Chapter Fourteen

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Where are you Blake?

It's been two days since Blake left to the city and i can't stand it anymore. It's hard to believe but i actually miss me. No matter how mean he is to me, i'm missing him right now. It's like i can't live without him.

Every single day goes by so slow. It feels like it should be a week already but instead it's only a day. A freaking day. Why are these days so long?

Buzzz! I looked at my phone: LUCAS. Oh my gosh what the heck is wrong with him? He's been calling me every day of every second. It's like he's obssessed with me. Wait that's not even possible. Every girl in the U.S wants him.

Or maybe he's just upset about the way things left off.Should i call him? Maybe he just wants an explaination or something. Either way it would be nice to distract myself from the Blake thing. I think i might even be obssessed with him.

I picked up the phone, "hello?"

There was some silence on the other end, "um Charlie?" Lucas's unsure voice was on the other line.

"Yeah it's me," I said.

He sighed, "oh thank God i have been calling you like crazy these past several days. Where were you?"

"Um," I began. What do i say? This was so a mistake. I can't say i've been ignoring him these past several days. It would sound really mean.

"I was just um... been really busy you know. Doing um... you know stuff," Wow great move Charlie. I'm sure he'll fall for that. He probably knows you're ignoring him. Now he thinks you're even worst than before. I wonder where Blake is.

Turns out this is not helping me out at all. Why do you keep thinking about Blake brain huh? Is Blake that sexy and hot and sweet and- NO he is not. He is just something you should forget about. He probably just wants to tell you to stay away from him or something.

"Hello? Charlie are you there?" Lucas's voice interrupts me from my train of thoughts.

More like my obssession with Blake!!

"Um yeah so what were you saying?" I asked. Now i feel so horrible. I can't believe i'm ignoring him right now.

Lucas clears his throat, "So i was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies today," He said. But it seemed like he was demanding that i go to the movies with him.

Ok let's think about this. What are the ups of going to the movies with Lucas? Lets me it might help me forget about Blake. Plus it would definitely help me forget about Blake.

What are the downs of going to the movies with Lucas? Blake might hear about it and get mad again. Then there's the thing Blake has to tell me. I can't go out with someone else knowing that Blake might confess something romantic to me.

But what if this is only a friend to friend type of thing? Should i just go for it? And there's the chance that Blake might confess that he can't stand the sight of me. Then l'd lose him and Lucas.

I cleared my throat, "Yeah i'd love to," I say to the phone.

"Really?" Lucas let out a sigh. It looked like he was holding it in for a long time. "You don't know how much this means to me. I'll pick you up at 5:30 ok?" He asked.

"Um yeah," i said and then hung up.

What the heck did i just do? i don't want to go on a date with Lucas. I want to go on one with Blake. No i can't do this anymore. This obssession has to stop. Stop thinking about Blake. He probably doesn't even like you.

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