Chapter 4: New Tag Team Partner/Friend

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It's been a couple days since I've seen Dean and Seth. I haven't had a match at any of the live events so I didn't have to go. I just stayed home and either hung out with Neville or by myself. I really need to get some friends that are divas.

"Winnie, it's time," Stephanie informs me. I make my way to the curtain waiting for my music to hit. Stephanie and Triple H want me to team up with AJ Lee. She thinks since I'm undefeated and that AJ is one of the best WWE divas of the division right now we could make a pretty good tag team.

I don't care what you think as long as it's about me...

I make my way down to the ring. Nikki Bella has the upper hand against AJ right now and I'm here to change that.

I get down to the ring and Nikki comes over to me yelling at me from inside the ring.

"What the hell are you doing down here?" She shouts. I see Brie coming towards out of the corner of my eye and Nikki smirks. Brie reaches for me but I quickly duck and kick her in her stomach then deliver a super kick to the face sending her to the ground. I turn back to Nikki who is yelling at me but AJ rolls her up for the win.

Nikki rolls out of the ring and I crawl in. AJ and I look at each other and walk towards each other not breaking eye contact. We are the same height so it makes it easier to not break eye contact. I stick my hand out as a peace offering and she shakes it. Then I raise our hands like a ref would and the universe goes crazy. This was definitely a very good idea.

"Okay, I was told I would get a new tag team partner but I never thought it was you," AJ says as we walk to catering.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" I ask nervously.

"Did you see how the crowd reacted out there? Of course it's a good thing! I think we can become really good friends also,"

"Oh AJ, Winnie doesn't have any friends. Haven't you noticed? She only hangs out with Neville, her little boy toy," Nikki Bella sneers with Brie right next to her.

"He's not my boy toy. He's just a friend,"

"Come on Winnie, everyone can see he has the hots for you,"

"He does not," I say starting to get mad.

"What do you want Nikki?" AJ asks.

"Your title,"

"Oh come on, Nikki! You have had your chances and you failed so give it up,"

"That's not happening until I get what I want. I've already talked to Stephanie and Hunter and I've got a match against you for that title at Survivor Series," Nikki smirks crossing her arms over her chest. AJ is fuming and looks like she's about to rip Nikki apart.

"If you want the title so bad why don't you take a crayon and draw a fake one just like you do with your face," I snap at her. Nikki's mouth gapes open while Brie is trying not to laugh.

"Bye," AJ waves her off and they leave. "Okay that was the best comeback ever!" She exclaims laughing her ass off.

"I kinda came up with it on the spot," I start to laugh myself. We walk into catering and everyone looks at us. We immediately quiet down and walk back to a table with Neville, Dean, Seth, and Roman.

"What were you two laughing about?" Neville asks. They must have taped us without knowing since I see AJ, Nikki, Brie, and I on the tv.

"Watch," AJ points to the tv and the boys watch. Unfortunately they taped the part where Nikki referred to Neville as my boy toy causing everyone who's watching to look over at us for a second.

"If you want the title so bad why don't you take a crayon and draw a fake one just like you do with your face,"

The whole room erupts in gasps and laughter. Some people shout to me across the room and others come over and give me a high five.

"That's the best comeback ever," Dean says still laughing.


"I gotta go have my match," Dean says standing up.

"Who are you wrestling?" Seth asks.

"Whoever accepts my open challenge," He smirks and walks out.

"I'll be right back," Neville then stands up and walks out.

"Do you think he's gonna accept Dean's open challenge?" AJ asks.

"He does have the hots for you and seems to get jealous easily," Seth has a smirk on his face. I glare at him and turn my attention to the tv as Dean's music sounds.

"Tonight I came out here to pull off a John Cena," Dean starts off and the crowd erupts in cheers. "I'm having an open challenge! Any superstar back there that wants a piece of me thinking they can beat me, go ahead and come on out!" Dean throws the mic behind him waiting for his opponent. It's a good thirty seconds before someone's music finally hits.The smile that was once on my face has dropped.

"Oh shit," Seth mutters and looks at me.

"You've got to be kidding me," I groan rubbing my temple in frustration.

"Called it!" AJ shouts causing everyone in catering to look at her. "Stop staring and watch the tv!" Everyone listens which I find amusing. I look back at the tv and see they both have a mic.

"I had a feeling you were gonna be the one to accept my open challenge. Neville, are you sure you want to do this?"

"What? Scared that you're gonna get your ass beat by me?" Neville fires and Dean's grin drops.

"Not a chance. Let me take another guess on why you're out here. Could it be because you're jealous that Winnie might have feelings for me and not you?" Neville's jaw tightens and he clenches the mic harder. "You know what? Why don't we get her out here at ringside to watch me beat your ass. Come on out, Winnie!"

"Aren't you gonna go?" AJ asks on the edge of her seat.

"Not unless someone makes-"

"Winnie, get out there at commentary now," A producer yells across catering at me. I nod and make my way to the curtain.
Hey lunatics! I'm doing pretty good so far with updating my books each week. The video at the beginning of the chapter is Winnie's ring music, I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy. It's the lyrics. Her music starts at the chorus just so you guys don't get confused. Please vote and comment!

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