Chapter 22: Challenge Accepted

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Today is the day. The day I'm going to challenge Nikki Bella for the divas championship. I don't care if I have to force her to accept my challenge, she will accept it one way or another.

"You want to challenge Nikki Bella for the championship?" Stephanie gives me a strange look. I don't think she believes I'm ready for a title run yet. I can understand that but I've defeated Nikki and I know I can defeat her again.

"Yes, I want a shot at the title. I've defeated Nikki and countless other divas. I think it's about time I'm given a chance for the championship." I say, standing my ground. I'm not walking out of here without a 'yes' from Stephanie.

"Fine, but if you lose against Nikki Bella in your title match you'll be put in a four on one handicap match as your punishment. Do we have a deal?" Stephanie reaches her hand out toward me and I gladly shake her hand with a smile on my face.

"Oh, we definitely have a deal."

I leave Stephanie's office in the best mood of my entire life. I've worked so hard the past five years for this moment. A shot at the championship. All my hard work is finally about to pay off.

"Hey, someone's in a good mood." I look up and see Seth grinning at me. He must be in a pretty good mood also.

"Well, I'm challenging Nikki Bella for the championship tonight on the show so I'm incredibly happy!" I reply, while jumping up and down. Seth laughs at my excitement but his smile immediately fades when he looks behind me.

I turn around bumping right into Dean's chest. He looks like complete shit. He has big dark circles under his eyes, his hair is all over the place, and it's very evident he hasn't shaved. The only normal thing about him is his clothes.

"Seth, can you give me a minute with Winnie?" Dean asks Seth. Seth gives a nod and leaves me alone with Dean.

I look down at the floor avoiding eye contact with Dean. I'm not in the mood to discuss this right now. To be honest, I'd rather be hanging out with Paige or Neville.

"Winnie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you for getting into a fight with that chick at the bar. I know you didn't initiate it. I just don't want you getting arrested and losing your job. Your passion." He finishes, sincerely. I look up at him and he's rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He's most likely waiting for a reply from me.

"I accept you're apology. Now I think maybe you should go and apologize to Seth." I tell Dean but he just gives me a confusing look in return. Why does he look so confused? Is there some reason why he shouldn't say he's sorry to Seth? I mean, he full on punched the guy in the face the other day.

"Why would I apologize to Seth? I never did anything to him."

"You don't remember, do you?" I ask, but Dean only shakes his head to say 'no'.

That's when I realize how drunk Dean got the other night. How could he drink so much that he doesn't even remember coming over to my hotel room?

"You don't remember coming over to my hotel room completely trashed and punching Seth because he took the blame for my actions? Where did you think the big ass bruise on his jaw came from?" I start to shout getting the attention of a couple people walking by. I roll my eyes at the weird looks they give me and forward my attention back to Dean.

"Winnie, I didn't even know I did any of that. I must have completely blacked out. I didn't even think I had that much too drink!" He throws his hands up in the air. I cross my arms across my chest not breaking eye contact with him, "I promise you I will apologize to Seth. He's my best friend, I don't want to jeapordize that." He assures me. I give him a nod.

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