Chapter 21: Right Here Right Now

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I wake up in my bed. I know it's my bed and not Dean's because the bed is as hard as a rock. I sigh sitting up and immediately regret it. My head feels like someone bashed it against a wall repeatedly for an hour without stopping.

I look over at the nightstand and there's a glass of water with two Advil pills beside it. I doubt drunk me would remember to do that so it must have been Dean.

I put the pills in my mouth then use the water to swallow them. Within five minutes my headache has subsided for the most part. Mentally, I thank Dean for setting those out. Even though he's pissed at me. Thankfully, I still remember what happened last night so I didn't drink enough to black out. I think I would have slapped myself if I had blacked out.

The the thought of food makes me sick but my mouth is as dry as the Sahara Desert so I force myself to walk to the kitchen and get a bottle of water. Except water isn't the only think I find in the kitchen. I also find Seth. Seth freaking Rollins in my hotel room kitchen. And I start to panic.

"Don't worry, I stayed here last night and slept on the couch. I didn't want your drunken self leaving the place and getting lost or killed." He hands me a water bottle and I take it, quietly thanking him.

"So, you left the Advil and water out for me?" I ask and receive a nod in reply. My heart sinks a little. Don't get me wrong, Seth is a good friend. I was just hoping Dean wasn't that mad at me. Honestly, he shouldn't be mad at me what so ever. The bitch started it. Damn, I sound like a child.

"I'll go now since you're awake and okay." He says after a few moments of awkward silence. I follow him as he walks out of the kitchen into the living room area.

"Seth, you don't have to leave. I was just shocked it was you and not Dean." He drops his shoes with a sigh when I mention Dean. I take a seat on the couch and he takes a seat on the chair across from me.

"Dean is pretty mad at you. If it wasn't for me he wouldn't be. So, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for asking you to do that. I shouldn't have. I was just panicking because I couldn't get her away from me." Seth runs his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Don't beat yourself up Seth. I probably shouldn't have gotten into a fight with the dumb bitch." He looks at me and let's out a small chuckle, "So, I take it that Dean is pretty upset with me?" I ask while fidgeting with pieces of my hair.

"Yeah, I don't think he understands that you were defending yourself against the chick. He might think you initiated it since you were drunk."

"I wasn't that drunk! I was able to break her nose." I point out. Seth rolls his eyes and a smirk makes its way onto his face.

"Anyways, Dean should be here in about twenty minutes to talk things out with you since you're all sobered up."

"Wait, what time is it?"

"Almost four o'clock." Seth answers with a smug tone. The dumb fuck just let me sleep the whole damn day away!

"Why didn't you wake me up at, I don't know, nine in the freaking morning?" He just laughs at me as I glare at him.

"Better start getting ready cause your hair looks like a birds nest." I subconsciously rub the back of my head with my hand. I can feel several large knots and groan.

I get up and head to the bathroom. I'm gonna need to take a good shower and wash my hair. There's no way I'm getting these tangles out without one.

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