Chapter 20: Crunch

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I wake up in a big, warm, soft bed that's not mine. My hotel room bed is hard as a rock. I turn over in the bed and in the process I feel my hand connect with bare skin.

"Fuck!" Dean groans. I try to contain my laughter but end up giggling ever so slightly. Honestly, I didn't mean to smack him.

And that's when it hits me.

I'm in a bed with another guy.

A guy.

I scream and fall out of the bed landing on my face on the hardwood floor. Something warm starts running down my face making me race to the bathroom. Blood is gushing out of my nose. I grab some toilet paper and put it to my nose while tipping my head back to help the bleeding stop. It's been a long time since I've gotten a bloody nose.

"Are you okay?" Dean comes in a couple seconds later. I look at him through his reflection in the mirror. My eyes creep down to look at his abs. They're extremely defined and look as hard as a rock, "My eyes are up here darling." He points up to his eyes looking at me with an amused expression. I feel myself start to blush.

"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine." I stutter. Real smooth right? I slowly lift the toilet paper from my nose waiting for more blood to gush out. Thankfully, no more does and I continue to clean the dried blood off my face and hands.

"Why did you scream then proceed to jump out of the bed?" Dean crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the doorframe. I can feel his intense stare on me waiting for an answer.

"I was surprised to be in the same bed as you. To be honest I've never been in the same bed with a guy before." My voice is soft and low from embarrassment. I don't know why I'm embarrassed to be honest. Probably because Dean has been in bed with several other women before and then there's me who has never been in the same bed as the opposite gender. Ugh, I don't even like the thought of Dean with anyone else but me.

"You're so innocent. It's adorable." He smirks at me his signature smirk then leaves the bathroom. A few minutes later my nose, chin, and cheeks are blood free.

"Do you want to go out with Seth and Roman tonight? They invited us and said you can invite a couple friends if you want." Dean is sitting on the couch with his laptop in his lap. His hair is still all over the place telling me he hasn't bothered to brush it and most likely won't. He now has a black tank top on with grey sweat pants. I sit down beside him leaning my head on his shoulder.

"To a bar?" I see him nod his head out of the corner of my eye, "There's only one problem. I'm only twenty." I lift my head up and sit towards him with my legs crossed in front of me. He starts to smile and looks at me.

"Then we will just have to help sneak you in."


"Is there a window in the bathroom that can be opened?" Seth asks Paige when she walks back out of the bar. She nods and the boys give me a sly look.

I ended up inviting Paige to come out with us. Supposedly she can get pretty crazy and is a total light weight. She's also my only friend at the moment that's not Neville.

"We don't even know if I will be able to fit." I don't like the idea of sneaking into a bar. If I get caught drinking when I'm under age I could lose my job and get in serious trouble.

"Oh come the fuck on. You're tiny as hell! You're like a size two!" Paige is giving me the are-you-kidding-me look she gives people when she thinks they're being stupid. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm a size four actually." I mutter to myself.

There's an ally that leads to the back of the bar where the windows to the bathrooms are at. Dean, Roman, and Seth block the entry to the ally so the bouncer at the door can't see me.

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