"Well let's get into pajamas before you go to sleep." He said.
I sat up and grabbed shorts and a tshirt and walked to the bathroom.
I quickly got dressed and when I opened the door Spencer was just putting his shirt on.
I jumped onto the bed and cuddled up under the covers.
Not before long Spencer joined me and shut off the light.
The room was dimly lit from the moon and I found that peaceful.
I felt Spencer's long fingers glide across my stomach as he put his arm around me.
1 hour later.
I hate waking up in the middle of the night because then I can't go back to sleep.
I still felt Spencer's arm around me.
He is so quiet when he sleeps.
Sometimes I wonder if he is still alive.
Then all of a sudden it's like a wall broke through in my mind and I had a flashback to when Spencer and I was kidnapped.
But this time... he died.
I shook my head and noticed I had tears in my eyes.
I gently slid out of Spencer's touch and walked to the bathroom.
I went to the bathroom and then I remembered I forgot to brush my teeth.
I opened the bathroom door and then remembered I also forgot my toiletry bag downstairs.
I will be fast.
I grabbed the key and quietly left the room.
The hallway was lit way more than our room so I winced at the bright whiteness.
I walked to the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby.
I felt dizzy.
Probably because it's 2 in the morning and I need more sleep.
As I was walking I felt a sharp pain in my head.
I ignored it and decided I will take ibuprofen when I get my bag.
But it got worse.
It got so bad that I stopped walking and I shielded my eyes from the light.
Then the whole entire building looked as if it were collapsing on top of me.
I crouched down and into a corner.
Then I heard the word Kells.
How Garcia said it earlier she reminded me of my dad.
Then my dads voice.
"Stop!" I yell thinking it would.
But everything got worse.
This isn't real.
I tried to calm myself down but I was too scared.
Then I saw a man.
A man I did not recognize.
"Kelly! Kelly come here." He kept saying.
Spencer's POV
30 minutes before.
I woke up and my arm wasn't caressing anyone anymore.
I looked beside me and in the dim light I could see that Kelly wasn't in her spot anymore.
I looked over at the bathroom and the door was open and the light was off.
I quickly got out of bed and left the room.
I quickly searched the hallway and she wasn't there.
I opened the elevator and walked in and clicked the lobby button figuring I could ask the front desk if they have seen her.
When I entered the main hallway I heard screaming.
"Stop! Stop!" I heard Kelly's voice yell.
"Kelly!" I yelled racing down the halls.
When I turned the corner she was sitting on the floor covering her ears. 
"Kelly! Kelly come here." I said kneeling by her.
She looked at me like I was a monster.
Like I was about to hurt her and she was scared.
She started bawling and scooting backwards from me.
"Kelly its me. Spencer." I said softly.
I was starting to get choked up watching her scared to death of me.
"Get away from me!" She yelled.
I don't know what to do.
I don't want to try to comfort her because I would have to touch her and scare her even more.
"Kelly listen to me. None of this is real. It's me Spencer." I said making sure I was clear.
She went from terrified to sad.
"Spencer?" She said quietly.
"Yes it's me Spencer." I said reaching out my hand.
Instead of taking my hand she jumped into a big hug.
"I'm so sorry." She said weeping into my shoulder.
I held her head and the rest of her body closer to me.
We sat there on the hotel floor hugging until she finally let go of me.
"I don't know what's wrong with me." She said wiping her face. "How do I just forget about the most important person in my life..."
Before she could say anything else I kissed her softly.
Just a little peck.
She looked me in the eyes and then this time she kissed me.
Her kiss was violent but so passionate.
I slid my fingers across her neck and she lost hers in my hair.
I heard a whistle behind me.
I quickly turned around to see shirtless Morgan standing above us.
"Get a room you two." He said smirking.
I ignored him and stood up, helping Kelly up as well.
She wrapped her arms around my neck making her stand on her tippy toes.
I picked her up and carried her back to our room.
I set her in bed and towered over her.
She fiddled with my tie and I kissed her on the forehead.
She pulled me by the tie closer to her and kissed me.
I slowly slid both of my under her back.
Kelly's POV
The way he slid his arms under my back made me have goosebumps.
I kissed him harder and our lips synced.
I started to loosen his tie. He broke the kiss by smiling allowing us to both catch our breath.
He glided his fingers across my face and neck.
I started to unbutton his shirt.
He looked down at me and slowly started to kiss me again.
His long arms just engulf my body.
I got to the last button on his shirt and he took the rest of it off.
After he threw it on the ground he jumped on top of me again and rolled me over so I was on top of him.
"Your turn." He said sliding his hands under my shirt rubbing my back.
I took off my tank top to reveal my Victoria's Secret white bra.
"Your so beautiful." He whispered tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
I smiled and kissed him.
His cold hands were piercing my nerves in my back.
I started to kiss his neck and shoulders until he lifted my chin up to kiss him again.
Not before long we both started to feel drowsy and I fell asleep on top of him.
A/N: Hey hey hey LA. All day everyday. Lol I liked writing this chapter and I am excited for the writing the rest of the story. PLEASE leave feedback. Thx!!

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