Chapter 23: Special Announcement

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Yesterday was a stepping stone in my career. I didn't only challenge the divas champion, I fucking decked her in the face so hard she fell to the ring floor and had to roll out of the ring. That made my whole damn night right there. Probably ruined Nikki and Brie's though. Ah, who cares? The only thing that matters right now is that shortly I will be starting my reign as the next champion.

"Gym time so get your lunatic ass up!" I shout at the top of my lungs and sit on top of a sleeping Dean's torso. He groans and tries to push me off but I bite his hand instead.

"Ow! Damn, Winnie. If you just wanted a reason to sit on my dick you could have said so." He winks at me and I roll my eyes.

"If you have a dick then why don't I feel anything, babe?" I tease him but in all seriousness, I can feel him without a problem.

"Don't kid yourself, darling." He flips us over so he's on top. Then bends his head down laying gentle kisses on my neck. After letting myself enjoy it for a few seconds I push his head away and look at him seriously. At least I hope my face looks serious.

"Dean, I'm serious-"

"Hi, serious! I'm Dean Ambrose. The incredibly sexy ass, lunatic fringe." He interupts me with a smug look on his face.

"You ass hat."

"The have hats for asses?" He continues to stall just to aggravate me. Unfortunately, it's working.

"Dean, we are going to the gym in five minutes. So I suggest you get your big ass ready." I slide out from under him and make my way out of the room. Before I leave I faintly hear Dean talking to himself.

"I knew these pants made my butt look big."


As we walk into the gym I set my bag on a bench and look around. There's hardly anybody here. Just a couple other superstars like Dolph, Heath Slater, Luke Harper, and Seth.

"Have you apologized to Seth yet?" After a couple seconds of Dean not answering I sigh and walk over to the treadmill.

I put my ear buds in letting the music drown out everything as I run my ass off. Eventually, I start doing bench presses and so on. After about an hour I've completed my workout for the morning.

I take my ear buds out and spot Dean talking to Seth. After a minute they do their bro hug while chuckling. It's about damn time Dean apologized, even if it's only been a few days.

We finish up at the gym and head out for lunch. Dean invited Seth also. I mean, how could we not when he sits in the passenger seat singing songs at the top of his lungs right into Dean's face while he's driving?

"Seth, you don't even know this song! Stop yelling gibberish into my ear!" Dean complains, I bust out laughing earning a glare from Dean.

Seth ignores Dean and continues singing the song. And yes, Seth doesn't know the song whatsoever so it sounds like a bunch of whale noises coming from his mouth.

Ten minutes later we arrive at Chipotle. Dean smacks Seth upside the head as we walk in and continues to scold him on how he could have crashed because of his obnoxious singing.

"I was great! I could be on Broadway!" Seth exclaims, earning another slap on the head from Dean.

The place isn't busy so it doesn't take long to get our food.

"So, your championship match is tonight." Dean states nonchalantly. I look up from my burrito a little puzzled.

"How do you know it's tonight?"

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