Chapter 5: Dean Ambrose vs Neville

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Why did Neville come out to face Dean? I have no fucking clue. It's really pissing me off though.

I don't care what you think as long as it's about me...

I walk down the ramp pissed off. Neville's face expression shows hatred towards Dean and it doesn't change when he glances at me. Dean's smirk is immediately wiped off his face when he sees how mad I am.

"I'm here and watching so start the match!" I shout. I take a seat next to JBL and put a headset on as the match starts.

"It's nice to have you here with us, Winnie," Michael Cole says.

"Honestly, I'm not so happy to be here,"

"Why not? You got two guys fighting over you!" Jerry exclaims.

"They aren't fighting over me," I sigh and watch Dean clothesline Neville.

"Everyone can see that Neville likes you!"

"Well how do you know Ambrose likes me, Jerry?" Before he can answer Dean is throwing Neville onto the announcement table causing the four of us to stand and back up. Dean looks at me and winks then grabs Neville and throws him back into the ring. I cock my head to the side staring at Dean trying to figure out what just happened.

"There's your answer," Jerry mutters. I roll my eyes and throw my headset onto the table. I then walk slowly around the ring catching their attention.

"What are you doing?" Neville shouts when Dean is down.

"Observing," I sweetly respond and the match continues. It's been twenty minutes and neither of them looks like they're about to lose. Neville throws Dean out of the ring making him hit the barricade hard. Dean stumbles to get up. Neville comes out and throws him back into the ring followed by a drop kick to the face that let's Neville set up Dean for the Red Arrow. Neville hits the move perfectly and pins Dean.

"1..2..3!" The crowd roars in cheers with a couple boos here and there. I honestly am a little surprised Neville won.

Dean is pissed that he lost. I watch him as he shakes his head in disappointment. Suddenly he grins an evil grin then motions for me to come into the ring. He grabs a mic also.

"Congratulations on winning, Neville. But take a look at this," Dean drops the mic, wraps his arms around me then smashes his lips onto mine. I gasp and he takes advantage by slipping his tongue into my mouth. Next, I'm being pushed off of him and Neville kicks Dean in the face. I feel my face heating up from the kiss.

Neville keeps on punching and kicking Dean making several referees get into the ring to try and pull him off. While I'm leaning against the turnbuckle in pure shock. I pull myself together and run up the ramp running as fast as I can to get away from all the cameras.

"What the hell!" AJ shouts as I run into her in the corridor.

"Was that planned? Was Dean suppose to kiss me? In front of thousands of people!" Before she can respond I take off towards Hunter's office.

"Was that planned?" I rush as soon as he opens the door.

"Come sit down," He calmly says. As soon as we are both seated he starts to talk again, "No, that was not planned. I have Dean on his way down here right now along with Neville to figure out what the hell is going on," I nod at his response. A couple minutes later there's a knock at the door. Hunter opens the door to Dean and Neville. They walk in a take a seat on either side of me.

"Why-" I start but get interrupted by Hunter.

"Winnie. Let me. Why in the hell did you kiss her, Ambrose? This is not part of the script. And you weren't suppose to accept the open challenge, Neville,"

"Neville is crazy about Winnie so I figured why not mess around with him. So I kissed her and I have to say, you are a good kisser," Dean winks at me. I see Neville tense up out of the corner of my eye.

"Ambrose," Hunter says sternly, obviously annoyed. "And for you, Neville, learn to control your actions. I will let both of you know what your punishments are tomorrow before we tape Smackdown," He dismisses us.

I have only been in this company for a month and I'm already in the center of all the drama. Off and on air may I add.

"Please don't be mad, Winnie," Neville begs. I stop and face both Dean and Neville.

"I'm mad at you, for letting your jealousy take over and get you in trouble," I scold Neville, "I'm pissed at you, because you shoved your tongue down my throat in front of the whole WWE universe! You don't care how I feel about all this! You could have at least asked me if I was okay with you kissing me but NO! YOU DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU PLEASE!" I am fuming once I stop yelling at Dean. Both of the guys are speechless. I storm off to catering before I break Dean's nose.

"You look pissed," Seth mentions when I sit down beside AJ.

"Maybe it's because your best friend shoved his tongue down me throat in front of thousands of people," I say in a 'duh' tone.

"It's not that big of a deal. The worst that could happen is The Authority makes a storyline out of it," AJ says.

"A love triangle storyline for sure. They aren't gonna make it seem like that never happened,"

"You're completely right, Winnie. Take a look at this," Seth hands me his phone with a picture of Dean kissing me. My arms are trapped at my sides as Dean's hands rest right above my ass. The tweet said:

Looks like the WWE has another couple on the way as the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose, shows his feelings for, Winnie, the newest diva to the divas division. Will this love hold together or go down in flames with Neville on their tale?

I groan handing Seth his phone back. Almost made it a month without getting myself in some drama.
Get lunatics! Here's the 5th chapter of Heal Me. I hope you like it! Also have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

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