Chapter 6: Baby Blue

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I can't get that picture out of my mind. Or the caption that went along with it. Now the whole WWE universe thinks Dean and I are a thing. I figured Neville had a crush on me but I didn't think he would show it at our job let alone on air. Guess I was wrong.

I used to have feelings for Neville but they vanished a while ago. I don't think I could possibly become anything more than friends with him though. We've known each other since high school and even lived in the same neighborhood. That's when I had feelings for him. Those feelings vanished when we both debuted in NXT. That's when I met Tyler Breeze.

He's not all full of himself off air. He is actually really nice and caring. We started talking and got pretty serious. We dated for the two years I was there. Right before I debuted to the main roster is when he broke up with me. He took my virginity. I thought we were gonna be together forever. Yes, I know how cliché that's sounds but it's true.

Then he met some other girl and dumped me. He made me feel like I was nothing to him. We haven spoken since. Thankfully I've debuted to the main roster and don't see him anymore. It was always weird when we were in the same room. You could feel the tension in the air.

I haven't had another boyfriend since. I decided to focus on my career and make my goal of becoming divas champion come true. Now I'm within arms reach of that goal. If I remain undefeated I'll soon have a chance to become the champion.

But that doesn't explain why deep down, I felt something when Dean kissed me. There's no chance I could be getting feelings for him. I've barely known him for three weeks. Most of that time he was ignoring me. My mind kept started to float back to what he said a couple days ago.

"Don't worry, I wasn't the only one staring,"

What did he mean by that? That he was staring too? Probably, but then why was he staring? Ugh, feelings. They can turn out to be something great or make you have a complete breakdown. Sometimes, more like most of the time, I wish I had no feelings. Like the Grinch before his heart grew seven times bigger. Was it seven? What the hell am I thinking? I need to be focused on how I feel not on how much bigger the Grinch's heart grew.

Suddenly my phone buzzed pulling me out of my thoughts. I checked who it was. Seth.

Hey, wanna come over?

Who's all there?

Myself, Roman, and...Dean.

Nah, I'm good.

We got pizza!

Fine. Be there in five.

I'm only going because there is pizza. No other reason. I don't really wanna go because of Dean but I'll stay far away from him.

Five minutes later I found myself knocking on their hotel room door. I had looked like a mess before coming here. I quickly put my hair in a sloppy side braid, put on a little make up, and threw on leggings and random sweatshirt that I didn't even bother to see if it was clean or dirty. I also put on a black beanie that had Jack Skeleton on it.

"You actually came," Seth sounded surprised.

"Yup, couldn't resist free food," I walked in and grabbed a bottle of wine filling a wine glass half way. Before I could even take a drink the glass was ripped from my hands. "Hey!" I shouted turning around to see Dean with a smirk on his face.

"You're underage," He smirked. I oughta slap that stupid ass smirk off his face.

"By a month. Since when do you care?"

"We don't need you getting drunk,"

"Unlike you, I'm a responsible drinker. I know my limit," I snap taking my drink back and walking away.

"Nice sweatshirt by the way," He smirks then walks into the living room. I stand there confused before looking down at my sweatshirt.

"Come the fuck on!" I growl. I just had to grab an Ambrose Asylum one. Since when did I even have any of his merch?

"Everything alright?" Roman asks when I come in the room and plop down on the couch beside Seth.

"Yeah, anyways, where is the pizza?" I ask taking a sip of the wine. It's really good and tastes like strawberries.

"On it's way. I ordered your favorite. Meat lovers. Also cheesy bread with ranch," Seth said.

"You're the best!" I say hugging him. He laughs and hugs back.

"Seth! Let's go get more beer an another bottle of wine for Winnie," Roman dragged Seth out of the hotel room leaving Dean and I alone. Great.

We had already spent the first twenty minutes in silence and I'm on my third glass of wine. No, I'm not a lightweight. I'm no where near drunk yet.

"Are you mad at me?" Dean asked all of a sudden.



"You're kidding! You kissed me on air! Have you seen the picture that was posted on twitter ten minutes after?" I'm very tempted to throw the wine in his face telling him how stupid he is.

"Picture? What fucking picture?" He growls at me. He sits beside me as I pull up the picture on my phone. "I didn't intend for all this to happen. I just wanted to push Neville's buttons since he had a big crush on you. Sorry,"

"You sorry? That's a first,"

"You've known me to three weeks,"

"So? It's still a first. Say it again so I can record it. I wanna remember this moment for forever!" I exaggerate. He rolls his eyes at me shaking his head with a small grin on his face.

Our eyes lock and I notice how blue his eyes are. They aren't a dark ocean blue. They are more of a sky blue or a baby blue. His lips looked soft. So soft and smooth.

Suddenly the door opens pulling me back to reality. I didn't even notice Dean and I had been leaning closer and closer towards each other. I quickly try to act like I was taking a drink of my wine.

"Got more beer and the pizza!" Roman shouts. Obviously he hadn't noticed but I think Seth did. He was giving us an unreadable expression. I don't know if that's good or bad.
Hey lunatics! Remember, boys are bad. All they do is mess with your feelings leaving you hurt in the end even if they don't realize it. I wrote this chapter to help keep my mind away from what happened earlier today. I hope you enjoy it because I think it's the best chapter yet! Please vote and comment! Love ya, lunatics!

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