Chapter 3: Uncomfortable Stares

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It's been a few days since I've seen Roman, Dean, and Seth. Mainly because Dean is mad I beat him so he doesn't want to go near me.

"What are you thinking about?" Neville asks. We have a couple hours before RAW so we decided to hang out for a bit.

"Oh nothing,"

"Okay, anyways, do you have a match tonight?"

"I'm not sure. I never find out until I get to the arena. How about you?"

"I have a match against Barret,"

"Kick his ass," I encourage while Neville rolls his eyes.

I've always thought Neville was cute. I don't have any strong feelings for him though. I still see him as a friend. Well, best friend.

"Okay, seriously, what do you keep thinking about? This is the second time within the last five minutes you have started staring off into space,"

"Cats. Yup, just thinking about cats," I stutter out way to quickly. Neville gives me a I-know-you're-lying look but goes with it anyways.

"Okay then,"

"Shall we go watch something on Netflix?" I suggest grabbing the remote.

"We aren't Netflix and chilling right?"

"Oh my lord! I hate how people think you wanna have sex whenever someone suggests 'Netflix and chill'. Maybe I actually just want to watch Netflix while chilling!" I raise my voice without meaning to.

"Damn. Now I know to never ask that again," I roll my eyes and grab the phone book and toss it at Neville.

"Order a pizza. I'm hungry and you are to,"

"Why am I ordering it?"

"Because I don't like to. Meat lovers with stuffed crust and get cheesy bread with ranch please,"

"You're lucky I'm hungry too," While Neville orders the pizza I get a text from Seth.

Be over in ten. Bringing the lunatic also.

"Make it two pizzas please,"

"Why?" I show him the text. "They are like obsessed with you,"

"No they're not,"

"They are always hanging out with you,"

"No, I'm always with you. You don't have to be jealous they're just friends,"

"I'm not jealous, Winnie. Just looking out for you," I let Neville order the food and he orders more stuff than I told him too.

I go into the bedroom and look myself over in the mirror. My hair is in a messy side braid, I have little makeup on, and I'm wearing black sweatpants and one of Neville's WWE shirts.

Since when do you care about how you look?

"I don't," I whisper to my inner self. I hear someone knock on the door then Neville's voice a couple seconds after.

"Didn't mean to interrupt your alone time," Seth winks at me.

"We're not dating jackass," I fire back. "Anyways Neville ordered pizza and some other stuff,"

"Be here in about twenty minutes if you guys are hungry," I look up from my phone to see Seth's eyes raking down my body.

"My eyes are up here, Rollins," He immediately looks back up while his cheeks become red. I grab the remote and sit down looking through the different tv shows on Netflix.

"Let's watch Family Guy!" Seth exclaims trying to grab the remote from me. I move away from him and click on Ghost Adventures. Ten minutes into the episode it felt like someone was staring intently at me. I look over and see both Dean and Seth staring at me. Seth quickly looks back to the tv but Dean keeps his gaze focused on me. I quickly look back at the tv trying to look like I'm focused on what's happening.

Ever since they got here Dean hasn't said a word to me and Seth is acting a little strange. Could Seth like me? No, he's probably just looking to get laid by someone and wanting that someone to be me.

I look back over at Dean. He's now watching the show. His hair is messy like he had just gotten out of bed making him look younger than he actually is. His eyes are bright blue like a clear sky on a nice sunny day. His lips-

"What are you looking at?" Neville whispers causing me to come back to reality.

"W-what? Oh! Nothing," I whisper back. Someone knocks on the door saving me from having to explain anything to him.

I jump up grab the money and open the door.

"Thirty-seven dollars exact," The pizza guy says. I look at all the stuff he's holding. Three pizzas, four other small containers, and two two-liters of Dr. Pepper. I handed him the money and take everything from him.

"Neville what did you freaking order?" I ask setting the stuff on the table gently careful not to drop anything.

"Three meat lovers pizza, two things of cheesy bread with ranch and two things of barbecue wings,"

"You would never guess you're a wrestler with all the crap you eat but that all does sound really good," We all grab plates piling food on top of them. I sit back down digging into my food while watching the next episode of Ghost Adventures.

"Who the hell  would volunteer to go into a building that's haunted?" Dean comments.

"Why wouldn't you? It would be such an awesome experience," I say turning to him. He just gives me a weird look before looking away.


I keep finding myself staring at Dean for the next hour. I know I shouldn't be but I can't help myself. Maybe I just need to splash some cold water on my face.

"I'll be right back," I dismiss myself heading to the bathroom. The cold water feels good on my face. I take a couple deep breaths than look up at my reflection in the mirror.

"What the fuck?" I shout turning around to see Dean standing there. "What do you want?"

"For you to stop staring at me like a deer in headlights," He smirks as my face becomes hot.

"I-I don't know w-what you're talking about," I try to play it off but failing miserably.

"It's okay babe, you're not the only one staring," He winks at me then retreats the bathroom.

What the hell does he mean by that?
I'm so sorry for not updating for almost three months! I've been so busy with school and marching band that I haven't gotten the time to even write at all. Please don't hate me too much! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please vote and comment!

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