Chapter 14: Curly Sue

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"That was awesome! You beat the crap out of her!" Roman exclaims when AJ and I walk into catering.

"Thanks," I mumble to him. I don't really want to talk about how I lost my temper with Summer. Now, I see it wasn't something I should have let effect the match we had. I need to be more mature and leave my personal life out of the work place.

"Yeah, that'll show her to stay away from your man alright." Seth winks at me. The three of them burst out laughing. I sit there confused for a couple seconds before realization hits me.

Dear lord...

"They got that part on mic didn't they?" I ask looking down at the table.

"Yup, but don't worry babe, no one will take me away from you." He winks at me and grabs my hand. The butterflies creep into my stomach while a smile creeps across my face.

"GET A ROOM!" Roman roars loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. A couple of them snicker while others are whistling. Gotta love the WWE.

"Very funny, Roman." Dean glares at him. I laugh a little myself. The four of us watch matches and talk about who we want to win them.

"Hey guys!" Neville sits down across from me. He's acting like nothing happened between us. It's been a while since I talked too him. Last time we talked he ended up leaving me without saying a word.

He glances down at Dean and I's interlocked hands. I immediately slide mine out of Dean's getting a weird look from Dean.

"Hey Neville! What's up bro?" Seth asks and they start a mini conversation. Maybe Neville has gotten over me?

Soon it's time to go back to the hotel, thankfully. My feet hurt and I can feel a headache starting to come on.

"Do you want me to come stay with you tonight?" Dean asks as he keeps his eyes on the road. Barely any cars are out so it won't take us over an hour to get to the hotel that's only two miles away from the arena. That happens more often than it really should.

"You don't have too."

"I want you to be able to sleep cause you feel safe. I know you haven't been sleeping well lately." He glances over at me. I look out the window at the buildings passing by. I don't like feeling vulnerable but right now that's exactly how I feel. I absolutely hate it.

"How about this," He stops at a red light and turns to me, "I'll drop you off at your room then I'll go to mine to change. I'll be back at your room within fifteen minutes. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good, but you really should go now because the lights been green for a good ten seconds." He looks at the stoplight as it goes from green to yellow for a second and back to red. Tons of car horns start to sound. Dean's reaction to this is to stick his hand out the window and flip everyone off.


Dean just left to go back to his hotel room to change. I grab one of my merchandise shirts and a pair of black shorts to change into and walk to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and let the water heat up before I step in. I can't stand a cold shower.

I let the hot water relax my tense muscles. I have some big bruises forming on my legs and sides from my match. I think the divas try to hurt each other worst than the superstars try to sometimes.

After I'm done in the shower I throw on my clothes and head to the kitchen. I grab a glass and pour some grape juice in it. Suddenly, someone is gripping my sides. I scream and toss the juice from my cup on their face.

"Well, that's refreshing." Dean says, he wipes his face of his shirt causing his grey shirt to become stained.

"Your scared the shit out of me!" I exclaim, holding my chest that's rapidly falling up and down.

"Really? I didn't even fucking notice!" He gives me a blank stare as grape juice rolls down his cheek. That's when I completely lose it. He continues to glare at me as I fall down to the floor, laughing my ass off.

"I should call you Juice Face!"

"Let's not." He grumbles, wiping the juice off his face with a paper towel.

"I think it suits you very well!" I exclaim. I climb up off the floor as Dean throws away the paper towel.

"Now my face is all sticky!" He complains in a really girly voice.

"Calm down curly Sue. You can go wash your face in the bathroom."

"Don't ever call me that again." I wink at him as he walks by me and into the bathroom. Maybe that'll teach him not to scare me with a beverage in my hand.

I grab some black nail polish and start to paint my nails. I haven't done them in so long because I haven't had the time. I was always training or going to auditions for the different wrestling companies.

I start to spread the paint on my left pinky and work my way to my thumb.

"Why do girls paint their nails?" Dean asks when he plops down beside me.

"Because it looks pretty and not so plain. I hate it when my nails aren't painted. They look ugly."

"I don't think nails were made to look pretty, Winnie."

"You don't know that." I tease him. It's cute when he gets frustrated and doesn't know what too say.

"Smart ass." He mutters under his breath. I look over at him and laugh, "What are you looking at?" He has a grin on his face which kills the seriousness in his voice.

"You have dried up grape juice on your cheek." I point to the spot. He takes his finger and touches it. He sighs and heads over to the bathroom again.
I updated for the first time in like two months. Yay!!! I hope you guys like this shitty chapter. This is just a filler, but the drama is going to start next chapter. Friday is also my last day of school so I will have more time towards writing both of my books that are currently published. Again, I hope you like or love the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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