Chapter 13: Playing Footsy

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I haven't fully recovered from my father's phone call. I keep having nightmares of him finding me and torturing me. Hence the reason why I have very dark bags under my eyes.

Dean and I are currently walking through the corridors making our way to catering. I keep looking around nervously while holding his hand tightly. I'm not a big fan of showing any affection in public, but holding his hand makes me feel safe.

"Are you okay?" Dean looks at me with a worried expression.

"Yeah, why?" I force a smile on my face but I can tell he doesn't believe me.

"Well, you're holding my hand very tightly, you keep looking around every ten seconds, and  you're faking a smile to try and hide your emotions. What's wrong?" We walk into catering and head straight for the table with all the food. My stomach starts to growl loudly. I guess that's what I get for not eating since last night.

"I'm just worried my father is going to come out of no where."

"As long as you're with me no one is going to hurt you." I look up and give him a warm smile. He returns it then goes back to putting food on his plate. I decide on some salad with grilled chicken pieces on it and a couple blueberries.

We sit down with Roman, Seth, and Summer Rae. Seth and Summer sit on one side of the table while Roman, Dean, and I sit on the other side. I haven't talked to Summer but I heard you either love her or hate her. There's no in between.

"We were just talking about what matches we have tonight." Seth says.

"Yeah! Foxy and I are gonna be you and AJ's opponents tonight. Exciting right?" Summer beams at me.

"Yeah, that's awesome!" She's way too cheery for my liking. I don't want to seem rude though so I just agree.

Twenty minutes goes by that's full of boring conversations between Dean, Roman, Seth, and Summer. They're talking about all the achievements they've made throughout their wrestling careers. I don't have any. I never wrestled at UFC or TNA before coming to the WWE. The WWE is where my career started. And I don't plan on leaving this company. I absolutely love it here.

"You alright, Winnie?" Seth asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look around the small group and they're all looking at me. Talk about uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking,"

"Well, do you want to come hangout with us later at the bar? It'll be us five and a few others,"

"Sure, sounds like fun!" I'm actually really excited to go. It'll take my mind off all the chaos.

I drop a piece of lettuce on the floor so I bend down to pick it up. Only to have the fire that's been put out in me, for some time now, fueled back up. Summer is playing footsy with Dean. I'm relieved Dean keeps pulling his foot away but Summer doesn't seem to get the message since she keeps rubbing her foot against his.

I grab the piece of lettuce and set it on my napkin on the table. I look at Summer out of the corner of my eye just to see her staring at Dean. She's definitely making him uncomfortable. I can tell just by how he's looking down at his food without eating it.

Just as I'm about to kick Summer's foot away a producer comes telling Summer and I it's time for our match. We both stand up and make our way to the curtain.

"We'll be watching!" Dean exclaims as we leave. I turn around giving him a smile before walking out of the room.

I stray behind Summer by a couple feet. I don't really like her and I don't want her to try to talk to me. She wants Dean and I don't like her for that.

"You ready to kick some ass?" AJ jumps up and down on the balls of her feet.

"Oh definitely," I say giving Summer a glare without thinking. Thankfully she didn't see. I look back at AJ who's giving me this weird look. AJ's music blares saving me from any questions she was about to ask.

AJ skips down the ramp while I walk down it. Since I'm the youngest wrestler on the main roster my character is to act like I don't give a shit in the world. I love it.

Once AJ and I are settled in the ring Summer and Alicia Fox come down to the ring. AJ and I watch as Summer and Alicia decide who will start off. Alicia stays in the ring as Summer gets out so I let AJ start for us. If I'm going to fight tonight it'll be against Summer. You don't flirt with my man and get away with it. Damn. Since when did I become so mean?

The ref signals for the bell to ring and the match starts. AJ is tiny compared to Alicia. Each person has advantages and disadvantages here. Alicia is easily able to knock AJ off of her. After a while they both take a big blow from each other. AJ tags me in at the same time Alicia tags in Summer. 

We lock up but Summer is able to push me off since she's taller than me. She goes to deliver a clothesline but I quickly dodge it. I stop and when she turns around I kick her in the face stunning her. She stumbles back into the turnbuckle. I take advantage of this and run at her digging my knee into her ribs causing her to slide down to the ring floor. The ref counts as I continue to ram my knee into her ribs. I back off right as he's about to count me out.

"Maybe next time you'll think before trying to play footsy with my boyfriend!" I hiss at her as I pull her up to her feet by her hair. She looks at me with a grin on her face.

"You really think he likes you? Dean and I have history, Winnie. And his feelings for me haven't diminished," She smirks and my stomach drops. I feel like I'm about to throw up. But I have to finish this match by winning it.

I slap her across the face hard catching her off guard. I continue to slap her until I have her against the turnbuckle. From there I deliver a Tornado DDT and pin her for the win.

"1...2...3!" The crowd erupts in cheers as the ref raises AJ and I's hands. When he let's go I bend down and whisper in Summer's ear.

"I'll tell you this one last time. Don't mess with my man,"
Hey lunatics! Does anyone like My Digital Escape? They're a group of youtubers. Well I love MDE and I'm going to their concert on April 15 here in Ohio. Is anyone else going? If so, maybe we could meet in person! I haven't meet any of my readers yet and I'd love too! Comment or message me of you are!

I hope you guys like the chapter. I actually might update again this week but not promises. Don't forget to vote!

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