Chapter 8: I Like You

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It's been a couple days since Neville and I had our fallout. We haven't talked to each other at all. We've passed each other in the corridors but he doesn't even look at me for a second. It's upsetting since we were best friends but maybe it's for the best.

"Why so sad?" Dean sits on the crates beside me. I had been walking around and decided to sit here for a while. No one ever comes down this corridor.

"I'm sure you don't wanna sit here and listen to my problems," He shrugs.

"I have time. RAW doesn't start for an hour and I don't have a match till ten. So I'm all yours for the next three hours," He gives me a small smile and I sigh.

"Neville came over to my hotel room a couple days ago. He said he needed to talk to me. Instead of talking he kissed me," I saw Dean tense a little and clench his fists but unclench them in a second.


"Did you kiss him back?" Dean asks after a couple seconds of silence.

"At first. Five seconds into the kiss I realized what I was doing. I couldn't make out with my best friend! Even if he does have feelings for me. Neville is like a brother to me. I told him how I felt and it was a little harsh but it was the truth. He left without saying another word to me. That's the last time we've spoke and that was a couple days ago," I look down at the floor. Dean puts his hand under my chin lifting my head up so my eyes meet his.

"Don't worry about him. He just needs some time to get over the fact you don't like him like that. I'm sure it won't be long before everything goes back to normal," He gives me a reassuring smile. I can't help but return it.

"Thanks, Ambrose," My phone vibrates and I pull it out of my pocket. It's a text from AJ.

AJ: He likes you.

Winnie: What are you talking about?

AJ: Ambrose. He likes you!

Winnie: How do you know this?

AJ: He hasn't taken his eyes off of you the whole conversation.

Wait. I look to my right where there are a stack of crates. I see AJ peak out and wave.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I have to go," I look at him and sure enough he's already looking at me.

"It's fine. I'll talk to you later?" He says but it comes out as a question. I smile and hop off the crate.

"Talk to you later," I walk towards the crates that AJ is hiding behind and sure enough she's still there. "You're unbelievable," I shake my head at her while she giggles.

"He likes you, Win! Don't you like him?"

"No. Yes. I don't know!" I sigh and plop down on the floor beside her. Why are feelings so difficult?

Dean's POV:

"He likes you, Win! Don't you like him?" I started to walk away but heard AJ.

"No. Yes. I don't know!" Winnie replies. My heart sinks, then pulls itself right back up.

"What are you doing?" Roman asks suddenly making me jump.

"Uh. Nothing." I say a little to fast to make him believe me.

"I'll ask again, Ambrose. What are you doing," He says sternly. He then looks behind me and a grin appears on his face. Great. "You were spying on Winnie?"

"No! She was talking to me then had to go and I heard her an AJ talking,"

"You like her a lot. Even if you refuse to admit it," I want to slap the grin off Roman's face but he's right. I do like her a lot. I was just flirting with her to make Neville jealous. But she tore down the walls I had built up for the last three years in only two weeks.

"Yeah, I do," I sigh turning back to look at them. Winnie is blushing while AJ is  laughing her ass off.

"Don't let what happened with Renee keep you back from being happy again. Just because Renee hurt you, doesn't mean Winnie will," He pats my shoulder than walks off. I look back at Winnie but her an AJ are gone.

I haven't felt this way about a girl since Renee Young. That was three years ago. For the next two years after that I was completely broken. I rarely wrestled. She completely broke my heart. The past year I have gotten over her and built up walls to keep me from having any feelings towards a girl. Winnie tore them down in no time.

The moment I saw her my heart skipped a beat. I knew from that moment I had to talk to her somehow. Even if I had to be a complete asshole to her.

I haven't been able to stop thinking about the moments we almost kissed. Would we have kissed if Seth and Roman hadn't walked into the room? Who knows. All I know is that I got completely lost in her beautiful green eyes.

I walk into catering sitting down beside Jimmy Uso who's talking to Kane. I don't have a clue on what they're talking about but I stay anyways. Not like I have anything better to do.

I look around the room hoping to spot a familiar green eyed girl. Sadly I don't spot her but I do spot her best friend walking my way with a smirk on her face. I know she was listening to Winnie and I's conversation earlier. I had seen her peak out a little before Winnie got a text. I'm guessing the text was from AJ.

"We need to talk, Ambrose," She says sternly crossing her arms. The expression on her face tells me she's fucking serious. I nod and follow her to the corridor. Jimmy and Kane didn't even notice I left.

"Okay, what do we need to talk about?"  

"I swear if you ever hurt Winnie I will fucking murder you!" She shouts. Why is she threatening me when Winnie doesn't even know if she likes me or not?

"You're pretty threatening for being so small," I tease her. She rolls her eyes and continues.

"Dean, I'm serious. I can tell she likes you even if she doesn't know it yet. She told you about her problems with Neville. She trusts you, Ambrose. Just by the way she looks at you anyone could see she has feelings for you. Don't take advantage of that,"

"I promise you I won't. Quite frankly I like her...a lot," I scratch the back of my head a little embarrassed I just admitted that to AJ. She looks behind me and a satisfied smile appears on her face. I raise an eyebrow in confusion and turn around to meet those beautiful green eyes I had been looking for earlier.

I have no clue what to think. Did she hear what I had told AJ? I was bound to tell her sometime anyways. I just wasn't ready yet. I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

"I told you I could get him to admit he likes you, Win," AJ walks over and stands beside Winnie with a smile on her face.

"Is what you just said true, Dean?" Her expression is blank making me even more nervous. I could say no and that I was just kidding but what good would that do? None. I might as well say yes, that it is the truth.

"Yeah, it's true. I like you a lot, Winnie,"
He admitted he likes her!! Yay!! I was gonna update last night but then I thought, why not just wait till tomorrow? It'll be my Christmas present to you guys! So that's what I did. I hope you like this chapter! Please vote and comment. I love reading your comments! They make my day! Till the next update my lunatics!

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