Chapter 1: Undefeated

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Some people have a mom, dad, brother, or sister. Some people have childhoods filled of wonderful memories of playing at the park with friends or going to family reunions. Some people have a roof over there head every night and food on the table every night. But not me. My mom died when I was twelve and my dad went to prison for life for killing my mom. I don't have any siblings or wonderful childhood memories.

That's what led me to be standing here in this ring right now. I don't know how to play nice with other people. All I know how to do is defend myself. So I do what I do best, wrestle. I take out all my anger towards my father on my opponent.

"1...2...3!" The bell rings. I get off Natalya and the ref raises my hand in victory. So far I'm undefeated but I've only been on the main roster for two weeks having only four matches.

"Another win for Winnie! She has beaten Emma, Summer Rae, Cameron, and just now Natalya!" Jerry Lawler exclaims in excitement.

"Do you think Winnie could be our next divas champion?" Bryan Saxton asks.

"I think she could be," Jerry answers. I make my way back to catering. When I walk in there's no one else here so I grab a plate of fruit and sit down at a table by the tv.

"Hey Winnie,"

"Hey Neville," Neville sits down a cross from me and pops a grape from my plate into his mouth. "Go get your own grapes,"

"Nah," He takes another one while smirking at me. I growl then grab a grape and throw it at his face. I start laughing as the grape bursts leaving grape bits and juice all over his cheek.

"That's for taking my grapes," I continue to laugh as he glares at me wiping the mess off his face.

"Are you two dating?" I hear someone with a heavy British accent ask. I look over Neville's shoulder and see Paige.

"No! We are just friends," I explain.

"Oh, well I totally ship you two! You're so cute together!" She squeals. I look at Neville and he seems pretty uncomfortable by the situation also. Neither of us say anything back.

"Anyways, I'll see ya around, Winnie,"

"See ya," Paige walks out if catering leaving Neville an I alone once again.

"I'm gonna go. I got a match," Neville says standing up.

"Okay, good luck," He leaves and now I'm all alone. To everyone I seem like a normal person but when you learn to hide your feelings really good everyone sees the fake you. That's what happen with me. Everyone sees the fake me an I plan on keeping it that way.

I've been so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even realize three other superstars have walked in. I look up to see the former Shield brothers Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose. Roman and Seth must be in some deep conversation since they're using big hand gestures. I look over at Dean and notice he's staring at me.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat and direct my attention towards the tv. After a couple seconds I look back at him and he's still looking at me. I decide to go over and confront him about it even though it's not the best idea too.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask crossing my arms.

"I'm just trying to figure out what I'm staring at," He says smugly causing me to scoff.

"You're looking at the only diva that could whoop your ass in a match," I fire back. He laughs like it's a joke.

"You're funny,"

"I'm serious," Dean is really starting to irritate me.

"I think I'm on Winnie's side," Seth says. I smile smugly at Dean who's now glaring at Seth. "What about you, Roman?"

"I'm gonna go with Winnie,"

"Fuck you guys! I'll show all of you that I can beat you," He directs the last part to me.

"You're on,"

"Shall we bet money in this?" Seth asks.

"I think we shall," I smirk while Dean gives me the death glare.

"Twenty bucks Winnie will win," Roman says.

"Same," Seth says.

"What are we betting on?" Cesaro asks.

"If Dean or Winnie will win in a match," Roman explains.

"Twenty bucks Dean will win,"

"Thank you!" Dean throws his hands in the air.

"Twenty bucks Dean will beat you, Winnie," Dolph Ziggler is involved in the betting now.

"Okay, so we have two for me and two for Dean. When shall this match take place?" I ask everyone.

"Tomorrow morning. Be at the gym by nine forty-five we will start at ten," Dean demands.

"Sounds good with me. Now if you will excuse me I gotta go be on commentary for Nikki Bella versus AJ Lee," I dismiss myself. I hear Dean grumble something but I couldn't hear it an I don't feel like taking time to ask what he said.

I don't care what you think as long as it's about me...

My music blares throughout the arena. I walk out listening to the roar of the crowd. I had made myself pretty well known in NXT and now that I'm here on the main roster and undefeated they can't get enough of me.

AJ and Nikki both stare me down as I walk over to the commentary table. Right now Nikki is the divas champion an I'm determined to make that championship mine.

"It's nice of you to join us here on commentary, Winnie," Bryan Saxton greets me.

"It's nice to be here, Bryan,"

"How does it feel to be undefeated?" Jerry Lawler asks me.

"Honestly, it feels great. No one not even the divas champion, Nikki Bella can't defeat me,"

"How do you know that? You haven't even faced her in a match yet?" JBL remarks. The bell rings. I look up to see Nikki's hand being held up in victory by the ref.

"Guess you'll have to watch then," I take off my headset and walk over to Lillian. I whisper in her ear. She looks at me confused but does what I tell her too. She walks into the ring and I do the same. Nikki eyes me while I smile at her.

"This match is set for one fall! Introducing first you challenger, Winnie!" The crowd roars making me feel even more confident. "And her opponent also your divas champion, Nikki Bella!" Lillian steps out of the ring. Nikki's mouth is wide open in shock. The ref puts her title off to the side and signals for the bell to ring.

Here's the first chapter. I really like the idea of this book so I guess we will see how it goes. Winnie's theme music is I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy. Please comment and vote!

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